North Holland: A New Location for Ground Battles!

We have current tank battles on the news now and to say this is a warzone is an insult to those living in one currently.

High rise building ambushes with anti tank weapons is an obvious one, mines and improvised explosives, narrow corridors, lack of infantry support, and even other tanks waiting for an ambush.

What really bothers me is that maps like these is that they negate any other type of play style that isn’t aggressive or ambush tactics, light tanks are completely out of the question for obvious reasons so only armored MBTs are viable. I would honestly be okay with this map if it were laid out like Tunisia or Maginot Line. The standard for new maps needs to be way higher, there is no shortage of city maps in this game and newer maps must account for all type of vehicles and their capabilities.


“Mom, can we have Interstate?”
“We have Interstate at home.”
the interstate at home:

for real though, this map shares 80% of the layout of “eastern europe”, from the river beds over the majority of street layout and building blocks right down to the placement of the bridges.
this isnt “inspired by” this is “copied and slightly changed”.

if you want to rework existing maps to fit better to modern vehicles thats totally fine and good even, but dont try to sell that as “new” to us, thats just lazy.
this map should have been an additional map on top of a real new map for ground RB.

apart from that, it doesnt look really special either, only slightly resembling a few know landscape features of holland, like the historic red brick buildings and cobble stone roads, the modern rowhouses, a river and of course a “red light district”(you do know that pretty much every city has one of those yes, its not holland specific).
its the same uninspired approach you showed with fulda, putting in a fantasy fairytale castle where there isnt anything like that in the area and plopping wind turbines into a potential combat heavy border region, set it a time where wind turbines wherent even used in germany.

instead of actually making a new unique map, you focussed on whatever is the new obsession and gimmick this patch, namely that “mall” because of or a few of the devs played a lot of tarkov and thought war thunder needed something similar.
sometimes it seems like you forget this is a vehicular combat game, not an infantry based shooter, that mall wont add much to overall gameplay in the map.

overall pretty disappointed but not surprised either, this games map designs are some of the worst for the gameplay i have ever seen.
how about doing some proper rework of existing longer range maps, make them more enjoyable so they are actually ending up in rotation?
red desert? fulda? big tunisia?
instead of shrinking maps down to literal shooting ranges and restricting access to the few flanking routes that where there in the first place.

i can only repeat myself, hire some proper map designers that arent trying to build MOBA maps or maps for infantry shooters for a game based on vehicle combat and long ranges.


Then how would you interpret this:

This very much reads as: “even though there is no infantry in game it’s still a bad idea to have tanks in urban environments in the game for various reasons”

Then those tanks flank or scour the hills to pick of tanks exiting the town.

Only if you for some reason stop in an intersection. Otherwise you are arguably more protected against side shots since you have buildings on either side.
If you get shot in the rear then you have bigger issues in that match in general for it to ultimately matter.

This one I do however agree very much with.

I do not understand what you are trying to convey here.

I’m gonna put my tinfoil hat on and say that “Holland” was really meant to be a modern take on Eastern Europe, but the devs realized during some phase of development that Eastern Europe takes place somewhere in Ukraine (according to the wiki) and was changed last minute to avoid controversy.


Im saying the same since long time ago. Looks like for map creators only exist Arcade and Top Tier.
Ok, Gaijin now just want urban maps?? fine but what in the name of … is neccesary remove or literally destroy old maps???
Right now i spend more time in crewlock than playing because the map rotation is urban map after urban map.

The last map changes was mostly rejected but is OF COURSE ignored:

Or why all variants of Mozdok except one was removed or the best version Port novo was removed aswell ???



I can probably live with it as long as this modern eversion only accompanies modern tanks. I don’t want this for WW2 any more than I would want late stuff on WW2 maps. .Era specific maps is something Gaijin should be working now if not years ago.

If this is a version of Eastern Europe specifically for later BRs then cool.
and maybe as you say Eastern Europe is too close to home for a good many but surely something more generic would be easier to make and more readily accepted and does not in any way have to era specific if the map maker is clever, it could be undatable as far as this century and last century go.

Remove the cars and leave the buses out for a start ,don’t fill the map with those things that date it. Why not focus on the middle east where the wars are? Could Gaijin not give a tick box for maps related to era or nation and really go to town on the maps instead of such bizarre locations?

Make maps that are dateless and immersive in all BRs if you are going to use the same maps on all BRs

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We had a Sea lion poo in a Lynx helicopter once(Dont ask) …oooh the stink.
Its that fish diet! anyway back on topic.

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Never had something that cool in our helicopters 🤣. Not that I know of anyways. A dog maybe on occasion.

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I was thinking though how we landed in a manure field and having to crawl under the helicopter to hook up the sling load 🤣. Not the funnest experience.


They never mention that in the recruitment advertisements do they?


No haha it’s just a life of fun and adventure. I do miss it though. Shit fields and all

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“Still not as big a map as the Eastern Europe”.

Just great. Haven’t you guys caught on that most players do NOT want smaller maps? Heck, I’m just taking a guess but look at the number of likes on some of these comments here, and I’ll bet the ones complaining about this small map stuff will have many likes. Why are you guys continuing with this BS? Poland, Eastern Europe, Big Tunisia, Ardennes, etc all the bigger maps are great, all you have to do is put more towns and stuff on these maps if you want to mix it up. Give us both plenty of space along with the CQC areas like towns. But give us room to roam and choose how we want to play.

Stop with this minimizing junk. I guarantee you the majority wants larger maps, even if they also include towns and areas for CQC. It’s good to have both, not this small junk like Test Site which is just a squared off area and drive forward and shoot. Complete BS.


And just like clockwork here you are supporting smaller maps, and Gaijin. So predictable


We had a nice big open map with a town at the side and everybody moaned about it .It was a great map.

Cant remember the name.

If Gaijin have achieved anything over the last few months by destroying the maps we have then it is that they made many of us realise how damn good the old maps really were a couple of years ago. We had size and terrain variation, cover, foliage and room for tactics.

Maybe we should campaign for a reset to make the maps what they were two or three years ago.

Get rid of the map ban and have every map back on a proper rotation with no repeats.

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I agree with you but it’s even worse for top tier. These smaller, more confined map changes have really affected top tier where vehicles are faster, more powerful, shoot farther and where we definitely should have all abilities to flank. But often cannot flank now, because some people can’t be asked to use their brains and focus on more than one area right in front of their faces.

I guess whoever whined last year about flankers has really got the ears of Gaijin, because they sure are caving in and ruining so many larger maps and freaking out of bounds timers with vehicle destruction are everywhere now. This is getting ridiculous.

Gaijin open it back up and give us more Poland, Ardennes, big Tunisia etc. Poland is a great example because it has fields, hills, forests, town and flanking areas. Even Eastern European or European province has all this. But many maps are being made smaller and smaller. And top tier is being drastically affected by it. With faster vehicles it’s taking no time to get CQC and even spawn interaction. But maybe that’s what Gaijin wants evidently.


North Holland is a large map for one, and two it’s the best urban map in years.

Right, cause we need more urban maps especially for top tier.



We need good maps.
Calling good maps bad, and bad maps bad, will fix nothing.
Gotta give credit where good maps are made otherwise we’ll get stuff like Sun City again instead.