No Air RB Rework or Air RB EC on the 2024 Roadmap

I agree with the vast majority of this.

But just taking GRB as an example, it’s not as broken as Air RB. It has strategy and It can kind of suit a bunch of different play styles.

GRB definitely has its issues but its able to walk that line between balanced-fun and frustrating-profit-driven-RNG far better than Air.

There can still be adjustments to Air while maintaining profitability. I do believe the suggestions ive made will increase devotion to the game mode and therefore increase addiction.

There are some pretty small changes that can be made to make the mode more fun that i listed above, even without an EC mode being introduced.

And if we ever got an official RB EC mode, it opens Gaijin up to introducing a ton more aircraft and mechanics that they can spam us with and charge $70 for…

Yeah Gaijin is going to do what makes them money but they’re developing a game. Ideally they want it to be a good game.

Sometimes making a good game requires the playerbase to rally around a cause and that’s all im trying to do with all these threads.

I dont want to hurt the mode or force any player to play a specific way. I just want to increase player choice when it comes to Aviation in War Thunder. And im certainly not alone here.

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Thanks those stats are coming from 2014,… i have played many other aircrafts since,… and i’m not agreeing with you by qualifying me as a “Mid Tier Player”

It is insulting,… and that’s the only insults i saw there.

I played without any premium to bring me up there,… both Tanks and Aircrafts, a total of game over 31k,…

Then you come after spamming aircrafts only, having half my number of games, claiming you have every aircraft so that you have paid some premium for that. (and also lied about starting this game in 2013,… you registered the 22th of February 2014)

So no, i’m not accepting your “MiD TiEr PlAyEr” as a “mark of respect” (your words).

You won’t answer me, fine, i don’t care what you can claim anyways as all you’ve been doing is to insutled me, and bashed away what i could say,…

Have fun playing 16vs16, which would be the norm for longer than you can think.

Dude. Just stop. You’re spiraling.

Your stats are easy to find, and so are mine. You can make up whatever excuse you want or throw insults. I just dont care. Maybe you’re way better. Maybe you’re way worse. Idfk.

We’re just talking ideas here.

We’re both long term players and supposed to be cordial, so shame on you for turning this into an insult-fest and getting so worked up.

Clearly i hit some deep nerve by saying you play mostly mid-tier. I didn’t think that was an insult. I personally like mid tier alot.

Please just kindly stop your meltdown and be done with it.


thought you’re not gonna answer, from that previous statement of yours.
but since you’re being moralizing to me:

i’m waiting excuses - here’s why:
You clearly stated that having all aircraft makes you able to know better the situation than me on what happens at high BR :

  • In what world, this makes you more qualified to the current talk?

You generally qualify people based on a statcard

  • In what world, this makes you more qualified to the current talk?

OK, i may have been insulting you back, because i felt insulted / overlooked at, and for that i’m sorry - but clearly i’m not going to be overlooked/insulted, and so i’m waiting excuses!

You’re getting unreasonably worked up at a small statement i made regarding you playing mid tier. Its fine. Idc anymore.

The only reason i brought it up is because is Air RB at the mid tiers is not as broken as Air RB at the upper tiers.

So if someone plays mostly mid tier, they don’t quite experience all the negatives of the upper tiers.

I play predominantly the upper tiers with a significant amount of experience. So i predominantly comment on the upper tiers.

If you were to ask me about Air RB at 1.0, i wouldn’t know that much. Haven’t played down there in a while.

Im not lying about my experience. My stat card is there for everyone to see…

I have a premium account and have for 7ish years, because i like to support the devs and i have a few premium planes - Fw190D13, yak-38 and Harrier Gr1. I stopped buying premiums because i enjoy grinding through the trees more now. I have every plane now. Ill be honest, its not worth it. They all fly really similar. Not hiding anything here…

Ultimately, upper tier Air RB is broken and there are many methods of fixing it which ive outlined several times on here.

You disagree. That’s fine. Play Air RB. Enjoy it.

Just stop spiraling on the forums.


The problem is not that we disagree about the modes,… it’s reason and methods you used to display that i’m wrong in your POV.

You can hide yourself in, but that’s pathetic after being moralizing me,…

Just playing the game since 2013 does not make you any more qualified on the topic of how toptier air RB works than someone else. In 2024, air RB is vastly different than it was in 2013, or really any other year youve been saying. You don’t seem to understand the various issues the playerbase has with toptier.

Even with multiple spawn airfields, every player is still going to congregate in the middle of the map with a furball. Look at EC maps, where even with one airfield, the players spread out because of where the objectives are. If you dont add more spread out objectives such as AI clashes and bases, air RB no matter how you change spawning is doing anything. 16 vs 16 is also just atrocious in toptier. The sheer number of AAMs and aircraft in one small area of the map is simply absurd and there isnt any way someone can realistically pay attention to all of that and react accordingly.

Like someone else said earlier in the thread, adding ARB EC as an event and balancing it based on player feedback and Gaijin’s progression interests, then fully implementing it would be great for the highest tiers of air RB.

I really don’t see why you are so against making changes from the rest of air rb tiers, like props and subsonic jets. Toptier does not work the same, if you separate from your team you are getting multiple enemies behind you shooting powerful AAMs.

All i’m getting out of your posts is that you don’t understand top tier air RB’s various flaws and how they can be fixable. You also dont seem to realise that toptier is not the same as lower and middle tiers. Your suggestions and opinions seem almost entirely against significantly changing toptier ARB. You clearly aren’t qualified to represent the opinions of the playerbase.


not saying that since start,… you’re out of why i’m asking excuses for.

and for the rest - everyone have it’s POV, and can differ from other - this is no excuse for categorizing and/or being insulting when shown wrong (that’s what happenned)

Stealth nerfing 😆

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Air RB EC requires new AI.
Adding airfields still has people starting at one airfield unless forced-randomization code is added.
Ground AI was spread recently, and further spread would best be done after new AI.
Respawning requires EC, which requires new AI.

Air RB is a great mode as-is, and of course I want improvements; Air RB isn’t in a bad state though.

Mode overhauls require far more time and new systems that themselves require more time.

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How? Randomize where players spawn at, but allow players to change that if they wish. Forced randomization would just be annoying.

Nah. It’s honestly quite bad and extremely repetitive. 16v16 is the worst thing ever, there’s no strategy, no communication, and it lacks depth in what you can do. Currently, it’s just an elimination gamemode, but it could be so much more.

I just want gaijin to test out a simple version of RB EC (like sim but RB) as an event, and improve it based on player feedback.

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speaking about top tier, it really is in a bad state.

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only that most of these overhauls are already existing in one form or another

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Requires air RB EC, which requires new AI.

Air RB has strategy and plenty of non-verbal communication… then again I have Battlefield 1942 experience in the non-verbal communication skill gaining.
16v16 is great, and a level of realism I’ve been wanting for a long time.

But yeah, be patient for AI overhaul, as that’ll make air EC improvements far easier to develop and of course test.

Top RB is just a more balanced 10.3 air RB.

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give me an example of a 16v16 dogfight since 1950, if its realistic. i’ll wait

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About the same amount of large scale wars since the 1950s, so Vietnam.

so a war is a dogfight? intressting definition

The easiest way to make air RB better is to bring back the old 12v12 maximum team size.

It is the single worst thing to happen to air since I started playing. Every single match is a furball. At higher BRs this is just missle spam. At low-mid tier jets this prevents any sort of 1v1 or 2v2 because you or the person you are fighting gets 3rd partied. It also leads to every match ending in a steamroll(1v5, 2v9, 1v8 etc.)

To be fair, anything is more balanced than 10.3 air RB.

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Maps aren’t dogfights.

10.3 doesnt even have a meta plane like top tier.
You can fly a Mig-21 or a F8E or a J-35XS and still have a pretty good time

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