OI tank should be added

There are barely any documents that remain about the tank it has very few blueprints in existence it’s about as much of a paper tank as the tiger 10.5cm and panther II

Except we do. We have both the test driving timetable.
And the test drivers report on what happened during the tests


Someone, I think “Cone of Arc” showed where these were made in the 70s. Someone was speculating what a Japanese heavy would be like, as part as a “alt-history” time line not that it actually was.


You mean like the reports from the driver describing the path he took around the factory grounds and the way the O-I sunk into the mud? Or the notes describing the damages it sustained while driving due to its weight?
Or the notebook of the engineers who worked on it, which is now on display?


None of which is substantiated by any other document or testimony either in Japan or by the US military who went thru what was left of Japanese R&D after the war.

Except the US military also mentions the O-I and Mi-To several times.



If you’re gonna keep trolling and making up stuff, you don’t need to reply further.


You started it.

The M1 KVT is literally a real vismod.

You ask for proof, receive it, then go “nu uh”


No version exists for the baseline M1 in game. All were done on M1A1s


What’s the difference?

The O-I is as real as the Ostwind II, E-100 and R2Y2s, I see no issue in adding it as a special event vehicle considering japan barely has any heavy tanks as it stands.

Oh and Gaijin while you are at it move down the Ho-Ri Prototype to 6.0 again, it has no business being 6.7.


Ngl i’d prefer Gajin remove the Ho-ri, Ostwind II, Coelian, Panther 2, R2Y2, and the Tiger 2 Sla.16 thing.

For damn sake, the O-I is not a paper tank. We have the documentation and proof that it indeed existed, serviced, tested, and was produced but in the end, due to the sheer mass was never used.
The other designs for the O-I never existed those are fabricated designs for WOTs.

The issue is we do not have pictures. I don’t know perhaps the fact that almost 99.9 percent of the documentation was burnt leaving possibly only 0.1 as some claimed left. This is why Japan is extremely protective and I mean extremely protective of safeguarding what remains and is found.

Besides that Heavy tanks are not useless their being poorly used by players who don’t understand that you should not be over-pushing while no one else is following. But that is a different topic.


I mean the R2Y2V1 we know was being tested or was planned. So its design isn’t too crazy to imagine but the 4 30mm’s would have been likely 20mm’s and 30mm’s. Standard configurations. The Ostwind II has already been proven to be real there just are no pictures cause once again->were likely what was destroyed. Unless someone just luckily has a copy of them somewhere.

The E-100 if my memory serves me correctly its hull remained but its turret did not. Could be wrong would need to look again. For the Tiger II Sla. 16. Never existed. Perhaps the gun was tested but due to weight reasons probably wasn’t hard to put 1 and 1 together and realize that neither the Hull nor turret of the Tiger II could handle the weight or recoil.


If the Ostwind II can be added despite never existing as anything other than a wooden box the O-I should be no issue considering it was atleast partially built since a track link was found of the prototype


Please by all means tell me how would you know if someone existed or not. If almost all documentation was burnt besides a small transcript from a newspaper article that talked about it.

One more thing there are still a lot of people doing work in the WT community to see if they can find more information. Which the Suggestion Moderators were interacting with.

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You guys should start the “Church of O-I”. lol

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