[POLL] Revert back the maps change to original for RB/SB

I agree with everything you’ve said.

I don’t think so.

The worst and least enjoyable part about war thunder are its maps. There isn’t a single one that doesn’t have some huge issue. I don’t know how they have consistently failed to make a decent map.

I think they are just simplifying the gameplay and map design for whatever reason.


They were making good maps, untill lowskills from reddit started crying about campers and small maps.
So we ended up with massive, but completely flat maps with 0 tactic.


Flanking is not any particular amount “skilled”, lol, you’re literally just driving around the side of a map. Did you have to train for years under a master sensei to figure that one out? It’s the right thing to do for certain vehicles, but no more “skilled” than doing the different right things for other types of vehicles.

Nor is it “less linear”

Whether it’s a good idea, it depends. IMO it’s good if SOME maps don’t have good flanking, but SOME maps do. It makes your lineups matter, and doesn’t let you just hyper focus on one niche game style, which I think is more fun, actually. You need to be a well rounded player to consistently do well. Playing light tanks with no flanking isn’t fun, so don’t bring those on that map then. On ones with good flanking, DO bring them, etc.

“Not literally always being able to flank well” is not “dumbing down the game”, it’s the exact opposite: If you ONLY know how to do well by flanking, you’re the one who is asking the game to be dumbed down by letting you only ever learn one tactic. People knowing how to do various tactics in various types of tanks in various favorable situations to different playstyles, and do well in all of them, are much less “dumbed down” than “Every single time I can do my one pony trick”

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That Sands of Sinai change is better, it’s finally open instead of being line bias.
Sinai is open & long range, just as it should be.

They just need to hire real map designers already.



Here, I designed a new map for what Im Assuming gaijin thinks the players want. Or maybe it IS what some players want? I dont know, but its what it feels like they are trying to do.

Seriously though, Especially with Mozdok, the way to fix the issue they say is happening is by slightly redesigning the terrain, not just making the entire area of the map out of bounds. Its rediculous, dumbing down the game into a single long corridor where tanks just fight front on to each other in a boring straight line.


@Stona_WT @Smin1080p
Now you see people don’t like news change so we demand to reverts it back to it original


Not a bad attempt, but you may not have noticed that new maps don’t have “safe” capture points, they’re not aligned between the spawn points, but perpendicular to them.

I praise the placement of walls for people to hide behind all game and that there are no hills or variations in terrain. I also like how narrow the map is, to avoid the need to look left or right.

For the sake of variety you could also create “winter” and “desert” versions by simply changing the grey colour.

If you keep this up there’s a good chance of being hired as a map designer.


This is in a game where the developer sells premium vehicles that have a specific purpose. Imagine paying for the Wolfhound, VCC, Rooikat or Type 16 and having to frontally assault because that’s the only option on the map and your lineup is only one vehicle…

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Wheras before it offered canyons to the east for those who like the closer engagement playstyle and hills for the snipers, those options have been removed. People who preferred that gameplay will dislike/ban or just quit to the hangar. Absolute genius design.


Imagine paying for the Wolfhound, VCC, Rooikat or Type 16 and having to frontally assault because that’s the only option on the map and your lineup is only one vehicle…

Imagine paying for a premium churchull, Jumbo, T28, or jagdpanther, and having every single map be full of flanking routes, forcing you to always be conveniently flanked, and your lineup is only one vehicle…

Oh wait you don’t have to imagine, that’s already a thing right now. You just don’t care at all, because you have cartoonish double standards and only care about yourself and your specific personal preferences being catered to 24/7. And since you happen to like flanking, think you’re the main character, every map should revolve around flanking, duh!

If you were actually a s00per skilled 1337 badass as various flankers seem to view themselves above, though, then 1) You’d be grinding the whole tech tree not buying a single lone premium, and 2) You’d be skilled in brawling and sniping and other playstyles as well as flanking, not be a narrowly experienced 1 trick pony. So this would not be an issue for you.

edit: obviously not spam, flag system being abused

My dude, this is Sinai. It’s flank or get sniped across the map from the cliffs you flank through…

well, when does the game turn toward to CoD style of gameplay? nobody like that sht this game is all about fighting to gain advantage at the begin with if you let enemy take the hill and overlook the maps it your team’s fault the objective is to prevent enemy to gain advantage you if your team can’t and let enemy have advantage then your team suck simple as that.


Any chance of arguing your case or are personal attacks the best you can do?


This is a separate idea from the post title.

The majority of maps in War Thunder are unsuitable for gameplay 10.3+

Most actual map changes are minor terrain tweaks to discourage spawn killing / reduce large flat plains with zero terrain differences. These are good changes.

Reducing play zone by bringing in the sides of a map to support [Battle] or [Conquest] is not good.

The recent “change” to Sinai is a reduction of play area. It’s not “good” but the map itself is not “good”. It’s “good” that it’s large but it’s not “good” as the majority of the map is forced to be played on a hill as control of said hill provides view of all capture points.

Larger maps with design such as European Province / Fulda are what War Thunder needs for top tier.

Reverting map changes is irrelevant if larger maps are not provided.


Judging by your profile you haven’t had a single game on this map Mr.ArcadeReservePlayer


Very true. Since the introduction of modern vehicles, how many maps have been brought in that are appropriate for the capabilities of these vehicles? Pradesh? Fulda? That’s it out of the ~50 maps?

Yet lately we have old maps that existed pre modern vehicles, (yet were workable with them) have the attributes that made them workable removed.

All because of the mythical “player feedback” nobody has seen or heard that is apparently so influential…


Map knowledge doesn’t seem to count for anything any more. Maybe this is done to rob the veterans of their advantage don’t know but just as I am getting used to maps Gaijin change them and my game turns to S**t because the map has changed.

I just find the constant movement in War Thunder more annoying than helpful. If it’s not maps its secret nerfing or pointless BR shifting to ruin line ups.

Its the reason I didn’t go for another year of premium in this sale. I just don’t trust the game anymore; I don’t know what I am committing to or what stupidity the future holds.


These vehicles should not even be on the same maps as the modern stuff. That is the issue. Modern MBTs are made to engage from miles away. They are much bigger and heavier than their counterparts. Gaijin should have addressed this years ago when it moved into the modern era. Modern tanks in Normandy 44 is ridiculous. In reverse Gaijin are destroying WW2 maps to accommodate Modern tanks. It’s terrible for all.


Damn straight
My Leopard 2 fighting in factory of Stalingard and my Tiger fighting in Modern space port?
Never feel this ridiculous before