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Ah yes, modern gunships


Why would they even consider adding something like that?

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Brown cheese?


¯\ _ (ツ) _ /¯

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Oh, this would be nice.


oh my…

anti tank vespa yess I want it


Too OP, has more armour than several top tier MBTs :P



Italian Maus?!?


Why is it so bulbous, it looks over pressurized

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For the memes.

I just want my AC-130 I don’t care if it would be awful I can make my own fun

There’s so many aircraft that would be god awful to play in real games but that could be fun in other ways. Like again the AC-130 and other gunships, some weaponised transports like the UH-1Y (might not be bad since it’s basically just a modern Huey) and even the V-22 (trialled with chin mounted guns, a belly mounted turret like what is on the AH-60 and Hydra rocket pods I believe).


I would like to see M18 Commander with ragdoll physics.


I do wonder whether AC-130, MLRS, etc should be added as alternative to artillery (im not proposing CoD style killstreaks here) not that you can control where the hits land anymore than you can with the regular artillery we have now. But perhaps with different kinds of hits

MLRS = bigger but fewer impacts over a wider area but more serverly impacted by terrain and buildings due to angles

AC-130 = Wider range of impact types, wider area than standard artilllery, but faster call in time.

Or something to that effect, but at its core. Its more aesthetic differences.

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Don’t get me wrong, I would love to see things like the Osprey or some of the ACs, but I really don’t see how you could make them work at all.
If they get guided weapons they can’t go to a low enough BR to be useable and if they are limited to turrets they would just be bombers with fewer or even no bombs

They could be ok in Sim, like a lot of aircraft that are bad in RB they can be somewhat effective in Sim.

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Would they? What would they provide for Sim that bombers and strike aircraft couldn’t do better?

I think MLRS and other rocket systems like it should replace artillery like you said but at higher BRs.

Then gunships like the AC-130 could be either just a researchable aircraft that you can bring in during ground matches or implemented like drones where everyone can use one if you have enough SP.

Wow one aircraft out of many they can add from their sub.

Dude Japan has like one of the biggest mid to low tiers in the game rn.

As if bombers are useful anyway

So you complain about lower tiers but yet you know Japan got nothing else at high to top tier part from ether these or fakes !

That will make it to the game one day but it’s easier and quicker for C&P and as I said you can’t really moan about C&P when that tier is already C&P and one of thee worse vehicle count in the game.

Sim, for me atleast, is about enjoying a particular aircraft. Not play some META. So a boring, not at all good aircraft can be enjoyable.
Kinda like Eurotruck simulator. Just cruise in a vehicle you think is cool.

I mean, fair, but without objectives tailored to that kind of plane I really don’t see why they would add them.

If only they would put more work into campaigns and co-op missions, so extreme niche vehicles like that could have a place.

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