Off Topic Discussion

Oh absolutely im on yalls side with that for sure

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It doesn’t help they were told the UK couldn’t get its next and the best domestic plane. As it is “too advanced”. watch as we are 3 gens after it, before its added.


You’re talking about EF ? Because surely there is another things between this Phantom 9L and the EF to get as the coming top jet ?

not really f4 to tornado f3 then eurofighter

Well, smell like a copy pasta is saddly coming with Sweden.

Or they found a not really know proto/pre prod jet.

it pros another tornado or harrier

talking about sweden Can someone help me use the wheel brakes while the engine is at full throttle, to better use the reverse of the JA37D?

Just put wheel brakes on a second key like x or idk ?

I need to brake the wheels while the engine is at 100%

Yes, that’s what i’m saying, put the wheel break on another key than the throttle down (while keeping it on the throttle down).

Perfect, thanks. It was the B key in simulator mode

From what I understand from talking to people who know UK tech, no.
Hence the South African Gripen or CF-18 that is brought up in every debate about the next UK top tier.


“ah yes we get the sidegrade while you get the downgrade, tell me in what way is the AZUR worse then the other Leclercs you had before?”

Leclerc AZUR is a Leclerc S2, so it lost its commander thermal against the SXXI.

Btw SXXI should have all internal armor reinforced with titanium, wich is not the case, among all of the problem.

Also AZUR is a kit that can be used on every Leclercs after the S1, so again, a strange choice.

At least theycould have put the SXXI that got the AZUR, but no, they give us the downgraded S2 after the SXXI.

Also, AZUR should be NERA, not ERA.

so its not worse then the other Leclercs besides the SXXI, thats it?

It’s worst than the last top of the line Leclerc, so it’s a downgraded leclerc that we got (since it’s the “last” of the line.

Also Leclercs are full of wrong things. Armor should be better (specially UFP that can be pen by 8.3 Russian apfsds, sorry but that’s not realistic).
Turret rotation speed should be around 40°/s, perhaps almost twice it’s current speed.

Overall speed should be better too.

And why you and almsot everybody got better APFSDS, we are so late in APFSDS than even if we got the next step, it still would be obsolete for SXXI irl service, telling you how far we are.

So yes your leo are not anymore the top of the top of the game, but they still are totally playable and not as broken as our MBTs. Also you can bring some support vehicles.

I have news for you but the PSO does not bring anything better to the table its basically a 2A5 with more side armor, which doesnt do anything and is basically useless, more powerfull engine, which because of the higher weight results in the PSO not being faster at all.

and speaking of questionable choices, why do we get a tank which is specialized in urban warfare in a game without soldiers?

and the PSO is also last of the line and is also not better then the 2A6 or 2A5 before it so can i also call it downgrade now?

AZUR didn’t bring anything new too, same tank, with same worst armor and shell than almost every other nations.

And about questionable choices, i’m totally agree with you, because AZUR is the same things.
'Action en Zone URbaine" = action in urban areas.

And yes, i guess you can.

I don’t think there’s evidence of that? Back on the old forum the discussion was mostly about the turret.

perhaps almost twice it’s current speed.

According to that manual leak in regards to the Leclerc, that is impossible. It was stated to be 40°/s

we are so late in APFSDS than even if we got the next step, it still would be obsolete for SXXI irl service

Well, OFL F1B per Nexter catalogue (OFL F2 is not mentioned lol), but that is just a slightly improved OFL F1 to my knowledge.

So yes your leo are not anymore the top of the top of the game, but they still are totally playable. Also you can bring some support vehicles.

The same can be said about the Leclerc though? Back when S1 was added, it was arguably the best tank in the game, similar to how 2A5 and 2A6 were the best at the time of their additions.

Down the line both nations became neglected;
PSO: straight downgrade from the 2A5; armour is worse, mobility is worse, additional side armour is a gimmick that falls off after a single hit (it basically behaves like ERA… the same armour package on the Ariete cannot fall off as it has no hp), and its frontal UFP add-on which is identical to Strv 122s make it less armoured. An inferior vehicle replaced the superior vehicle (2A6)
AZUR: straight downgrade from the SXXI, mobility is worse, it lost CITV and has worse armour frontally. Again an inferior MBT replaced the superior one (SXXI).

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then welcome to the club thats literally the PSO.

Except you have armor + shell advantage :)