Oct 2024 balance change feedback

Yes, one tank.

This is an America suffers thread vaguely disguised as BR change feedback.

That is one increddibly good tank more than a lot of other nations have.

ya know a couple other things i thought of.

where the heck is the BRAT 2 ERA armor that the A3 bradley is suppose to have?
Brat 2 era has 120mm KE protection and 800-900mm CE protection. its rated for direct impacts from 30mm APFSDS without detonating. 35mm is probably a 50/50 chance and anything bigger like 40mm and up will set it off though.

and why is the US MH-60L Dap the same BR as the israli one? despite being worse in every way. it doesnt get FAF ATGMs, and doesnt have a cannon. its a whale. it should be like a whole 1.0 br lower.

As for the M735 ammo. gaijin admitted the old 353mm pen was correct. and it got nerfed by accident. then NEVER fixed it and its still useless down at 282mm which is barely better than m728 which is junk.

why does the M1 105 and M60A3 not have M833? they both fired it pretty heavily in desert storm.


Kremlins strongest soldier.

USSR is my most played nation, but I had no idea my fellow players needed so much handholding. Maybe 2S38 can be moved down to 9.7 where it will be more comparable to the 40mm CV90s. It has less armor so it should be lower BR.

one great tank isnt better than having 2-6 good tanks

I’ve personally love to know why the m1 Abrams got it’s BR increased while the turms and ztz96A P didn’t get touched. a shell with sub 400mm pen at 10.7 is absurd and the Abrams armour would be reletively equal to the turms and ztz mentioned

Both the Turms and ZTZ96A went up in BR.

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not enough. all those MBT’s should be at 10.7 if the m1 abrams is up there.

The M1 Abrams is also considerably better than the turms and ztz96s.

Right now the game is like this:

I want to say two words to the developers… You have managed to weaken a nation already on its knees. You have followed the first rule of the manual to the letter: ‘How not to get more players to play with this nation’. And this is a small list of things that don’t work in the Italian tech tree:

  • For All Ariete, the highest level MBT is once again increased by BR despite everyone telling you to stop even others from other nations, you also flatly refuse to adjust his armour.
  • Breda 501 is increased in BR, but you don’t want to give him the 8 crew members he still has 5, but he actually carries 8. The breda leave it at BR 4.7 stop nerfing it unnecessarily you act like you are not happy until all the vehicles in the italy tech tree are nerfed to the ground.
  • Leopard 40/70 BR unnecessarily nerfed same gun as the AMX 13, but 2 completely different BRs the only ones complaining are the mental decelebrates who have not yet understood that the entire crew stands on the turret in the open.
  • M42 anti-aircraft same BR as the Wirbelwond but the Wirbelwond has over 2500 ammo while the M42 only 600… Bring M42 down to BR 3.3 and give it 3 belts of ammo.
  • R3 T106 FA is at BR 8.0 but the British Fox which is much more powerful is at BR 7.7
  • OTOMATIC stands at BR 11.3 while your precious Russian experimental vehicle 2S38 which is much stronger is still at BR 10.0… Great kind of balancing you guys are real foxes…
  • Several aircraft are to be lowered in BR Re.2001 CN or C.202EC etc…
  • VCC-80/60 had to stay at BR 9.0, has a cannon that has as much firepower as a blowgun…
  • Lowering the BR of the A.109EOA-2 (bringing it down to BR 8.3) is nowhere near as good as that of the Mi-24d.
  • While you’re at it, fix Italian helicopter tech tree, you mixed up the Hungarian branch with the Italian branch.

I will say, having played 10.7 now (formerly 10.3) which was one of my favourite BR’s to play… it’s ruined.

There’s very few downtiers because 9.7 is very rare, most nations don’t have many, however there’s lots of uptiers to the new 11.3/7… which means drones, lots of drones. 10.3 was golden for previously allowing the top tier experience without the absolute scum and BS that is drones (and higher tier CAS), but now, it’s kinda dead to me.

9.3 was saved, but at what cost. Drones need to go to BR 13.0.

Finnish Kv-1 should go back to 5.0

XD players that keep dying to A-10C legitimately have the largest skill issue known to Warthunder.


Oh yeah its totally a skill issue to die to the 2nd best IR missile that requires you to put all your attention on it while simultaneously having to fight multiple people in a 10.7 aircraft that has limited CMs.

Why dont you come back to me when you own a plane that has 9Ms, granted that looks like that’ll take you a while considering you couldn’t make the F-14 IRIAF work even at its old br I’d advise you to stick to GRB discussions.

XD imagine getting baited by a plane slower than a 3.7 Mustang. Seriously how are you so bad WT that you’re getting within firing range of an A-10C and not realizing it? Like bruh this is just pathetic.

Well based on some of the readings I have done, in addition to explosive reactive armor working properly, I dont believe A2 or 3bm60 can pen 700mm of 440 Brinell scale modern hardened steel which is used in modern mbts. What is armour steel? - Swebor - Swebor.

1/10 bait used to be believable surely you’re not this stupid but i mean that ARB k/d being 0.4 average is telling me you might be maybe 3.7 is more your speed kid

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No over br russian vehicles lmfao… sure. Ignore the whole heavy tank line. In under BR’ed terms russia is 2nd if not 3rd, and combined with germany they still have less than the number 1 spot