Option to turn off battles with planes which have ARH missiles

In my opinion the planes which were top tier befor the last update suffer a lot in the current meta matches with the ARH missiles. (For example: you need to keep the radar lock when you are in a plane which only carries SARH missiles while the plane with ARH missiles go deffensiv and pray the missiles hits while not controling them. The Player with only SARH missiles can only focus on one target if someone else comes in you won’t do much. And somehow it feels like you can’t fly belwo 60 m in the su 27 XD) Can we make a button (same as the smaller matches button) where you can choose if you want to play against ARH missiles or not. Everyone can do what they want at the gameplay itslelf can be more enjoyable for the players.

Btw funny


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Theirs an update next week that will decompress the br 10 to 13 expanding to 13.7 to help fix that

inertial navigation

Bruh and su 27 is 13.3 and top tier is 13.7. No differents

Why it wouldn’t hurt anyone

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What u mean with 20:19 and 20:20. Thats not the time of release. There are a few hours between these posts

Just that’s really fun

Clear english pls

We have that, it’s called “play at lower BRs”. The same solution as with every other type of tech difference.

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Old meme. Google “4:19. 4:20”

Because he cant rely on stock planes and downtiers for free kills, duhh

But lower tier doesn’t have an su 27 dude. THATS THE POINT I want to enjoy the vehicels which can’t survive against the ARH missiles atm cuz most of them are good but can’t be good cuz of ARH missile spam.

I’m not so old XD if u want to explain it to me fell free to

Not everyone knows how the missile takes a correction along the trajectory of the target. Poor guy

@gaijin ?! Where is education missions for wallet warriors and noobs?!

So you want a skill issue button?

Nah, thx I’m good.

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So you want to take out modern aircraft, but restrict them to playing like WWII fighters… Lmao go play custom battles if you want to fly in a fantasyland where jets are stuck with guns only and you dont have to think at all.

Where did you get the not thinking part from? Gun fighting requires quite a lot of skill to be really good at.

I think the OP just wants decompression and better balance, and a hard restriction would be easy to do. I don’t think any sort of hard restrictions should be added, but we desperately need decompression.

Oh so you want the Su 27 to dominate again in BVR, this time even better because of the 60 meter multipath change. Nah not happening

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