I for one would really like this, add some Heli spawn bases scattered more centric to the map rather than on the ends and it could be very fun.
I have already made a suggestion post regarding the addition of adding helicopters to SB EC. They do not belong in SB EC until they fix sim. The objectives need re worked, there’s still no dopplar shift, the airfield defense is absolute garbage, the BRs for Heli’s in sim mode would also need to be re-done, so a BR decompression for Heli’s to match Vietnam era with Vietnam and modern with modern era. Just to name a few of the bigger problem’s.
Until these are addressed by Gaijin and sim is improved over all, helicopters do not need to be added to SB EC.
Players have no idea what they are asking for in the current state of sim.
I would love to se helis in air sim, they just need new BRs, uh1 should be right aboht where the phantom is, the mi8 should be where the mig 21 is… and so on.
So it would be pretty safe to make it +2BR for every heli.
Well I dont see it that way because helicopters can be really sneeky, flyng low and kinda unseeable by the radar at that br. Helicopter werent made to fight planes, thay would focuse on ground troops and maby bases.
Helicopters wouldnt be in danger while staying in thayer actual br.
My concern is that they’d be useless or they’d accidentally make the gameplay even worse for jets.
If you make them take off from a fighter airfield it’d take forever to get to any kind of battle zone where they could be effective and odds are they’d get smacked out of the sky by any fighter looking for some easy RP.
The solution would be to move the helicopter bases closer to the centre of the map but then you make the air experience miserable as a massive chunk of the map is now covered by air defences from both teams. As it stands the minibases can spawn within range of airfield missile defences, now imagine you have three more mini airfields to somehow navigate around before hitting your target without being shot down.
If you don’t have airfield defences for the choppers then you’re getting runway r*ped all day.
Thay couldnt fly high, but when thay fly low, can always rest on the ground, and are really hard to detect by radar, helicopters would be almost inisible from fast and high flying plane. Helicopers wouldnt have threaten by ennemy planes. Thay would fly long to the battlezone, but thay have enught fule.
The problem is that players will be actively looking for them if they know they’re around. As soon as a MiG pilot sees “Tank destroyed by Apache” on the kill feed he’s heading straight for the battle area looking for you.
Thay might be looking for them but thay wouldnt find them, helicopters are almost invisible. And the best about helicopters is in landing anywhere noone would notice a land helicopter in the foresst. Thay will find a way to hide.
I never said that helis would be the ones in danger, they would increase in br in order not to be the danger to aircraft. And stealtiness and keeping low would protect them from aircraft.
please god do this gaijin. i will personally open my wallet for you for helis if they get the sim treatment.
When comparing War Thunder to the Cold War server on DCS, it would make sense. With some fine tuning of the gameplay functionality as mentioned by others, the idea excites me.
They don’t need special spawns other than helipad extension near the airfields, they don’t need any catering to for EC objectives. They are small, can fly Nap Of (the) Earth with far more agility than any jet or Cold War era propeller aircraft, and most are purpose built to deal with the ground targets that they are utilized against.
AAM-equipped helicopters should not be lower than 10.0 BR, and no heli should be lower than 8.0BR for Air Sim EC purposes. Gaijin will need to do a rework of the airfield AAA to maintain at least 5km engagement zone for the ones with sub-5km ATGMs, and 10-12km for the ones with 8-12km ATGMs.
Might make a few certain heli’s maybe like 5-7 br? (mainly the worst starter heli’s such as the italian ab 205 and the swede hkp3c and such)
For those without dampening control and/or only 1-3 pylon selection that can only engage from sub-2.5km, I can accept 6.7 at the lowest.
Though looking through those vehicles with ONLY dumbfire rockets or a rack of plodding ATGMs, it is dumb that they weren’t given at least one pylon for even a 7.62 MG.
DCS ain’t got helis with missiles like the TY-90 either
Again, I was specifically referring to Cold War and that is not a Cold War missile. Either way though, it’s not as if it couldn’t be balanced with consideration.
which is why it will never happen :p
You could make them 1.0… trivially easy to kill in biplanes… especially the HK.
Stingers and Mistrals in DCS arent nerfed like in WT they are far stronger than the TY90s
the difference between TY-90 and the rest of manpads shouldn’t be that high in the first place
TY-90 is basically a non-spinning, less aerodynamic mistral, same diameter, basically same weight.