The laziness and inconsistency of developers towards Italy is absurd

You mixed the Hungarian branch with the Italian one even Germany has a German branch and one from the German Democratic Republic (GDR), also called East Germany.

Also I bet the seats that were occupied by Hungarian helicopters were intended for Italy, but out of laziness it was decided to use those seats for copy and paste Hungarian helicopters taken from the Russian branch instead of creating a Hungarian branch detached from the Italian branch.

And while you’re at it, why don’t you fill them here with spaces left over with Italian helicopters? The Italian community has provided you with plenty of suggestions, what is missing here is the will to do things properly.

Furthermore, lowering the BR of the A.109EOA-2 (take it to BR 8.3) is nowhere near as strong compared to the Mi-24d.


Another post spreading hate instead of supplying constructive discussion like critique.
Just cause Italian helicopters IRL are more powerful than 9.x doesn’t mean devs are bad.

Based thread.

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Since when does telling the truth mean spreading hatred???

For your information, the image above is what the Italian helicopter technology tree should look like. Just add any helicopter proposed by the Italian community in the places where the ‘developers were lazy’ and decided to mix Hungarian and Italian tech trees.

Besides, all the other nations have separate branches, whereas for Italy the job was done with feet, you can continue to ignore the truth but the players are fed up with this treatment.


Your post lacks truth in what Italian helicopters exist for 9.0 - 10. to begin with.

Also, Mi-24D has slightly weaker AGMs that go 250 meters more, they are equivalent.

Dude, it was obvious you’d be grasping at straws to avoid admitting you’re in the wrong.

It doesn’t take a degree to type on a PC keyboard and find the Italian tips post on the main warthunder forum, here’s a link… you don’t even know how to do that, if you had any curiosity you could find several helicopters to use in the BR you specified 9.0 - 10.0, instead of waiting for others to feed you.

And again, what game are you playing? A.109EAO-2 is literally much weaker than the Mi-24D

With the Mi-24D you can engage in combat, against:

  • helicopters
  • tanks
  • aircraft

Thanks to the combination of weapons it brings to the battle: machine gun + missiles.
In addition, Falanga missiles have greater armour penetration + greater explosive mass + a greater range of fire, compared to the TOW.

With the A.109EAO-2 You can only engage in combat one of the three I mentioned above: ‘tanks’… You keep denying the evidence of the A.109EAO-2’s shortcomings but you can’t fool the community since we all noticed it.

Furthermore, the Italian community has been proposing several variants for the Italian technological tree for some time now, and I give examples:

but as always we have been met with silence.

Here the only one who is uninformative is you, certainly not me.


Mi-24D does not have AAMs for aircraft [rotor or fixed winged].
So your only accurate statement was Mi-24D is good for tanks only.

Both TOW and Falanga have over 3km of range [their competition is SPAA, not other helicopters].
So yeah; UH-1C, Mi-24D, and A-109EOA are equivalents of each other.

I never said or wrote that the Mi-24D has AAM missiles.

If you read my speech it is very clear that I meant its machine gun, it helps to defend yourself from planes when they engage you and you can also shoot them down. Which you cannot do with A.109EAO-2 because it has no machine gun. So yes, Mi-24D can engage air vehicles to defend itself

I clearly said Falanga has a higher range than TOW, also higher armor penetration + higher explosive mass. Since you keep denying what I wrote here are the screenshots:


Also, as I already wrote stop grasping at straws, or looking for phony excuses I never said to make me look wrong.