Hi all,
Just in case, for those who may don’t know : AoA is for Angle of Attack.
So yes, at the moment, we all use the “tap tap tap” tip on the elevator push key, to reduce the turn radius, and avoid to take too much G, or taking too much AoA and so loosing too much speed in a turn.
The problem is that it doesn’t work well with some aircrafts, due to the very high elevator authority, or/and because they have a very bad energy retention in turns. A good example is the Mig21.
And it’s also often weird/unconfortable to do.
The goal of this command, just like the control mode command, would be to be able to choose between 2 options :
High AoA (just like what we have now), and low or medium AoA. Basically half of the value you have at high AoA.
What are the cons? None, except you have one more key to bind and to manage in combat.
What are the pros :
Being able to have a better energy management in combat.
Which is a HUGE gameplay improvement.
What it would look like :
You’re in your Mig21 at the beginning of the match, and you want to keep your energy while maneuvering around to get a kill opportunity. With this key, you select “medium AoA mode”, and you can fly the aircraft smoothly with the mouse and keys without worrying about loosing too much energy in your turns. Instead of struggling by taping your push elevator key like a freaking machine gun.
Then you get someone jumping in your six, so you switch to “high AoA mode”, you force the overshoot, and start a 1v1.
Then 1v1 is getting long, and you’re in a very low energy state. You switch back to medium AoA mode to help you to regain some energy (because the plane will loose less energy in the turn), than may help you to win that 1v1.
Etc …
- I would like a key to choose between high and low/medium AoA to have a better energy management
- Useless for me / happy with the current state