you mean the armor which has twice as much spall as everybody else?
so what youre asking for is SHARD? Im sorry theres no better alternative for france which will bring you up to par.
you mean the armor which has twice as much spall as everybody else?
so what youre asking for is SHARD? Im sorry theres no better alternative for france which will bring you up to par.
Yep thats why i said “almost”, don’t remember it’s current number but far from 40°/s at least.
Still more shells available. OFLE F1/F2 afaik for starting, then SHARD later.
Yes, but the things is during this time, almost every nation got better APFSDS. Now everybody can pen us even on our best armor spot, but our current shells didn’t get upgraded, so we have to aim to weakspot when everybody can just aim and delet us anywhere.
Afaik we have the second worst APFSDS now.
Britains domestic aircraft was:
Phantom FG1 for FAA retired in 1978 replaced by Sea Harrier FRS1
Torando Gr1 entered service for interdiction in 1979
Tornado F3 entered service for Air defence in 1985
Harrier Gr7/9 were introduced for CAS in 1989
Phantom F3 (F4JUK) retired 1991
Phantom FGR2 retired 1992
Sea Harrier FRS1 became the the Sea Harrier FA2 with AMRAAM/Blue Vixen in 1993
Tornado Gr1 was replaced by the Tornado Gr4 in 1997 with lessons learnt in 1991 Gulf war, mostly incorporated precision weapons like Brimstone
In 2003 the EF Typhoon entered service and slowly began taking over the Tornado F3s jobs but it took time to train crews.
Tornado F3 was upgraded with AMRAAM and ASRAAM starting in 1996 and finally finished in 2006
Due to inter-service politics. Sea Harrier FA2 was scrapped in 2006 (6 years earlier than planned). pilots transfered to Gr7/9
Tornado F3 was retired in 2010
Harrier Gr7/9 were retired in 2010 (a few years earlier than planned, but did get to test Brimstone)
Typhoon took over the CAS roles with the Typhoon FGR4 and proved highly successful in 2014+ in operation shader
Tornado Gr4 retired in 2019
F-35 entered service in 2021
Bit messy, but gives you a basic lay down of what goes where
That’s kinda the thing, France didn’t bother to pursue new KEP just like Sweden and Italy until very recently (give or take ~2 years back), but a fun fact, Italy has received a round they never operated nor tested but that’s kinda beside the point. There is physically no new shell that can be added that would have drastically higher performance unless we start handing out DM53s to everybody just cus, and when it comes to SHARD Mk.1, there is nothing known about it apart from its muzzle velocity.
Afaik we have the second worst APFSDS now.
Third I believe, China should have a worse one (nope, theirs is better by 2mm on standard ZTZ-99A acutally)
Overall it goes like this;
DM53 (L/55) - > M829A2 - > DM53 (L/44) - > M338 - > Type 10 KEP - > M829A1 - > SLPPRJ M/95 - > KE-W - > 3BM-60 - > DTC10-125 - > OFL F1 - > L27A1.
I’ve read about some OFL F1B and F1B+, alongside some OFLE 120, i’m sure we can find things to add…
Then yeah, SHARD, why not ?
Those projectiles are still based on OFL F1, i.e the exact same penetrator. I’ve read that F1B+ could be using SCBD propellant of the DM63, hence it wouldn’t be capable of exploding, so that’s at least the silver lining.
Then yeah, SHARD, why not ?
As stated before, nothing apart from MV is known. Gaijin could make it just an OFL F1 performance wise and there’d be nothing we could do to change that.
“this ammunition sets a new performance standard, with increased penetration capacity combined with very high accuracy”
I guess it would’nt be enough knowing gaijin to give us a really good round and adjusting with times. Would only work if it’s for some major nation that was making this shell i guess…
We know enough to know it’s close to DM73. It’s at most 10mm worse because of lower muzzle velocity.
And Rheinmetall has been stating for ages that DM53/63 can defeat advanced heavy ERA’s, but in the game they cannot - give up hope mate.
I know i know… Speaking of ERA on the French Brennus it should have something like 100m of KE protection.
Good luck getting them to make a era in this game good that ain’t Russian
Honestly I stopped caring about this game mostly. Last time I ventured onto the Russian side of the forum, their moderators are in full blown denial that Western vehicles and munitions can perform well (fx, NNHack was in complete denial of DM53s capability for defeating ERA, to a point where he even started arguing against advanced simulations that were showing it 100% can, it’s a lost cause tbh), in fact there was a thread there calling for a full blown nerf of Leopard 2s turret armour to a point where 3BM-42 could defeat 2A5s turret anywhere back when the old forum was still a thing.
It’s a bit silly if you ask me.
Well, since it’s not fixed, i know that too x)
Guess it’s there they got some sekrit dokuments where the most costly tank at it’s release (Leclerc) can be pen on the UFP by 8.3/coldwar Russian apfsds.
Honestly that is on the devs 100%. They basically went and treated Leclerc’s UFP like T-series should be, i.e the higher the LoS the lower “effective” protection for the armour against a dart - but they only applied it to the Leclerc, while keeping T-series in accordance to Western armour standard… hence why their armour is overperforming some cases by as much as 30% ))))
It’s balanz komrade.
Only 30%?
Yep. I thought I’d get some premium and get back into playing, but reading stuff like this makes me happy that I get bugs every time I want to buy something from their store.
Wait, do you mean it’s “right” than the Leclerc’s UFP is butter?
In most cases, yes. However the 30% we’re talking about is the difference between T-80U stopping OFL F1 at point blank range, and being defeated by OFL F1 at like 1.5km’s.
I mean 30% is a lot, it goes from rounds can penetrate to not penetrate.