Seek and Destroy update is so much fun. Let me explain why!

I like the new addition with ARH missiles. You need no skill anymore to get kills and many plane which always face top tier battles are just free Kills.
And if you thought I meant this serios should read this. The ARH missiles are the worst adition to top tier ever. They took all the skill which was needed away and you can now be “good” at the game without having skill. What that means. You buy a premium, do some braindead bombing, you don’t even now how to win a dogfight against an IL-28 in an F5c. Oh welcome to top tier the best part of the game for players who don’t want to learn the game and just klick their 2 buttons and happy kills. Yes your right first you will suffer a lot but after you got ALL your ARH missiles you can keep the braindead gameplay up. Nice addition btw. I have the grippen and a few friends who activliy play top tier with F-15C, F-16C, Mirage 20005F, etc. And all of them said its braindead and a waste the fun vehicels which would be nice and funny to play but are not able to be funny because you get spammed by ARH missiles and when you try to get out of their way only 4 enemys are left. OH damn what a nice gameplay btw. I just remeber yozr team is gone and you need to do a 4v1 against ARH spam. Nice!!! Oh and balancing… wait, there is no balancing. I thought russian bias is giong to beat the SL out of every thing. NOOO!!! Gajin did you forgot to add russian bais or did the USA wrote you an email to make AMRAAM the best missiles in game for BVR. And did you tried to kill a space climber with an R27R? Stock loadout is kickin’ again. Nice addition btw.

After telling you all these proplems I have a pretty nice idea in my opinion why don’t you activate the possebilty to turn of battles with ARH missiles for BR from 12.7-13.3 (maybe 13.7) so that everyone can do what they want and like the most to make this game more enjoyable as it already is ;).

Oh and ARH missiles are a great addition btw.

Evolution ha-ha


there is already an option to do this. Its called lower BR


I want to enjoy the planes which are good but not playable because of the ARH spam. If I just go down and would be happy I would have already done this but in the lower BRs we face other proplems. Why do we need to nerf OP planes into the dirty only that another plane can be OP instead. What I want is balancing.

no what you want is an easy button. Unable to adapt to the current situation you want the game to be made easier to fit how you want to play. The only thing that really needs to be looked at is the subsonic strike planes to be a bit more competitive, and they are looking into that right now. We dont need more game modes just because people want an easier time . Next someone is going to want top tier planes with guns only because missiles are too hard to deal with.


Notch and multipath are still here

Just adapt.


No skill? lol You’re not playing War Thunder then.

Didn’t I explained what happens if I notch. Bruh you should read more carfully

Yeah I only played 1500h of WT and 800h of them were without any premium stuff

I don’t want a easy game but a playable game but top tier is far away from playable and just a waste if nice vehicels

Half of air combat is learning to defeat what gets thrown at you.
Whether it’s bullets or guided bullets.

No shit sherlock but atm the best way is to climb high and send of your missiles. When I go deffensiv the match is already done because I need a team but the team can’t notch.

The last bit is very relatable…
I generally fly to the left on maps and try to attack enemy team from side but most of times, 3/4 of my team just zerg rush to center and die, which leaves only handful of us on team which of course… Ends in a steamroll and loss.