Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Well maybe scratches itch maybe if we got some of that nice Indian spices in the TT in the form of a native Indian vehicle, or from when they were part of the Empire (cough ACV-IP 1.0 event pls cough), peeps might finally get India is here to stay xD

(I do not have an addiction to curries)

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I meant the J-10A

Oh right, well i mean J8F is kinda what you get from not having IRCCM even at 13.0 with ARH.

There isn’t much information on CN internet about J8F, but I did find a blog claiming that 8F didn’t get pl12 missile till 2006, the plane upgrade was planned approx at the same time of pl12 project, and finished early.

there are also unreliable sources claiming that J8F came out in 2005.
This plane is still not completely out of service, tho only few left now. So not really hopeful to get authoritative information about J8F.

Hey Smin!
Looking at folders, is there a development planned to allow for the next vehicle in line get the research bonus from any of the folder’s vehicle? For example the 1st of the Meteor could get the bonus from both the Spitfire Mk22 and Mk 24. It’s sad having to get back in the tree to get the bonus.

Then you’ll love hearing that it’s only the first of three Thai capability upgrades!

The second capability upgrade, and the first step of a further upgrade then known as F-5T, introduced compatibility with Python 4 missiles and a new glass cockpit featuring HMD.

The third capability upgrade was the intended second step to the F-5T, now renamed to F-5TH to avoid confusion with the Singaporean F-5T. This one receives a new PD radar in exchange for one of the two cannons, as well as a lot of new weapons including Python 4/5 and IRIS-T short range missiles, Derby BVR missiles, GBU-12 laser guided bombs with Litening III targeting pod and SkyShield jamming pod.

There’s some great suggestions for both:

F-5T / F-5E SCU

F-5TH / F-5E TCU


J8F is such an irony, a 3.5 gen fighter in service in 2024, kept at top secret…

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*one of the two Guns was removed and replaced with a tube.



It’s the CN policy on archive and secret documents, since CN does have the ability to keep everything secret, so why not?
Well… according to the Secrecy Law, we might be able to have J8F declassified in this decade… or maybe not.

Smin, do you know what would be cool with foldered vehicles?
Currently you would get an 110% bonus when researching the following vehicle, (in this case the Scimitar F Mk.1 while the foldered one sits just there, it would be cool if these foldered vehicles would also give some bonus for the research lets say 110 as current for the main vehicle and 120% for the one in the folder :)

Also when proper FOX-3 Animation?


well better than getting them all leaked… J8F tech isn’t like some super insane unheard of stuff but could still be valuable to both evaluation of the strategy and development.
I hope it is phased out although I guess with the generation policy it should have been long gone.

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Pretty much on its last legs and AFAIK it doesn’t conduct important missions either, just waiting to be substituted with either J-10, J-16 or J-20.

It is still a very important part of the western sector, who do nothing all day but exercise and there is 0 real need for combat, since there are no enemies on that side.

Somewhat important since its not that useful… but yeah other command theatres have the priority.

Yeah, I have seen hundreds of better anime skins from the same game. And uses a handful of these.

My last laptop has a 40G userskins folder


Devblog when?

It’s the weekend


40GB of anime skins?




Rookie numbers try 500GB of content for Trainz lol