[POLL] Revert back the maps change to original for RB/SB

Yep, in AB all you should do is charge the enemy. Pretty much how i get most of my kills when i do a AB match which isn’t common.

Sure I do: the fact that you’re whining about having to play CQC means you’re not good at it.

Or, alternatively, you just don’t personally prefer it, but that would make your whole argument pretty overtly selfish and silly "I only like strawberry ice cream, so Baskin Robbins should ONLY sell strawberry ice cream! >:( "

I’m not surprised, as things like long range or flanking are pretty limited in AB.

(Long range is not limited at all in AB, but flanking yes:) Which, again, supports my point. If

  • flanking = skilled gameplay, and

  • CQC against Tiger 2’s is just an “auto win/auto lose” coin flip about whether you’re the guy in the Tiger 2 or not

Then how did I get a 66% win rate? If the only things you can do in AB mode are coin flips, then EVERYONE in AB should have a 49-51% win rate.

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Same to you: If the only things you can do in AB mode (which is mostly CQC and sniping, exactly the things you guys are complaining about “ruining the game”) are unskilled coin flips or unskilled YOLO-ing, then EVERYONE in AB should have a 49-51% win rate. How did I get 66%? Makes no sense.

Obviously it’s not unskilled, and you can get good at it, and there’s very much a competitive PVP game in those types of matches and maps.

way to completely twist what I said:

let me say it yet again, CQB is fine. Having ALL the maps be forced into mostly CQB gameplay is not. This is the same argument that most people have been making in this thread.

1000m is long range in AB, AB has an accuracy nerf which makes true long range incredibly RNG based. I was surprised to see my shots going everywhere and even sometimes completely missing at 1000m even in top tier MBTs when I tried AB.

For the record my Win rate in GRB is 59%, and 68% in the last month, played across all BR ranges. If you actually played at a BR that can see a Tiger 2 with any level of regularity let alone played higher BRs where the constant smaller maps are AWFUL for gameplay, maybe your opinion would hold more weight.

edit: oh also my win rate in ground AB is 61%, and my leaderboard position is actually above yours in AB lol

Flanking is fine. Having ALL maps be forced into mostly flanking is not”

^ Oh look the same sentence works against you! But much more relevantly, because in actual real life, all maps WERE actually focused on flanking (it was an “option” but consistently the most effective one if you wanted to do well), whereas “all maps being forced into CQC” is a strawman fantasy that never was the case and isn’t now, and won’t be. They changed a FEW maps to be about CQC, which is better than 0% of maps, and also better than 100% of maps.

AB has an accuracy nerf which makes true long range incredibly RNG based


Then how did I get a 66% win rate?

You forgot to, uhhh, you know, answer the question, friend? Yes, those are my most played vehicles… and?

If you actually played at a BR that can see a Tiger 2, maybe your opinion would hold more weight.

Uptiers happen at all BRs, lol. There’s nothing special about a Tiger 2, it’s an example. Seeing a Tiger 1 at the end of the street, seeing a KV-1 at the end of the street, etc. (Although I have played at that BR and have about a 2.5 KD there, anyway). Luckily, you made that a moot point anyway, because:

edit: oh also my win rate in ground AB is 61%

Great! So your AB record ALSO supports my point then, and completely undermines your objection to it above, assuming you do so at BRs with Tiger 2’s. You still obviously demonstrated that even at those BRs, there are non-coin-flip skills to master, even without effective flanking. So thanks for pointing that out, lol?

Wow like that is nothing lol

So you can’t flank or play a vehicle made for long range attacks. So what about the whole notion of having to play an up tier in a different manner to a down or equal tier ? What about the whole notion of not being able to face certain tanks head on but instead trying to flank them and playing an up tier in a different manner to survive? Was this the reason the Jumbo and Panthers were moved to 5.7 and 6.0 to accommodate this shit? The whole idea of fast modern tanks vs old WW2 heavies was based on speed and flanking and using your brains. So now what? A point and click fest for children who shouldn’t even be playing? Has the new Hollywood movie phase of dumbing films down for the stupid moved on to video gaming now? People just want to switch off their brains and play Warthunder? Like watching some drivel from the Marvel Universe?

Kind of pointless even playing on a map like that if you play as UK in WW2 under 6 BR, mostly fast and light and made for fast flanking or long-range sniping. Hardly surprising we have a glut of ODL. The game was fun when you could use an 88 flak gun or Russian Yag then jump into a heavy tank or a light fast tank to flank and use cover to scout and catch other tanks trying to flank themselves, All gone.

I just went into test drive and unloaded all the 40 ammo in a Pz Sfl Ic (the tank that sticks out in my memory as having the worst accuracy off the top of my head). Aiming at the top of the UFP on the T10M downrange from the starting point, 1200m, I had 6 full misses in RB, 7 full misses in AB, both routinely hit tracks, optics, roof, etc. Misses in both included under the tank, high left, high right.

Not seeing any mysterious accuracy nerf here.

The whole idea of fast modern tanks vs old WW2 heavies was based on speed and flanking and using your brains. So now what? A point and click fest for children who shouldn’t even be playing?

Same to you: Since AB mode doesn’t have very effective flanking, and if everything other than flanking is “childish dumb mindless pointing and clicking” according to you, then how do I have 66% win rate, how does Zekken have 61% win rate, in AB?

Games that exclusively consist of “childish brainless” activities should by definition ONLY have 50% win rates, for everyone in them. No exceptions. Just like flipping a coin mindlessly 1000s of times.

Screenshot 2023-12-29 154106
not a fan of this…red zone is too much



This is a flank:

This is Also a flank:
shot 2023.12.30 13.14.45

One of these is CQB, one of these is long range.

Flanking is not mutually exclusive to one map type or the other.

You just sound like you don’t like maps that force you to look in any direction other than directly in front of you. Which is a different argument to the difference between CQB and long range.

you know what, I give up.

if you aren’t going to play the the game modes that suffer the most from the change, or the BRs that suffer the most from the change, there’s zero reason to continue talking.

below 3.0 is very much a free for all regardless of game mode frankly and the map knowledge or positioning being used and being complained about being taken away isn’t incredibly relevant even in low tier RB.

also about 3/4 of my AB games are from before even the british tank tree was released, I quit AB years ago in like 2015 or something.

Also also, I didn’t call it brainless or childs play. I said it was different.


For reference, the actual real odds of flipping a coin 5,200 times and getting:

  • 51% heads is 7%

  • 52% heads is 0.2%

  • 53% heads is 0.001%

And the Windows calculator breaks after that.

if you are referring to going 1 block or 1 hillock around someone as “flanking playstyle” then why are you even in this thread? Since 100% of maps in the game right now by that standard of definition, allow “flanking playstyle” just fine? What’s your issue…?

It should be safe to assume when people complain about “inability to flank anymore” in conversations where there are still MANY blocks and MANY hillocks in the width of the maps they are referring to, that they therefore mean “going way around the entire battle and being in the back or side of the bulk of the whole enemy’s lines”, not “going around one block”

Also also, I didn’t call it brainless or childs play. I said it was different.

That comment was a reply to Eddie, who did call it that. Not to you.

below 3.0 is very much a free for all regardless of game mode frankly and the map knowledge or positioning being used and being complained about being taken away isn’t incredibly relevant even in low tier RB.

Objectively false, as evidenced by our own stats, again. How do I (or you) have even higher win rates like 80% in some often-played vehicles, at those BRs, if it’s “a free for all where knowledge and positioning barely matter”? I should have 50% if so. As per a random chaotic skill-irrelevant situation.

Seal clubbing and being good or bad, all shouldn’t even be POSSIBLE in a game where “map knowledge doesn’t matter”, “positioning doesn’t matter”, “flanking barely matters”, being in a better tank is an “auto lose” if you see them down the street, etc.

Where did I claim that it was “objectively boring” ? And where did I claim that it was boring ?
What I said is that I personnally don’t like it, as expressed by, in your very quote, “I don’t like it”.
And that at the foundation of it lies some of the worst mechanics of WT, like third person corner peeking, and quasi-wallhacking by sound.
There is no such thing as “objective” when speaking about taste.

Quote where I demanded that.
I’m fully aware that CQC is the favoured gameplay of the majority, what I want is simply to not be forced to engage with it when I want to play something like the MEPHISTO or Stryker. People that do like it have three separate gamemodes that predominantly feature CQC with AB, RB, and SB.
Gaijin could very well add a dedicated gamemode that only features big maps, that way people that don’t like CQC can go live there, and when someone just want a quick huff of it they can be assured to get it rather than rely on pseudo map RNG.
As for queue times, well just put a disclaimer on it, but as far as I’m concerned, 5 minutes of queue beat 10 minutes of crewlock. And the few that would disappear from the regular mode’s queues would not significantly impact it either.

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Don’t engage, they’re just trolling. Check the account, it doesn’t have much experience and almost no realistic games.

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I dont think they are trolling, I think they are just completely oblivious to the differences in gameplay between low tier AB where they exclusively play, and mid-high tier RB, which is where most of the map changes are causing the biggest issues.

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Are you familiar with question marks? And the word “if”?

“Is it objectively boring? If so, how?” → your answer is “No” okay, moving on:

Quote where I demanded that [the game should cater entirely to your preferences]

You said you were going to “quit tanking” if they don’t “[un-]butcher sinai”. Literally one map not catering to your preferences = quit, pretty clearly implies that the game should entirely cater to your preferences instead, down to the last map. But you also just confirmed this again right now in this new comment:

what I want is simply to not be forced to engage with it

The only way you could “not be forced to engage with it” is if EVERY SINGLE map caters to your preferences… so you just necessarily implied it again. Aside from separate game modes, addressed below

People that do like it have three separate gamemodes that predominantly feature CQC with AB, RB, and SB.

No, they universally featured flanking before as meta, now they have started to like 15% feature CQC, but still mostly flanking. Hence the implication that anything less than 100% catering to flanking seems to be unacceptable to you, no balanced approach or give and take with other players, etc.

Gaijin could very well add a dedicated gamemode that only features big maps

Separate modes for CQC, flanking, and sniping means 9 ground game modes… More people than that probably want to see no-CAS modes too, which would I believe take priority if by volume of votes (people post about that multiple times a day), so that’d be 18 ground modes…

Try more like 20 minute queue times, I’d guess, not 5.

I dont think they are trolling, I think they are just completely oblivious to the differences in gameplay between low tier AB where they exclusively play, and mid-high tier RB, which is where most of the map changes are causing the biggest issues.

Anyone who can’t clearly explain what those differences are is oblivious to them to. People who deeply understand topics can clearly and efficiently explain them.

WHY is it a “problem” if a minority of maps occasionally require CQC in high tier RB, with short range “flanking” (around buildings like your diagrams above), but without “going around the entire battle” macro scale flanking? Educate me why, instead of just “Cuz. Reasons.”

Purely voting in a poll without a clear explanation doesn’t indicate it’s a correct or reasonable position, since the forum is a wildly biased sample of super-old veteran players. For example “We all memorized these maps 5 years ago and don’t feel like changing or losing our huge advantage” would lead to poll results, but not be an actually good reason that applies to normal players.

(Gaijin mods have also indicated they don’t care about poll results for these very types of reasons)

Funny i always got multiple kills because of those sand dunes especially with Leopard 2

While I can understand how some people can be a bit upset about flanks and some positions on old maps, it doesn’t make them any better by simply removing those positions- which is what gaijin is doing. Although I would like a lot of the old-format maps back, I would also be fully acceptable with gaijin changing the map structure a tad bit, to prevent positions that are very one sided or that give an advantage unreasonably to one side versus the other.
The biggest issue I have, overall, with all these map changes, is the same I have with every issue- there is no going and editting positions, there is simply adding or subtracting. Don’t like the hills of Sands of SInai? Ok, we are just going to remove that entire part of the map. Don’t think it is fair that there is one sniper point on Japan? Ok, we will make it so you die if you go in there. Rather than edit map terrain to make it impossible or to allow the other team to also have a position, Gaijin just adds or subtracts from the play area to make it invalid. This is probably what frustrates me most.


Dude that’s like, 4 maps out of … how many? In the past month I’ve had large Tunisia and Fulda twice each, Red Desert once, and that other one three times. That’s a total of 8 games out of ~50 played. They are in rotation, but are super duper rare. Every other map? CQB knife fighting happy fun time. But not really happy fun time if you drive UK tanks around that just don’t do well at CQB.

Besides that CQB is boring AF.