Punishment for the Zombers

Well, this is what some sim player wanted. They say that sim should be only for true fans, so the reward does not matter.

Agree, but agressive PvP is not fun for strike planes. Also, if you are not good player or you play not good plane, it is also not a lot of fun to be pray.
That is why I enjoy my own mission, not current sim EC.


Someone told me exactly the same thing a while ago. The dude was upset someone had destroyed airfield’s module that makes it repair itself. When I pointed out the objective was to destroy the airfield he told me to go play RB.

What I find funnier is that we were using the same plane (Ju 288) and by the end of the session he was only outscoring me by around 3k, but at the same time I earned 400k SL (would have been more with boosters) while he lost SL (or got nothing if he has premium). And I had fun while doing it. The guy clearly was not having fun, otherwise I doubt he would get so pissy on chat.

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Sorry, but that’s just plain wrong.

I’m a dedicated “mud mover” and fly attackers/bombers most of the time (mostly attacking bases, ground forces and ships, depending on BR/aircraft/map), and Sim EC is the ONE game mode best suited for exactly those aircraft, for those reasons:

  1. You have space, and are not forced to join the massive center map fur-ball that is standard for AB & RB, are easily able to engage targets that can be approached stealthily and are not well defended by enemy air caver.

  2. There’s usually enough targets available, be that bases, ground battle events, ships, convoys, depending on map. You don’t need to rush to be able to get your job done before everybody else snacks away your targets.

  3. You can actually chose which BR rotation you fly what, so you can prevent uncomfortable uptiers.

  4. You can select on which map you fly. Some or better suited for attackers and bombers, others not so much.

Sure, as attackers you need to be more careful about enemy aircraft, but that’s not something that can not be worked around.

But, of course you can not and should not blindly assume a PvE mindset in this PvP game mode: Situational awareness, good planning, sensible reaction to changing circumstances are vital - and actually adding to immersion and general appeal of this game mode!


Note also that even without zombing or even J-ing out after one’s mission one can collect points well enough: I never “zomb”, I play the objectives, engage bases and ground forces, also aircraft if the situation permits, yet I’m still often at the top mission points wise.


Sorry, but I have the same opinion about your post.

You are playing mostly USA planes in sim. No surprise you think this way. Try to play Su-25SM3 and hunt for convoys.
Some maps do not have ground units for at least hour, so I need to switch between sessions quite often.
That is why playing sim is just a grind routine to me, and that is why I create my own missions.

Anyway, PvE tasks are not so interesting in EC. The challenge is only the very ability to kill a target due to the presence of enemy team. No decisions on target priority, no chance to focus on this particular task.
Just kill the target as fast as possible and run away to get the reward.
This is the main reason I create my own missions.

Also, I use game mechanics in my missions that I barely use in random battles. Example: HEI / HEAT / ATGM rounds fot tanks, unguided weapon for planes, Su-25SM3 as fighter etc.


Played a lot if US, yes, and just only recently started with Russians (Su-22M3, Su-25), and I fully agree they are much more difficult to use against ground troops (especially convoys) than the US aircraft with their fire and forget Mavericks. But for attacking bases the Su’s work very well (as do Tornados, Harriers, Buccaneers, Jaguars,…). I also play a lot British, German and recently also Italian. Don’t just look at stat’s they don’t necessarily tell the full or most recent story…

But, again, one of the biggest advantages Sim EC has is that you can chose what BR and map to play! If I fly an A-10 and want to kill ground units, Denmark is my preferred map, followed by Sinai. If it’s base bombing, map is of less importance. For lower Tiers (at and below 9.7), I like for example Maginot because of short distances and quick refreshing of targets. For ships (rare for me), Denmark again of course. Atm with the new map marking function I like Afghanistan very much. And so on…

Convoys I only so far targeted actively with the A-10A late as the AGM-65D allows to find the moving targets from farther away safely, but I think everything with 65D’s and especially later also TGP should work quite well.

Of course I don’t punish myself engaging convoys with aircraft not well suited for it! So if one struggles with the combination of aircraft/BR/map/mission, it’s in my view and experience mostly a matter of selecting the optimal tool at the optimal time on the optimal map for the optimal mission.

Oh, and there are also good aircraft around that can switch their roles, great for PvEvP!

Sea Harrier for example can well be used to kill a base, then go hunt for enemy players once bombs are expended. F-4’ variants too, AJ/AJS37 and even AMX and Harrier II’s…

I still say this community needs to embrace the farmers and give us back the points we deserve… who cares if they farm, farm them.

If killing player characters is still worth more than killing AI/Static targets (which it should be) then there should be no problem with farming farmers… bring back the rewards, the players will follow, the farmers will be slaughtered… everyone (except the bots) is happy!.

Make it happen @Schindibee

Sadly you vastly overestimate my powers… = /

Well, I would like to play something more sophisticated than dropping bombs on bases.

In my opinion, most interesting planes for the majority of players are located at top tier.

Try to hunt for convoys using Su-25SM3 / Su-34. They are quite suited for this. But will outnumbered enemy team allow you to do this?

Again, I am honestly happy for you and for everyone who enjoy playing sim EC. I do not.
And it looks like significant amount of players consider sim EC for farming purposes only, not for gameplay.

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Alternatively , You can also farm the farmers to great effect .

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Rightio Gaijin hater, why are you still here?

haha yeah I remember! Great work!

You should be glad that someone is still playing this half-dead game mode thanks to these people. Instead, you came to the forum to complain.


For killing two players, you receive almost the maximum reward that a zombie bomber would get for destroying two or three bases or five tanks. With a good aircraft, killing two players is incomparably easier. I don’t understand what the problem is.


So much fun seeing a bunch of 2-3 person lobbies on Denmark, Sinai, Vietnam, Afganisthan for 2.0-4.0 prop brackets filled with fw200s, b25s and yer-2s without a fighter in sight.

Maps where you can take off and the A point despawns by the time your 350-450 km/h early-mid war fighter reaches. It’s better over 4.0 where planes got better straightline speeds, but it’s still clearly maps not optimized for the pace of a prop tier battle outside of Smolensk and Dover Strait.

I don’t encounter this because I play on 11.7.

Why do you join such large maps with props?!?

You have a choice…