Proposal: Introduce Helicopters to Air Simulation Mode for More Tactical Variety

Guys, I know I don’t have much experience in combat, and some even question me, thinking I’m an artificial intelligence… interesting theory—I’m an alien, and I’m going to eat snails.

Another thing, I don’t know English, so GPT translates or simplifies things for me.

I’m Brazilian, I’ve been playing the game for a while, and I’d like to see the simulation done differently…

Alright, I appreciate all the comments—except the pointless chatter. We’ve gathered experienced players here who are interested in the topic and have started thinking about it…

This is important because now we have a team of players brainstorming together.

We can think in different ways, but we need to set a clear goal.

Let’s fill in the gaps…

The main idea was for players to pilot helicopters…

Improved base balance and protection with SPAA.

The objective of helicopters would initially be to destroy ground targets.

What many are doing is nitpicking—creating hypothetical and rare situations just to refute implementations.

Because strategy plays a big role, and everyone thinks differently…

The maps are huge, yes, but if I cross half the map to take down three anti-air units on the ground, I’ve already avoided three hours of current arcade PvE

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If somehow it were possible to create a simulation match with helicopters in custom games, we could test it by BR levels and put it into practice.

This way, we as interested players could create our own test and present something more structured and balanced through videos—not just theory.

I’d love to see this: bringing everyone together here, organizing a custom simulation match, with some people piloting helicopters, others flying planes, fighters, and CAS, and actually running the test.

Let’s analyze: is it too unbalanced? Does lowering the BR of the helicopters improve things? Does it make them too OP? Does it balance out?

Or should their BR go up?

If we find a good BR that feels balanced, what could be improved? Maybe anti-air missile defenses that only lock onto helicopters to protect the base and avoid camping, or something like an Iron Dome at the edge of the runway.

I know it sounds crazy, but it’s possible with time and proper defense intervals.

This would also prevent situations where someone keeps camping a base. If you die, there’s a helicopter camping; go find and destroy it, switch runways, etc.

It’s just an idea, but I think it could work.

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I might have sent messages in private to people who commented—if it didn’t make sense, I apologize here. I’m still learning how to use the forum and don’t understand much English.

It was supposed to be posted here, haha.

Maybe I am an AI with its own intelligence… let’s put helicopters in War Thunder’s sim mode to create a rotor challenge.

Something like that. There’s a pretty famous video where the guy sits on the rotor and just keeps spinning, haha.

It actially is

You claimed:

So this doesn’t make sense. This has nothing to do wuth ground attack. For me to be attacked by a vikhr it wouldn’t be happening as part of ground attack. The only option is a su-25 variant firing a vikhr at me.
But there are no helos to fire them and it can’t about ground targets, because the target is supposed to be me and Tanks aren’t playable.

Your post makes zero sense.

Btw i only do ground attack in ground sim. But we are talkung air sim here.

So elaborate when in air sim(!) should i ever had a vikhr fired at me?

+1 I think helicopters would be great to add to air Sim matches. We just need some new objectives for the helicopters specifically and add some helipads around the maps and they would be ok. There could be helicopter specific convoys to attack but with worse AA depending on the BR of the match, (using rockets against the Gepards or ZA-35’s would be hell on earth, they are already strong enough to delete you from 5km in supersonic jets) or some capture zones where you need to land on.

Not only would they be interesting and fun to play it would also be a better way of grinding them outside of heli PvE.


The only hope for any major changes to be made to air sim at the moment is if Gajin will accept suggestion that was passed to them to reintroduce Air RBEC which would gather much more attention then Sim. Then Gajin might fixing and improving Sim EC since RBEC would need fixses and improvements.


I see only 1 scenario where this would be viable… and (importantly) still fun.

Helis that are added to Air EC cannot attack planes… and vice versa.**

You add essentially a Heli PVP into the mode so we get more players in sim and teams can coordinate ground attacks and share enemy information.

This would require helipads spawning near the front line for rearming… and since Gaijin refuse to even fix sim issues, will never happen.

** except on caps.

Play sim… Heli vs Heli in 9_2 is great fun.

You already have this… it’s called ground sim.

Tomorrow is 9_2, do yourself a favour and fly your Japanese + Italian Huey for 20 games and tell us how it went.

This isn’t about ground sim, yes we can play helicopters in there but we are talking about adding helicopters to air sim.

Bring back the old PVP!
But with BR brackets, what messed up that gamemode what Aluettes, Hueys and such facing the Vipers, Apaches, KA-50s and KA-52s with missiles you had a extremly hard time dodging from a long range.
MGing KA50s with up close was stupidly fun though


you dont have a single sim game flying a helicopter…

For what it’s worth I would like to see helicopters in sim… but just throwing them in is a BAD IDEA.

Take it from someone with OVER 2,500 TY-90 kills… The Z-19E will ruin the game!

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Until they fix the radar mechanics when targeting helicopters it will never work. Even then, helicopters don’t really add anything to sim and really just need their own game mode that doesn’t suck. They’re either food, or op SAM wanabees.

I would love that too. Air Sim battles would benefit from helicopters. And us, helicopter fans, would have big maps to fly around and engage those convoys.

Better yet - you could add troop/cargo transport missions for Mi-8s and Hueys (and the reasoning to add bigger helos to begin with).

It’s crazy to me that after so much time passed since helos were added and we still only have PvE arcade mode or ‘insta-death’ ground sim.

Allow us to enjoy your somewhat accurate and actually feel-good helicopter flight model, Gaijin.


Hell no, helis carrying TY-90s, AIM-9L/M, Vikhr and such would be cancer.

Yeah this would be great for the Hueys, MH-60’s,Mi-4, Mi-8’s, Mi-24’s/35. It would give them something unique top do and open the door for more helicopters like the CH-47, UH-1Y Venom, V-22 and many more.

That could even open the door for troop/cargo planes to be added in similar support roles, perhaps capture zones that would require a C-47, C-130, A440M to drop paratroopers over the object to capture it.

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Helis would be awsome, thay would bring new taktic to the game and hole new spectrum of a gameplay, but thay should have the same controls as planes. It is still sim. At leas we can always put then out.

I’ve said the same about player controlled ships in air sim but i think this is a good idea but to me an even better idea is them creating a whole new game mode with even bigger maps and more players say 32 vs 32 (which will never happen) and it would be enduring confrontation sim battles,not air not naval but all of them lol allow a certain amount of player spawns in these different types of vehicles say for instance 4 player controlled helicopter per team 8 player controlled ships per team and 20 player controlled fixed wing aircraft,it’s a wonderful thought lmao

If your tactic in sim is to hover over the helipad you deserve to die quickly…

First you hunt the other helicopters, then planes (if you can), then hit the spaa from an unexpected location, try to cap on the rare map where it is viable or just decap, scout for your team, kill tanks, rearm, repeat.

I regularly do all these in ground sim in all three heli rotations and live the entire match, often getting the most points.

If I die in the first few minutes it’s my usually fault…

‘insta-death’ is a skill issue.