R27ER is horror

Then talk to me as i have a plane with r73 and 9m i much prefer the 9m

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The only downside is no HMD really it baffles me that its not moving up

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Sure? The difference is I’ve actually educated myself on both. You clearly haven’t. I don’t have a bias, you do.


then you have a skill issue
r73 is superior in every way to aim9m

Didn’t even say R73 is bettter then 9M
I prefer the range that the 9M has with its IRCCM that the r73 doesn’t

R73 isn’t smokeless and its IRCCM is only effective when it with in 1km of the target

and aim9m IRCCM is only effective against someone unaware, making it useless in most situations
literally all you have to do to evade aim9m is pop a flare and turn, no matter the distance it was fired at
r73 when fired at below 2km is just almost certain death

You have to pop alot of flares and turn and in game modes where the missiles aren’t red diamonds you will be less aware of it R73 is only effect in 1km any further its a one flare

I assume you thebtype American main that really thinks they need the AIM-9X

I dont really care all that much about 9m vs r73 as I do about r27er and aim7m
r27er has no right to be in the game

please continue to be sad about it

We are in a ir missile meta sarh can be easily countered by notching or flying low

not r27er lol

Yes its a pulse doppler SARH missile so you can notch it so you dont die or hug the deck so it hits the ground

The R-27ER can reacquire via datalink which makes notching less useful. It can be notched but the notch has to be maintained until a miss. Hiding in multipath is reliable, but the cost there is that it forces you to low altitudes which remains a disadvantage even at top tier.

Yeah the data link does make it tricky

not only r27er can relock you, it also has inertial guidance so when you lose the lock by notching it will continue intercepting your last course
and guess what happens if you change course to shrug off its inertial guidance? YOU GET LOCKED AGAIN

the only way to have any chance to survive r27er is to hug the ground but that is still 50/50 if you die, I had them kill me at 10-30m above ground

You know you can go up and down right and still notch

Definitely not 50/50 you were clearly not on flat terrain

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In terms of how AIM-7 is undermodeled, it should have inertial guidance which would give it the same better performance if the notch is entered right before terminal. Gaijin for whatever reason don’t believe -7M has this, but believe MH does, but also refuse to give that missile.

Also, it should have a longer seeker lock range, both in CW(hard capped to 45km against any RCS, which makes zero sense for a CW weapon), and in the unmodeled PD illumination mode.

WRT AIM-7P, the DL sparrow, AFAIK it wasn’t procured by the USAF, but it was made compatible with the F-16 and F-15, but only in use by export customers. Which, well, US already has AIM-7 on Block 50 despite that being an export-only thing too, so w/e?

aim7m is also unreliable af, it constantly goes 90 degrees up in the air or 90 degrees down into the ground even with a stable lock.

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That the same with every SARH and its not constantly doing that

The F-15A isn’t “comically bad”, it’s more so the state of US top tier teams. If anything you WANT it to be moved to 12.7 so you don’t have to deal with the level 8 F-4S users.