that is a million dollar question. No one knows (Officially. Unofficially, we all know the answer) . Even the F4J(UK) is at 11.3 which is at best, identical to the FGR2/FG1 which are 10.7. But the Mig-23ML is a complete mystery at 11.0. The Mig23MLA and Mig-23MLD are both 11.3
I played the mig21bis for 1 round in sim. entire “friendly” team was crawling with 23MLs. I got only 1 death and it was a teamkill which happened every second in that round.
The majority of the community ignores how unbalanced and p2w sim has become. They did this with the vidar as well
Yeah, it is kinda stupid at times. The 10.0-11.0 bracket should be great for many aircraft and it is totally ruined by 1 side being nothing but 11.3s
Fixed that, assuming you were talking of the entire WT community and not just the small subset of forum users. Germany has good bombers right through the piston-engine era, including Ju 188 at 5.0 and He 117 at 6.3, but at those BRs you get entire teams of premium Ju 288s, despite decent TT alternatives. US teams around those BRs will be made up of premium F2G-1s, A-1Hs or A2D-1s. And you’ve mentioned the premium MiG-23.
Obviously Gaijin wish to sell new premiums and event vehicles, but if you look at every announcement of a new vehicle the underlying message, selling-point, is always, “look how good you’ll be if you get this!” The game is designed to appeal to that mentality (no surprise then that 40k (40k!!) accounts were - finally - banned for short cuts, esp botting, recently). After all, “a fool and his money are easily parted,” so makes more business sense to appease the fools rather than those who would improve by learning and experience, eh?
Of course there are legit reasons to own any of the premiums mentioned above, but how do you see 90% of them being used? Suicide airfield attack, and, if you have rockets, it’s rewarded (points) more than any other activity, despite inflicting negligible damage on the enemy.
Edit: naturally, “you get what you encourage”. If the game encourages mindless play by rewarding it (waaaay) more handsomely than intelligent play, it’s no surprise mindless play is common and that’s not entirely the fault of players who simply play the game as it’s presented to them.
Oh come on MiG 23 it’s not even that good in sim… Atleast it’s a shadow what it’s be ~2 years ago…
Shouldnt matter. At the end of the day, it is identical to aircraft that are 11.3. It should be 11.3 alongside those or vice versa. It should not get special treatment becuase it’s premium and/or soviet.
(Im inclined to say soviet, because the F4J(UK) sits at 11.3 vs its TT equivalents at 10.7)
It is very very annoying to play that 10.0-11.0 bracket and fight nothing but Mig-23MLs which should be at 11.3. At bare minimum make it fair and move other aircraft that should not be at 11.3 down to 11.0 as well to match it (That I can name confidently as a Brit main, Tornado Gr1 and F4J(UK)) (maybe also move Tornado F3 back down to 11.3 from 11.7, no longer needs to be at 11.7)
Yes it’s will at least more interesting… In SB.
I see what you mean. I had to specify that i was talking about jet bombers, those are greatly exploited and should be reworked. With prop planes bombers and fighters have more opportunity to interact. the problem only arises with jets.
Honestly, it’s only the mig23ml that should be uptiered to 11.3. Being that low is obviously pay2win. Another plane that should be moved up at least to 11.0 is the (both of them actually) british phantoms at 10.7. They have skyflash+PD which is too much for a 10.7.
Conversely, mig21 SMT and MF should be lowered to 10.3, they’re on the same level as early mirages and crusaders.
Other than that again, for top tier we need absolutely bigger maps and a smaller player count. I’m not saying 16v16 shouldnt exist, it might be fine for props, and realistic, given that those battles were huge. But at top tier? Absolutely not. Ruins the game and a giant furball with f14s and mig29 is simply not believable.
Its because the PD has no IFF and has recently been nerfed from PDV to PD HDN.
They do have IFF
I dont think in the PD mode, only SRC mode
I’ll check when I get home, but last I played they still had IFF on their PD modes
Edit: you still get azimuth IFF in the PD phantoms
im not suprised, this happen when the gaijin overnerf the rus planes and overbuff the nato planes.
Or vice versa, Was the better part of a year with the Mig-23MLD destroying everything. Even now the Mig-23ML sits at 11.0 instead of 11.3.
Unless it bugged out, defo no IFF in the PD mode. Just got a TK on something that was definetly showing as hostile
It’s azimuth IFF. The second hash mark appears up at the top of the scope, regardless of the closure rate
what? can you show a picture?
These shouldn’t be 10.7 either
Longer markers ez.
Add button that tells you if friend or foe like tank battle
both are realistic, just use head-canon like “oh I’m asking over radio” ez
It would also be nice if instead of having coms in squads you get coms across the entire team.
If that’s not possible, perhaps they could pull the old BF2 trick where there’s a commander who can call out objectives and THAT user could talk (on mics) to all the squads.
(and also force everyone to be in a squad).
The chat isn’t really useful to real time information, especially if you’re on HOTAS and/or VR.