Aim 54 tracks trough a mountian?!

I have a question. How is it possible that the aim 54 still tracks me after I flew behind a hill for min. 10 sec. The hill ends. RWR warning un boom the aim 54 goes for me?! That doesn’t make sense. If u want a vid to see I can send you that.

It remembered your last position and extrapolated

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Why is it 11.7 should be my question

No, ARH tracks through terrain currently.


Is there a bug report up for this yet?

OP could throw their video on it

If he didnt get a lock on RWR - dont think thats a case
Btw, it splashed after return from hill
So, it might be just extrapolated

The RWR warning wasn’t shown anymore. After I showed up again the missile got its lock back and went for me. I saw the missiles flying straight and then it locked me up somehow

More like IOG with prediction.
That must be, fine

Not for the gameplay

when it looses track of the target, it will continue on the last calculated intercept path. If you turned and didnt continue on your same path it would have missed you.

Evade better, not by flying straight.

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Dude I don’t know what your meaning of flying straight is but I didn’t fly straight cuz I know that shit. It got track back after I the hill ended

And what a trouble?
Even SARH can do that, if enemy will relock you

Only something like a aim 7m and a r27 R/ER. The aim 54 as a way smaller radar and can’t get a lock back by its own cuz noone controles it. A SARH can do it cuz the plane gives the missiles informotions but the ARH just keeps the track not more. And why should the TWS spaming F14 relock me?

Aim54 have not smaller radar than Aim-7 and R-27
Btw, you flied straight, missile extrapolated that and hit you after relock.
Aim-54 can find targets by itself.

Compared to a plane radar

I think you can’t read. I said I didn’t fly straight

But you got hit
So, minimal changes, without trying to fly away from the radar of phoenix

What map it was?

Goodmorning Vietnam