Is AoA Limiter planned to be for all aircraft in the future?

Is AoA Limiter planned to be for all aircraft, including props, to either distinguish between more sustained turns and more instantaneous turns, or just to pull harder as e.g. full control mode in duels works?

*Not for FCS, but for Brain Mk. 1, as stated in:

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No, not all planes have that.
Mostly modern FBW jets


Did someone say ‘AoA limiter button to everyone’?

(Evil Tonka laughs)


Can we put some attention back to props?

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For me, I am also fine that if Gaijin focus on props
Because I am playing some props with no cockpit too :/

But I am not sure that Gaijin will going to put attention about either props or Korean-War era jets.

New goodies are always only exclusively allowed to use at top ranks. :(

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Some jets will others will not, namely early jets not capable of pulling a ton. The F-104 might, but its issue is over 15 AOA it would violently nose up and be unrecoverable.

Sounds like Widowmaker

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people should learn how to control their aircraft instead of needing limiters for everything in the game
you want less aoa? pull less on the controls. its that simple.

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That was its German nickname. Only because their early pilots were novice and unskilled, unlike Japan, who only had one or two crashes because of nature or mechanical problems.

It just got a bad rap because of bad publicity to the German public, mostly because their unskilled pilots crashing a lot, as it wasn’t an easy plane to fly in the first place, then throwing it at novice pilots wasn’t a great idea in the first place.

Harrier AOA limit??

Controllable to 60 degrees

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Isn’t that just angle above horizon and not angle of attack?

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No that’s legit Pitch angle as it says.

(The AV-8B tactical manual also has the listed max achievable AOA figures for both nozzles aft and nozzles deflected)

However the manual as I understand is export restricted and not clear to post.

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Yeah? pitch angle isn’t the same as AoA. lets say you pitch up 45deg and hold there, you are at a 45 degree pitch from the horizon but have zero angle of attack (not changing direction). it literally says “above the horizon” before saying “pitch angle”.


only planes that had the option

Well above the horizon refers to maintaining positive climb when coming out of the low speed scissors

What if more? See instructor difference on 190 A5 and A8, and the use of full control in duels
And in mouse aim one have to use neg g to pull less. So much shaking huh
Edit: Added quote

a positive climb isn’t angle of attack, you can (as i said before) aim the nose up and have a positive climb without having any angle of attack and having a completely straight trajectory (imagine a rocket going straight up, no angle of attack but climbs very fast). Angle of attack is how many degrees its angled away from the direction of travel, it is what creates the turning motion. Imagine sticking your hand out of the window of a car, holding the hand flat gives zero angle of attack and the hand stays at the same height. angle the hand a bit and you can feel it push up or down, that is the angle of attack how many degrees it turns in relation to the direction the car is moving.

like this:


Fair enough if it wants to be perceived as that I can look for more non restricted sources to prove it indefinitely.

It is possible. The tactical manual proves that but as stated probably not good to post so I will not.

why should the dev waste their time to people who refuse to get better control setups? simple answer. they shouldn’t.
also the person above me releasing and quoting info from a “not good to post” source…

I love how out of all the aircraft in this game, the Tonka is getting it :D

That is gunna be fuuuuun!