Please stop down tiering 11.0 Japanese auto loaders to 10.3 matches

Then why was that your approach to dimminish my words about the 2A4?

You mean the tank i have? i said i didnt have it at the time Thunderskill took a snapshot of my account. I got it some time in February as i was still spading it at the time i got a nuke in the vehicle.

And since you were so interested in my KD in it. its about 2.05 Kills per death (in the Leopard 2A4, since that was the vehicle of interest). idk if its above my average or below it, my perception after bringing the 121 into uptiers is that its good and you run into minimal issue with penetrating enemy vehicles.


Image from 18th of February, at which point the vehicle wasnt spaded

You are actually kidding right?

JM33 is literally the worst round at its BR, it has the lowest penetration by a noticable amount. i think the next lowest was the IPM1 which has like 520mm.

The Type 90 also has the worst armour at its BR, it is pretty much auto pen the entire front of it for almost every tank it fights, Its made of paper. The reload is literally the only thing it has keeping it at 11.0.

Saying it deserves to be higher than that is absurd. The Leopard 2A4 can easily go through the front of a Type 90. Theres only one small strip on the UFP where it can’t, but everywhere else is auto pen and will usually 1 shot it.

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Skill issue the Japanese tanks have no armor as long as you shoot first you win you just gotta learn those weak spots my boy/girl

I wonder if you suffer US or USSR 11.0, what will happen? T80UM, KA50, IPM1, M1A1,YAH64, A7K, F4E… should they move to 11.3?

Oh yes, a Jumbo can’t do anything against the Tiger II. Forgets you can just destroy the barrel and then one of the tracks before hitting the other one.

Most are either Infantry support, light anti-tank or long range engagements(late war designs)

Huh? I was talking about type 90/TKX(P)

“Skill issue the Japanese tanks have no armor as long as you shoot first you win you just gotta learn those weak spots my boy/girl” You didn’t specify which Japanese tank in particular. I’m aware you were referring to the Japanese late Cold War to Modern MBTs. Just wanted to mention that their doctrine changes over time. With one commonality->lighter armor which is due to there soft terrain.

So, can’t u just do the same with the type 90? lol, stop coping bro, we talking about matchups is way easier to a tiger 2 hit a jumbo centermass than it is to take out a cannon, or would you say a m22 against a maus is fair too bc m22 smol?

yet the point stands its light armor dm33 punches through it I’ve even been frontally penned by the duster

type 90s and type 10s have the most obnoxious exposed turret rings too, just dont shoot UFP and cheeks and basically everyone can lolpen it

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Basically all of them?

The only tanks in the entire tech tree that have any armour worth noting are the Ho-Ris, and I guess the ultra rare Heavy tank No 6 (which is literally just a tiger H)

Every single other tank in the tech tree has anywhere between below average or just bad armour for its BR and class/vehicle type. Even the Type 10s only have decent protection on the turret, but its still worse than a Leopard 2A6 by a decent margin.

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by a huge margin, armor scheme of that thing is just cursed

Type 90s (TKX) have autoloaders with a Rod that does 481mm of pen. Enough to go through any nation at 10.3, that is like bringing a Leopard 2 PT-16/T14 Mod with DM43 to 9.0 and saying “oh but it’s as weak as paper”. Lowering the type 90 to 10.3 matches is a legitimate joke. You also have 2 more autoloaders you can spawn in with.

Everything the Type 90 and TKX(P) faces at 10.3 are paper tanks even T80Bs. Just because you think it is a paper tank doesn’t mean much when I’ve seen entire lobbies killed off.

You are not going to win most fights against a japanese tank, especially if you are fighting close quarters, miss or get a non pen. Chances of survival are pretty slim.

so what?

The M1A1 at the same BR as the Type 90s has 598mm of pen but you aren’t complaining about that one are you? the 2S25M at 10.0 has a 532mm pen dart but you aren’t complaining about that one either!

You know what is just as annoying as a Type 90 facing 10.3s? a Leopard 2A4 fighting 9.3s.

your argument is idiotic, you’ve decided that the one single advantage the japanese MBTs have over anyone else, which by the way they get at the expense of basically everything else as has been described already, is too hard for you to play against despite the fact you can shoot the thing back and probably 1 shot it pretty much anywhere, meanwhile the Type 90 player STILL has to aim for weakspots on your 10.3, but an M1A1 with 100mm more pen AND significantly more armour is apparently fine to fight against? or a T-90 which is actually only 10.7 with still significantly more armour, AND 100mm more pen than JM33

again, you are complaining that the LOWEST penetration dart at 11.0 has too much penetration!

suggestions like this sometimes make me glad that the playerbase don’t unilaterally decide on BR placements, because some of them are absolutely ridiculous


You are a Japanese Main. OFC you’re gonna be crying about my statement
M1A1 doesn’t have an autoloader. And Leopard 2A4s do not drop to 9.3 ever. It is literally not possible.

Please go into protection analysis and do us all a favor and just educate yourself. I literally checked every nation already even before I made this post. JM33 can pen absolutely everything, anywhere, anyplace on any nations 10.3 tank.

2S25M is 9.3 and again isnt an autoloader.
So your argument is legitimate garbage lmao
I am so glad people like you openly show on forums how just out of touch you are.

Leopard 2A4 is 10.3, of course it sees 9.3.

M1A1, as stated, has a million other things instead of the autoloader.

2S25M is literally 10.0, Im looking at it in the tech tree.

The highest rank vehicle you have ever played that is NOT german is the B17G, In fact the highest BR TANK you have ever played that is NOT german is the M3 stuart.

but sure, I am the out of touch one here. So is everyone else that is also telling you are wrong.

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You clearly dont know what you are talking about. That is not 10.0
And the M1A1 having a million other things isnt the issue. It has a normal reload. Not 4 seconds.

And no 10.3 does not drop to 9.3, players may HAVE 9.3 vehicles after using their 10.0-3 tanks, but you are more likely to face an uptier than a full downtier.

Switch the tech tree to realistic… plus if it was actually 9.7 that’d just make your argument worse. 50mm more pen than JM33 a whole 1.3 BRs lower.

And its a 1.0 BR gap, a 10.3 will see 9.3s in a max downtier.

I’m done trying to have a logical argument with someone who can’t even understand basic game knowledge like how downtiers work, but somehow thinks they are an expert on the game and balance decisions after having played only one nation.

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