[POLL] Revert back the maps change to original for RB/SB

Forcing everyone on every map into Close quarter brawls down narrow corridors all the time is somehow NOT making everyone a 1 trick pony???

Everyone already 1DLs the long range maps more than the city maps and when a long range map has even a tiny city half of them already funnel straight to it because they cant figure out how to rangefind anything more than 400m away, and you think removing more of those options is improving their skillset?


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It would be if it was the only thing on every map. But it’s not even REMOTELY VAGUELY close to being true, so in real life: no.

If 15% of maps only have CQC, but other maps have flanking (and it’s stronger), then you need to also learn flanking, not just CQC, to have high overall stats. But you can’t JUST learn flanking, or you’ll do badly on those 15%. To do well overall you’d have to learn both. So no, not 1 trick pony. Multiple trick pony.

If 100% of maps have all options, then you can learn 1 trick and have high stats. One trick pony.

you think removing more of those options is improving their skillset?

As long as the options remaining are different on different maps (which is the case), yes. As I just explained above I think pretty clearly.

But… They have only removed the long range or flanking options.

Sinai is the only map they change where they removed a CQB area. Every other map they removed flanking options or removed long range options and forced everyone in closer together. Every single change.

You make no sense.

I also completely disagree. Forcing every map to only be played in only one way regardless if that way is CQB, medium, or long range, is terrible, bland, and boring, bad for gameplay.


cuz it’s 1 of a kind.

why? i dont want to play there. i want good maps in wt, not this trash

You want the maps Gaijin is already providing, small CQC arena knife fights


don’t see them.
maybe are they small cqc arena knife fights?

or maybe them?


yep, they’re much better.

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But… They have only removed the long range or flanking options.

Sinai is the only map they change where they removed a CQB area

When something is over-represented, and you remove mostly that thing, the result is more equal representation. Yeah… so like I said

Notice that in my example I removed flanking from 2 maps, but only removed CQC from 1 map, and yet it’s better spread out and better incentivized to improve regardless (because flanking was over-represented previously on the left)

What we see in threads like this is mostly players who think they’re way better at the game than they are, getting salty and insecure about not being able to just win all the time using their 1 trick they know. They make fun of the new system as “braindead” or “no skill anymore” or such, when in fact it requires HIGHER skill. They just don’t want to learn and improve.

long range is… over represented?

are we playing different games?

whatever I guess, The overwhelming majority of the people who posted in this thread at least disagree with you.


Literally never said that. I said flanking is over-representated

The overwhelming majority of the people who posted in this thread at least disagree with you.

The forum is wildly biased for long term veterans set in their ways who get salty about having to learn anything, yeah. Every single person in this thread has thousands of battles. Not even close to normal average players who are not super overly-trained on one style.

that’s what I said too.
The remaining path is a death sentence if you’re not fast enough. I always took the alternative one in a slower than t-34 tank.
Now when I get the map I just hope for the other team or exit the battle.

That was an answer to your question that you did not like. I’m not going to give you an answer that leans either to the right or the left. I only provide my own opinion due to my experience of playing AB, RB and SIM which i still have more experience than you do since you haven’t played enough RB or Sim to understand why Sniper hills and flanking a vital for RB and Sim Players.

Neither have you if you can’t summarize the reason succinctly in a forum comment. That or you would have enough experience, but the claim isn’t true to begin with. People who deeply understand true things can explain them quickly and easily.

but… flanking is literally the act of creating a route to go around so you aren’t stuck fighting an auto lose battle against a front on Tiger 2 or something down a single corridor, and should be a standard feature and option on literally every single map in the game, or the entire function of gameplay breaks down completely. See the “map design” I made the other day: [POLL] Revert back the maps change to original for RB/SB - #23 by _Zekken

As for your other allegation, thats so factually incorrect and short sighted, but okay. I’m not going to bother arguing anymore, your opinions are bizzare and conflict with each other.

I just checked and oh… you have only played Arcade and only up to rank 4, with only a few games up to rank 2 in ground RB. thats why I guess. the gameplay is completely different in AB and RB, so yes, we are playing completely different games.


it’s not an “auto losing battle” unless you’re bad at CQC and a one trick pony, lol. Nor is there any map with “A single corridor”, even narrow cargo port has like 7 corridors.

Learn how to play CQC, get ACTUALLY really good at the game, instead of “I can’t figure it out in 10 seconds, gimme a workaround so I don’t have to learn”

I just checked and oh… you have only played Arcade and only up to rank 4, with only a few games up to rank 2 in ground RB. thats why I guess

Yeah, this strengthens my argument. AB flanking is pretty shit. So if situations without flanking are “Auto lose”, and you can barely flank in AB, then how on earth did I manage to get a 66% win rate, if everything you can do in AB is RNG/“Auto Win”/“Auto Lose”…?

You do not have experience, to justify why we call the changes poor. Right now. I should not need to write a graded page evaluation to explain why it is not currently a good idea.

The reason why Sniper Hill was important in RB was because it allowed us to engage the enemy who potentially were charging toward the C or B point this means we had the advantage however defending this advantage was going to be difficult when we now needed to focus on both the tanks flanking around using the other rock routes as well as those climbing up the hill and those firing at us from klicks away. High Risk = High reward.

In Arcade you do not need to know this, all you need to know is I see the name tag, I click at green duh the end. Except when prominently Arcade players swap immediately over to RB they complain that they cannot see nametags since they expect RB to be like Arcade. I hope this is the answer you were expecting cause it wasn’t for me.

Just describing literally what flanking is is not any sort of explanation of why it’s “needed”

If both sides have a sniper hill, and neither can be flanked, SO WHAT? The better snipers will win. And? That’s not a problem (as long as it’s some maps, not 100% of maps). Learn to get good at sniping.

Yeah where are those maps I wonder cause I don’t see them in my rotation I get ardennes, ardennes, ardennes, berlin, ardennes.

If you strip everything down pretty much what the maps are behind all the beautiful façade.

you don’t even play the same game mode as me, you have played the game half as long as I have, And the majority of your games are below BR 3.0 in the gamemode you do play.

you have no idea or reference for how good I am, or honestly even what half the complaints people have are frankly. But I can assure you I am perfectly capable of of playing on any map that I am placed on regardless of what the terrain or layout is, and regardless of the BR I am playing.

I’m not surprised, as things like long range or flanking are pretty limited in AB. but frankly, just like the air maps, Ground maps for AB and RB can and in many cases SHOULD be designed differently. what works in RB does not work in AB and vice versa, I tried playing AB for a while with some newbie friends who were trying out the game and none of my RB tactics worked. while none of the AB tactics work in RB either.

Its a completely different game mode and there is no point in trying to argue past each other.