Punishment for the Zombers

Because sim is indeed quickest. You’ll never achieve 1000 score per 4min in air RB (maybe possible with some F-84F zombing I guess, but sim is still better with the multiplier), but in sim it’s easy to have that score by zombing in F-111A or F-4. In higher ranks there are even faster methods, like dropping gbu-39 with F-15E (you need a whole lobby not doing PvP in this way, so not that reliable. In the F-111A br you can just mostly avoid hunters)

Only score multiplier for events was nerfed. Other rewards are consistently bad all across the game.

I know sometimes when I feel bored I jump in SU-34 in Realistic, put on Grom bombs, fly from base straight to 9-10km in air and just drop them on two bases (3 Grom-2 for one base) destroy them, land and do it again… You dont need SIM for that…and my bombs always come first

Sim does have uniquely terrible rewards due to the combination of Useful Actions, capped score per minute and spawn costs.

In no other game mode are you actively discouraged from helping your teammate calling “Cover me!” because of "Well, I already have 1050 score and going in to help risks my landing bonus and however many minutes I have left in this cycle while the only difference between 1050 score and 1950 comes out to around 1.15% (so total reward of 93.15% from 92% at 1050, or 90% at 800, or 86% at 600).

This is a non-issue in props (spawn cost 1-5K, max SL/min at 600-900 coming out to 9-13.5K), nor an issue starting with likes of F8U-2 (income 22K, spawn cost 11K). However, with F2H-2 you get (spawn cost 15.5K, max income 20.5K, actual 0.92 (for 1050-1950 score) is 18900, now multiply by 0.8 in case you die before landing… 15124. The F2H-2 is one of the better cases, F80s, me262, hortens are way worse economics with repair costs exceeding 15K while max income comparable or less to F2H-2)


SIM event multiplier was score x3, now has reduced to x2.3 so for 40k event you need 13500 or 14500 “raw” score, F111A with 400 rockets do 1100 per attacked module + 600 for destruction in ~5 mins (64km map)

Since unpolluted players hate zombers, rewards (event multiplier, rp, sp) got nerfed
Players killing their 2nd accounts was a problem too, since then we have UA

Don’t worry, sooner or later SIM will be extremely unplayable and then nobody will complain 🙃

yeah lets punish more that will definitely work! … this god damn community has no clue how to dev or critically think for that matter.


No my guy, you and every other whiner about this issue never learn. Listen closely: GAIJIN makes the decisions. GAIJIN nerfed rewards. GAIJIN is why the game currently is the way it is. Stop trying to ask “what was she wearing” lmao.

Gaijin could have changed the gamemode in far more productive ways to get the same result they wanted. They instead, as is their usual, decided to take the easy approach. You are now blaming the PLAYERS for this change instead of who actually did all the work changing the code and making the DECISION to use THAT EXACT CHOICE as the option to “fix” the “issue”. (The “issue” was people MAKING TOO MUCH FAKE RP/SL POINTS IN THE VIDEO GAME BTW)


noooo! we have to constantly try to use negative reinforcement because thats all this community apparently understands!!! (negative reinforcement literally works about 1% of the time its used irl for anything, people have no idea what they’re talking about)


I do miss getting 300.000+ RP with a talisman on a Buccaneer S2.
Back then the repaircost was much higher so player actually tried to stay alive, not doing their kamikazebombing like they do now.
SIM is criminally underrated and seems to be a got forgotten as the biggest changes is rewards getting nerfed and what seems to be less SL penalty for dying.

Don`t remember the rep cost for the TU-4, just that i was desperate not to die

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Yo, I was in your lobby this week I think. You were in the mirage F1 and I was in the JA37D farming some zombers.

No surprise at all and this is quite reasonable. This mode is unpopular due its gameplay. To be specific, it is nearly impossible to play strike planes on top tier, except when playing in zombers room during events or for USA team.
In my opinion, the gameplay should be switched from agressive PvP towards to more PvE to attrackt new players. Switching to PvE should also help to mitigate the disbalance issues.

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Actually there is a reward for landing. But they doing the event, they don’t care about SL and RP income. They just want to finish the 40k points as fast as possible.


Hell no, seeing «tHiS iS pVe SeRvER» rage for being shot down is too good go miss

Well, then do not complain that sim is forgotten and underrated mode.

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Why should that mode be left to PVE players in your opinion?
To have a easy and relaxed grind?
Those players trying to enforce that crap is why many people don’t even play SIM anymore.
If playing SIM, be prepared for people actually wanting to shoot you down.
This is a PvP focuced game, if people wanna just fly around in safety they can edit a mission in DCS or play MSFS.

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Some planes like strike planes are not suited for PvP at all. So, it is impossible to play them in PvP rooms. I am talking about top tier.
Also, planes are disbalanced, so I cannot properly play some planes that are designed for PvP.

This is the reality of sim. There are few percent of players who enjouly playing game in the role of someone’s pray.

I see the solution in PvE. You insist on PvP.
Ok, keep insisting, but try to think, why the sim is not popular?
If you think this is about reward, I disagree. If you increase the reward and leave the gameplay as it is now, yes if will result in online increase…but for farming purposes.
Try to thino about gameplay for different kind of players.


The rewards was due to people exploiting the mode and people kamikazdbombing bases, not people not wanting to play due to PvP.
Why should strike aircraft have to fly around without being shot down?
Their actions bleeds tickets for my teams, so they needs to be stopped.
The same go for bombers.
Fighters, attackers and bombers all play their own roles, so fighter player do what they are supposed to do


That is my point regarding to simple increase of reward to increase mode popularity. More reward = just more farmers, not sim players.

I did not say that. I said that it is nearly impossible to play strike planes at top tier.

Currently, strike planes and bombers are easy target at top tier. Especially when you play USSR planes when USA team outnumbers you.

I create my own missions where I enjoy the gameplay and game mechanics (which I would never used in PvP). That is why I am talking about PvE. You can get a lot of challenge from PvE.

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BRs 3.0-5.7 are very well populated whenever I look at the lobby screen. Sometimes TOO populated and I can’t find an empty slot to join.

BR 6.0~ is ju 288 cancer territory. I refuse to fly any plane that falls into a bracket that includes 6.0.

I NEVER see any rooms for flying my F2H-2, F84B or P-80. Why? See above quote. Flying Rank 5 40s/early 50s jets literally makes you go broke.

Sorry, I lied. There’s rooms. They’re full of Tu-4s and Il-28s and B-57s afk bombing to their heart’s content. And the occasional PvP does spring up only for the room to die after 1 A point because people are now in deep debt, and the other side has no interest flying around doing nothing.

After about 8.6 it feels it picks up again, but more so around 9.3+. My 9.3 and 10.3 planes see a full page of available lobbies to join almost regardless the time of day.

Terrible progression. I’m literally forced to play ARB to unlock new planes if I want a faster unlock, to make silver lions and occasionally even to spade a plane.

In ARB, I can with good gameplay manage ~4-8K RP in a 8-15 minute match. In Sim, I’m looking at about 4-5 useful actions cycles (~2200 RP per cycle for my props).

And also unaffordable in certain aircraft (Horten costs 17K to spawn, max reward 19K something IF you RT and land)

And lack of tutorials. Thankfully we got CCs stepping up but people need to find those CCs and they need to speak English (which I think is a reasonable expectation if you use a computer, but that’s besides the point. English is NOT my native for reference)

And broken objectives (A.I bombers flying at ~1080-1200 km/h for planes that struggle to hit 900 km/h because jets are jets, there’s no difference between 40s and 60s right?), bugged airfields that try their best to mcMurder you (Lowrider time! Bouncy bouncy bouncy before you even turn the engine on. I submitted a bug report here: Community Bug Reporting System)

And horrible default control set-ups that literally prevent you from flying properly and if you don’t ask the right question to the right person, you are not going to understand why your plane refuses to roll more than 90 degree bank and refuses to do a loop.

And some planes are very jank when it comes to cockpit. Imagine having an old WW2 prop as your favourite, you hop in and… it looks like a downgraded beta build of Il-2 Birds of Prey. Maybe you even paid for it. And this is the good outcome. We also got PS2 era graphics for literal paid battlepass rewards.

Oh and my favourite?

Utterly broken rendering system that apparently relies on CREW SKILL (who would think a markerless mode’s rendering of black dots is tied to KEEN VISION and WARENESS), that has planes phase out of existence mid dogfight and mid-pursuit.

Plus inconsistent flight models. Some planes feel incredible and far superior to MSFS’s attempts at modelling props with fun nuances, while others make you go “what.”

But, despite all these -

Air sim is fun with the right plane and the right, lively lobby that likes to be borderline LARP and not. Whenever you get a cool moment flying soviets versus germans on Smolensk or Stalingrad, or brits against germans on Dover strait, or 'merica versus japan on Moresby, you look past the issues.

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