OI tank should be added

the O-I should be added to japan ground cos japan has ZERO ish heavy tanks


And? Heavies are useless there.
Besides that, o-i is half paper tank.


Tank No. 6?

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It would be great to see this tank!


The O-I is real and existed. There’s testing reports for it.


According to historian Steven Zaloga, there were “rumors that work was underway” on the 120-ton version, but no known documentation survived the war. According to Akira Takizawa, one prototype of 120 tons was completed in 1943. However, the tank was “unpractical” and the project terminated. According to Kenneth Estes, the O-I project was cancelled before the 120+ ton prototype was completed. According to another source, the model kit company FineMolds in Japan bought some original documents and plans of the O-I. The source also contends that the proposed 100 ton design and “140-150” ton design are “incorrect representations of the O-I”. A tank track from the project is on display at the Fuji School in Japan. In the end, the complete history of the O-I prototype is unknown due to the project’s obscure nature and the limited documentation known to have survived post-war


Es gab davon lediglich nur die Wanne und selbst das haben sie zersört also gibt es nix von diesem fahrzeug O-I (Panzer) – Wikipedia

“Removed” and placed in loot boxes; a complete travesty for which was otherwise a solid Heavy option.


That sounds copy pasted from somewhere else. Regardless, the O-I did exist in its most recognized form. Every other design is fake and made up based on rumors or ambiguous statements.

…Which means the O-I existed and is not a paper tank.


Heavy tanks are near useless. their benefits of more armor in real life are not existent in war thunder because of br not being historical. If anything japan might have some normal tanks that would benefit them more


No it didn’t. The only “documentation” for it is secondary sources from the 70’s interpreting some vague documents and some outright fiction as @Ravanos mentioned.
There are already enough “fudged” vehicles in the Japanese tree. The truth is they never had a priority on “heavy tanks”, so their tree should reflect that, no matter how disappointed it makes 80 year later video game players. Go play WoT if you want make believe.


There’s plenty more documentation on the O-I than that, even with how secretive the project was.
We have information on the mobility trials it undertook, along with pretty detailed information for its weight, many of the parts, and detachable armor pieces - those are the documents purchased by FineMolds from the archives, from which they made their 1:72 O-I scale model kit.

You mean two tanks, both of which gaijin has said they intend to remove whenever possible.

It already does, as currently there are zero heavy tanks in the tech tree. The only premium one is the rank 1 Ro-Go, which has 35mm of armor at its thickest. The purchased-but-not-delivered Heavy Tank no.6 is an event vehicle, on sale currently for 82€.

We have less information for the Ostwind 2 than for the O-I. It’s mentioned once, in one book, and that’s about it. Unlike it, we do have quite a significant amount of information on the O-I - certainly enough to prove its existence.
There’s also one track link left and presumably the rest of it was dumped into a lake, or cut up for steel, or otherwise disposed of.

Edit: Forgot one thing.

You mean like when we make believe that the M1 KVT actually existed? All KVTs are M1A1s.


No… we know what it would have looked like, but Gaijin didn’t model it correctly. In reality it would have used a standard Ostwind turret but with the guns mounted diagonally so they could fit.



Yes it would have used a gun mount like that, but IIRC that’s not the description from the book, which makes it even more suspicious.

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Hell, why not? What’s the worst that can happen?


Pointing out all of the other BS in the game does not support the argument of adding more BS to the game.

So you’re just gonna ignore the whole part where we have period documents proving the O-I existed, making it NOT a paper tank?


Because its untrue. No matter how many times you bring it up or want to believe.

We literally have the documents proving it existed. Care to present any evidence otherwise?


No they don’t. They have drawings and what pretty much translates as, “Wouldn’t it be nice if we built this big tank?”
There are more documents that “prove” that Gundam robots exist than this tank

That isn’t how that works.