Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

I would like to say it is consistent, but it is not. You have to have a bit of luck, and maybe it will be passed.

I think Gaijin consensus is it should be compatible, but apart from that it’s up to them.

I’d personally go with “in service at the same time” or “prototyped, intended for the vehicle” as additional requirements, but that’s just my personal preference and Gaijin isn’t bound to any of that.

So that’s built and it flew, it was just unarmed, not the same thing

Unarmed in 90% of cases means it will not be added.

on that subject pls Sondergerät SG104 “Münchhausen” 355.6mm (14 in) anti-ship recoilless rifle , on the DO-217

(no tbf joking , but on the other end were are the ju-88 P series 1 throught 5 aircraft)


Here ;)
(P-2 is useless, as its the same as P-3, just without the armor, based on A-4 instead of C-6)
(Also maybe maybe, the Münchhausen is possible to suggest, as its a unique special armarment and was build, i am asking a mod rn, so perhaps ill make a suggestion for it.)

yea no worries i’m aware , i just abriviated so i didn’t mention this detail

the issue with it is even if it got built , the issue that we might face is that it’s a single shot , with no way to realod mid air , i may be wrong , but this is the impression i have when seing how the gun is built , unless the gun can open in the middle section where i highlited
it defenetly looks like it could open itself in 2 part in that specific jonction, especialy when you look at the pic of the built prototype

Acces throu bomb bay and also its where the ammo is stored mostlikly. A hatch on top of the gun. Its recoilles so like a rocket. Not much recoil at all so not so much pressure in the pippe. A hatch on top of the barrel would work. Maybe multipart amuntion.

Il give it 14inches out of 10 would fiere again.



hmm so it is indeed a hatch , then it is defenetly a vehicle that can be implemented then

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Pardon, but do you also have that in higher quality, and from where is it? (Perhaps i would like to use it in a possible suggestion.


And the other one? Its not read able at all?

Couldn’t find any clearer image


Np, ty for these anyway.

the tail end didn’t like that , thank god we dont have that kind of damage modeled in game for gameplay reasons

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back blast almost destroyed the tail

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I want them to rebalance french early jets

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Plugging the 03 again, i want it so bad.


this is a proper cheeese wegde! Not like the other pretender ones.