[POLL] Revert back the maps change to original for RB/SB

Top tier premiums, that’s why. A lot of low level players with no clue how to play the game. Best way to let them play is to make linear dumb maps. Get killed once, go to another linear map…

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A map for modern tanks should huge and reasonably flat or allow hull down positions. Take the Challenger 2. Getting a kill from 3 miles away and not being used in Afghanistan because the terrain was unsuitable. A slow reload rate and no wish to get close and personal to modern enemy armour. War Thunder cares not.

It would be interesting for those playing as Russia for sure. Why have tiny modern maps that only benefit Russian tanks. OK many are WW2

Trouble is the players themselves wont drive too far having been killed and a map that favours the kind of vehicle you are not in means cries of unbalance and leads to ODL.

Look at the post regarding Sinai and how it plays better from the North than the South? Who cares ? So what? You will play both at some point and have a bigger hurdle to jump depending on which side you play from, that’s life, that is realism… No, no good, the kids need total balance like a Chess board and will stamp their feet until they get it.

These are the people who f****d this all up, Gaijin are just following the complaints.

How you like the new spawn on Carpathians? I like it but the casual player seems not to notice … 90% still spawn on the old one …

That brings a lot of cs1.6 gun game nostalgia.
But I think we evolved past 20 year old maps in 2024.

should let them learn the hard ways like back in the day that if you don’t learn you get F in the A hard especially the high tier when there a lot of tools helping them aim at long-range by just press the button

Learning is not as cool as coming here and crying for changes … I would like to emphasise that changes are necessary, but usually many unnecessary changes are demanded by players who are not willing to change anything themselves …

I’ve never found that spot particularly useful compared to the high ground the north spawn gets, you’ll get counter sniped more often than not but it works

Big maps can work, 500m square maps are still way too small for top tier. They have to be at least 750m at the very least or even 1000m.

The only way I see this working is if you can spawn in capped points so that the driving time from base is cut in half and also adding more points so that it isn’t just A, B, C (the D point could make a return) in a linear map so that it isn’t too wide like the current big maps we have like the sim version of Tunisia.

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How do you figure? What is an example of a map “designed with flanking in mind that doesn’t have ANY advantages to any playstyle without it”? and how did you arrive at that conclusion for that example?

I can think of various maps with various advantages, but I can’t think of a single map where if you remove flanking, neither CQC nor sniping would gain advantage. That seems impossible to me.

You want a mixture of Close Quarters and long-range engagement built into the map

Not necessarily. You can also have a CQC map, and then separately, a long range map in the rotation. Both styles are still being treated equally big picture. I actually think the latter strategy is, to an extent, preferable, because it forces people to be well rounded, and not be one trick ponies. If you always have an option to do X every time in every map somewhere on the map, you can be lazy and remain a one trick pony. Less complex, less sophisticated game.

I’m already good at CQC, I don’t like it because it relies on the most boring aspects of War Thunder.

Is it objectively boring? If so, how?

Or are you not claiming that and just saying it’s subjective only? If so, why should the game cater entirely to your subjective flavor preferences on every single map, and not anyone else’s?

Not necessarily, tall building cities might have 25 different streets you can go down to flank on without the enemy being able to cover all of them, but planes can’t see shit, for example.

Regardless, even if you were right for sake of argument, and CAS friendliness always went hand in hand with flanking friendliness, so what? SOME maps should still be [CAS + flanker] friendly, and SOME maps should be [sniper] or [CQC] friendly, to reward well rounded players.

Please stop this nonsense NOW. Stop spoiling existing maps. Why keep widening small maps and narrowing big maps? Just make a new map from the scratch.


How are you simultaneously against both of those opposite things…?

Did you read what I wrote? Cause what you just told me was bits and parts I made mention to.

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Yes, the rest of what you said wasn’t an answer to those questions, it was just saying what you wanted maps to be like, which I simply didn’t find as interesting to follow up on shrug.

Everyone is forced to get at CQB anyway or die, because 75% of the maps were CQB based. But since gaijin is making the relatively small number of longer range maps worse by changing them, or removing some of the few opportunities for longer range sight lines on CQB maps (like the west field of Alaska being removed), its gotten beyond the point where we can put up with it.

CQB is fine, but its not the only way I want to play and a great many of the tanks in the game are not designed for it.


All three of the maps in the OP still have medium+range sight lines on them, I’m not sure what you’re talking about. E.g. the west of Alaska being removed, but not the East, means there’s LESS long range lines, but that =/= “CQC only”

The narrow version of Cargo Port, and Port Novo train yard are pretty much the only two maps I can think of that only have CQC. (the second one I don’t know very well I may be missing part of it even then)

Its about options being removed.

We are losing options on ways to play the maps. While I think Sinai losing that flank isnt a bad thing for the map because it was pointless towards winning it, they didnt increase the number of options people have to play the map.

Modzok just removed a giant corner of the map for no reason. If it was OP the terrain can be redesigned, not just blocked off entirely. Now it forces people more into one center brawl over B.

Alaska removed the ability to cover A from that side, the field that remains is useless dead ground now, so the map effectively shrunk more than what it looks like it did. (And it was already one of my least favourite maps)

Carpithans has done the same thing, along with adding the second spawn they completely blocked off the way to go around to the south. It was the safest way to cap C and you could also use it to counter some of the spawncampers at A. They made the map worse while trying to improve it.

American desert lost the entire ability to flank in the low ground to the Northeast and get to C safely, so now you are forced into the city to go brawl. That is another of my absolute least favourite maps in the game and I still havent figured out a new strategy for it.

Many of these maps definitely NEEDED changes. But the changes they got are awful and often just lazy. These changes needed to be playtested by players and feedback gathered before being implemented, but they werent.

Eastern Europe is an example of a good change, they managed to rework it to prevent some of the cross map spawn sniping while still allowing good long range combat and opening up more avenues to move around.

Im still on the fence for Polands changes as I havent played it enough since the change to form a full opinion, though so far the big version feels good but the small version doesnt with the ground north of A being turned into dead flat ground which is again gaijin removing an option for gameplay.


I don’t understand why you’re playing War Thunder. If you want CoD esq tanks go play World of Tanks they cater to people like yourself.

Yes. And I’ve been saying this whole thread: GOOD. Having all the options means you can be lazy and only ever learn 1 skill. That’s why I kept referring to “one trick ponies” above. It lowers the skill ceiling massively, people always say they want high skill ceilings here in this community.

Well, having maps that don’t always give you 1 option you like every time would require you to master multiple different skills and would make it a much higher skill ceiling to be a good, decorated player overall.

You can flank when flanking is an option, other times you have to CQC when that’s what that map is about, other times you have to snipe when that’s that the third map is about, and be good at all of them to maintain a high win rate and KD. Not just only learn 1 thing and then mentally check out forever.