Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

or give it to Japan

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modern sumbarines

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Older submarines
I want my Sjölejonet-class subs

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Isn’t that the one we got in-game?

or is the one on trial the older one

GIB the god dam renard planes now that we have belgium

Renard R.31


Renard R.32 (booth engin config)


Renard R.36


Renard R.37


Renard R.38 and Renard 40 (mostly similar)



Renard R.42 (twoo R.38 sticked together)


Looks interesting +1

Looks like the one we have in-game as it has that ball sight on the turret.

Probably the same, the camo nets in the Malaysian trial are interesting though.

Unfortunately the R.31 is probably too weak for reserve tier and the R.42 wasn’t built :(
Maybe if we’re lucky they could add the R.40 since it was under construction and 70% finished by the time it got destroyed but i doubt it

The R.36 is definitely a must-have tho

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if fit’s the requirment to be clasified as a unfinished prototype , so it can come

The requirements for a suggestion yes but when’s the last time an unfinished prototype was added


The Coelian? A decade ago?

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nope , there were some more recent addition

for exemple the most recent one is the Zerstörer 45 , because althought the weapon system and the platform already existed , there has never been any form of documentation that has yet to surface confirming the layout of the tank , and it was only mention in a book later on that suposedly 1 prototype was finished , with no other proof of it’s existence past an idea and name

(may i precise the book is post war to , it’s not a official document like the O-I)

the OSTWIND II share’s the exact same issue , and is know in the exact same way from the exact same guy , this is why it made noise back then , althought gessing the layout there is clearly simplier then the other

Such as?

Most recent one I can think of is the Yak-141, which was prptotyped, but never equipped in the intended armed configuration seen in game.

that one to , altought it was fully built (it was just missing the armement as you pointed out) , and were more talking about partialy built vehicles

Im pretty sure ive seen those camo nets before on some of the other early photos of the cv90120 doing trials in sweden.

Would experimental weapons work too?

It would open posibilitys for some vehciels to get in lower or even higher BR´s. Or must a weapon always be attached to a vehicle to be considert?