Oct 2024 balance change feedback

Update: Some people in this community are abusing the post flagging system to hide this post. Just so everyone is aware. Im pretty sure its the russia bots/balance haters. These forums are pretty toxic as i am finding out so i dont think ill come back here sense the devs allow a small portion of the community do get away with this. i have seen no moderation to reaign in these personal attacks and other non-constructive criticism.

1st off the A10 BR changes
Going up in BR is bad. these planes are suffering to play. anyone who plays these aircraft stock or even upgraded could tell you this.

A10A/Cs need a forward air spawn sense they are so slow, that would give them a small chance to maybe get in range of the ground targets so they can grind before getting dog-piled and swarmed.
people complain about them constantly which is funny to me and i laugh at those people. its a A10 you can simply avoid them, or dive on them or do Anything OTHER than try to headon or turn fight it, or blast it with a radar missile or IRCM capable Fox2.
its not hard to avoid and its Missiles are all it has going for it…
afterall whats the A10 going to do, climb? chase you?
Besides chances are for most maps regardless of the win or loss, the air battle is over before it gets even half way to any bases to start bombing.

like actually imagine GOING out of you way to go over to the A10, Dying to it, then complaining XD

The Ah1W
should stay at 10.7, it was given too high of a BR initially relative to other helicopters of that bracket. It is technically inferior to things like the Linx, A129, MI35 are all 10.7 and have the ability to use ATGM and AA missiles at the same time. the AH1W doesnt and must chose 1 or the other. they are roughly on par with each-other yet the US equipment again is unjustly placed so much higher than everyone else.

In what universe is a helicopter that Lacks A2A missiles and CMs deserving of such a high BR?? Lower it down to 10.7. in fact why is this trash even in the game? remove it.

Lower the BR down to 9.7-10 where it belongs. it doesnt get CM or A2A missiles.

Add the missing Counter measures pods

HSTVL is cancer to play,
it is totally useless because its dart is awful often failing to spall or pen even MULTIPLE side shots, either fix the dart to be equal to spalling and pen of M774 like its suppose to be, OR lower its BR down to 10.7 where it belongs. dont even get me started on its awful “blurry vision” thermals that hurt your eyes IRL.

2s38 is cancer to play against
and is too easy to use IT also needs to be BR 11.3 where it belongs. it was WAY better than the HSTVL. Please rainin your bias Gaijin and actually balance things properly.

The Smokless missiles on the Chaperaals
havent been smokeless for several patches now, please fix that. they are making big white easy to spot smoke plumes and they arent suppose to.

Why are the russian Hinds 9.7 and not up at 10.0 or 10.3 where the belong? they get ATGMs, rockets CMs, and AAMs.

M829A3 ammo
needs to be added to the Sep and Sepv2 (but only those 2 tanks, cuz the M1A1 FEP isnt in the game but it would get it too if it was)

and id tell you to fix the Sep V1/2 abrams armor but we all know you wont sense you want to lie and gaslight instead of fix it. so the least you can do is give them a good round that can front pen russian tanks to keep it fair sense everything front pens abrams with ease.
and OFC youre not going to fix the abrams ERA to give it the 120mm KE and 900mm CE protection its suppose to have. and ariat 2 has the same but 1200mm protection.

In what universe is the Tow2B 100mm pen and not 340-380mm?
probably in the same cocaine and bias fueled universe that the AGM65 maverick is 830mm pen
instead of the 2300mm pen its suppose to be.
And its not like better top attack missiles like the Bill2 dont already exist with 540mm pen, or ground Launched FAF ATGMs. thats not a problem, but the moment US gets a missile with half the stats? OH STOP EVERYTHING AND NERF THE CRAP OUT OF THEM, cuz the US exist only to be a FOOD faction for the others, and a brainless ruassian/german player might get a boo boo when the us has something to use to fight back with for once.
Where is Americas Ground Launched FAF vehicles like the M6A3/4 M shorad?

for to love of all that is holey, ADD SEAD missiles, Buddy lazing, AGM114Ls or AGM179 Jagms

Lower the Spawn cost of AGR20A/B, its insane that they cost as much as ATGMS for what they offer.
Add AGR20C (M247 heat warheads) to aircraft that have them, those can cost ATGM spawn points.

Change the AGR20A to the Proxi Fuze Rocket or add a 2nd AGR20A(PF) variant to be used as a chopper popper to make it actually useful and better reflect the normal IRL use for AGR20As…

Raise the Mi-24 Hinds from 9.7 to 10.3 where they belong, they have CMS, ATGMs, AA missiles, guns everything. they are way to low of BR. Again please DO ACTUAL balance instead of just pooping on things.strong text

the M735 shell was changed in error. gaijin admitted as much and said it would be fixed back to the correct 353mm pen. but its been 2+ years now and its still at the wrong 282mm.

If i was in charge of this game, id fix ALOT of obvious issues and actually improve Quality of life.


…Or that they picked up a bunch of free kills because they have nuts missiles compared to everything else. AIM-9Ls against flareless aircraft is a serious problem, and IRCCM powercreep finding its way as low as 11.3 must be stopped. Great changes, much appreciated that they go up.


M1 Abrams needs better round or it should go back to its previous BR


they can go up in BR. if they get forward Air spawns so they have a chance to get some points before getting dog piled.

In fairness. Su-25BM and Jaguar IS are both still 11.3. I think A-10C matching the BR of the Su-25T/Su-39 is correct though. But forward spawn would help them quite a bit


And what is that removing that DM53 from Leopard PL , and still tiering it up to 11.7.
But yet, clickbait and hc are getting better dart…

I’m not opposed to this, as long as it moves up.

I think Su-25BM is fine at 11.3, but the Jaguar i’m not sure on. It should probably go 11.7 since the Magic 2 are better than R-73 and it’s supersonic.


I dont see BMP-3 on their list, its the same as BMD-4 but IIRC 3t heavier, which does not justify the BR difference.

A-10C in sim should go to like 12.3 or even 12.7, with HMD IFF and smokeless IR missile it can ambush anyone and send invisible missile to not aware enemy.

And since difference between F-1 and T-2 will be .3 BR imo T-2 should get CCIP for bombs, rockets and guns, because F-1 has it but it has 4x aim-9p where T-2 has only 2

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That, is just stupid.

Harrier Gr7 which outperforms the A-10C in every respect in Sim, except for the IFF, is 12.7 and is literally unplayable. Should be 12.0

12.0 is the absolute max it should be, if that.

If you are somehow being ambushed by the slowest aircraft at that BR, without seeing it coming. Then that is likely a skill issue and an Aim-9L would have killed you

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But the A10C is super Slow, in its current BR mostly when i am on the Battlefield Most of the enemys or my Teammates are gone.

Even if it moves up, the speed of the A-10 relative to the other aircraft it faces remains similar.

Vidar 8.0>8.7

T55 AM-1 8.7>9.0

KV-1B/E 4.0>4.3

ITO 90M 12.0>12.0

PANTSIR 12.0>12.7

Strv 122’s/2A7’s 12.0>12.7

2S38 10.0>11.0

I could do more but its just a few off the top of my head.


yeah gaijins “balance™” decisions make my eyes bleed.

but sliver lining is at-least the M829A2 round isnt much better than the A1 round. like sub 50mm more pen better. which is accurate to the IRL specs, But its also an ancient round from 1992, and a M1A1 HA did fire/use them so no reason not to add that.
What shouldnt be using them are tanks of a much higher BR from 2003 and 2014 (sep v1/2), while also fighting 2020 tanks with a 1992 round from the last century.
thats crap and Wathunder knows it but doesnt care.


They already can get to the ground targets or dont tell me you’re actually dying to ARH in a plane that sits at multipath 90% of the time

At 200 m/s at sea level the Aim-9M has 8km range within its motor burn thats an 6km deathzone where unless you’re actively pre flaring or looking at the A-10 it will kill you in a headdon or side aspect even if you fly past an A-10C it will kill a supersonic target as long as it fires within 3.4km

What plane at 12.0 besides the Mirage has access to IRCCM missiles and whats that going to do when the A-10 has a low heat signature and infinite CMs

The A-10C has been ruining 12.0 and especially sim for a while now and if you cant see that you probably have a severe skill issue and use the A-10C as a crutch and dont want it moved up

No it shouldn’t its comparable to the CV90 in most areas but its better than them as a SPAA while losing out to them in survivability, mobility and versatility

You’re delusional M829A2 is already the second best shell in the game what type of skill issue do you have that you want a shell that can lolpen most tanks UFPs including T-80U,BVM and T-72B


TBF, there both staying the same, sure its going up but it means nothing besides maybe more down tiers. Not to mention Germanys leopard lineups are insane. Its 1 Abrams with that round, would you rather m829a3?? no you wouldn’t, let the USA players have 1 win. PLUS premium players are garbage so… doesn’t help much

not true m829a2 gets stopped by k5, the cv90s are better because of their br (not saying hstvl is bad, just worse is some ways),

Why its just a T-55 with LRF and some composite theres already better 8.7 still at 8.7

This is stupid the pantsir exists to make the game actually playable at toptier preventing CAS from dominating every game the moment they spawn in the only issue is NATO SPAA is slightly weaker than the pantsir

Why its comparable to all the other 10.3 IFVs


The 2s38 isnt as good as people say but i would argue the constant fire rate and also its pen could grant 10.7 or maybe 11.0 after br changes. The T55 am1 is alright where it is, i would agree with you there, but the T55 AMD with aps should be 9.0 or even 9.3,

Its meant to get stopped by K-5 thats why MA292A3 exists it bypasses K-5 and would lolpen every russian vehicle in game currently bar the T-90M which would force russian tanks to be moved down in BR and curbstomp the 10.x range again but now with even better vehicles

T-69 IIG with worse armor is at 9.0