Would you like to see this in-game?
Since ground forces became a thing in game there have been extensive features added to make things fun and realistic but something that’s been lacking is the crew themselves. It would be cool to see some more life given to the ground crew members of War Thunder by giving them more animations and have these features more detailed in open compartment vehicles that show the crew members. Currently the crew members turn their heads and observe the battlefield and the crew fixed to weapons like machineguns or the ones who operate the mechanisms for turrets of course can move their arms. There are also field gun type tanks where the turret is on a platform and the crew are fixed to the turret while standing and slide across the ground while the gun is aiming as shown below in these pictures.

Perhaps there could be some additional animation toward those vehicles where the crew that are standing reposition their legs and walk around to show they are actively aiming the gun. The gunner for the Zis-30 shows a good example of this with the gunner both positioning their legs by squatting and keeping themselves stable on the hull of the vehicle, but his left leg does not adjust by stepping instead it slides

Also, for weapon loading where one or more loaders are required an animation for putting in the projectile and charges would be lovely in addition to vehicles with extensive reload times so while waiting to reload you can see the action being performed. Some open top vehicles even feature animations and effects of discarding casings from the breach after firing the weapon so this would be a great addition.

Commanders that are fixed to roof mounted guns while firing could shake and recoil from the ongoing fire depending on the caliber that would be a nice touch, as well as driving around the battlefield and maneuvering terrain it would be cool to see your crew members react to the forces and bounce around the place. (tanks don’t have seatbelts after all)
Thank you for taking time to view this suggestion
would be nice to see reload animations finally for open tops
Highly doubt Gaijin gonna rework ground crews beyond outlined uniforms, but it still would be great +1
they could give your barrel exploding a proper animation too, it just kinda appears
I don’t care about how much lag this would create. I love it! +100000000000
+1, but I want to point out that (modern) tanks do have seatbelts, it’s just that nobody uses them.
Split barrel fragmentation when
Maybe they could add CoH2 animations and sound effects. Best sound effects i’ve heard so far.
I really wanna see manually loaded open tops get a loading animation!
CoH2 has all of that and that game was made in 2013. Watch some of their gameplays
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+1, big fan of gun trucks, these animations will improve immersiveness. for loading animation, I’d like the hitboxes to follow the action too.
They have a mod with CoH sound effects you can download.
Yeah, the crew animations are kinda cringy for a game in 2024.
And lets not overlook that they are all clones of each other too.
I love how gaijin makes dynamic skins for all squad members for Enlisted, we can just implement that here.
I thought you were going to talk about another animations.
Accelerations, turns, braking, collisions do not affect the crew in any way. They behave like a metal part of the vehicle structure.
I don’t think devs will bother about complex detailed animations of aiming and reloading. Too much work (remember 10+ years unfinished cockpits).
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No, they cannot that’s called porting and legal issues. However, they can use COH2 and Red Orchestra as major inspirations and references for how reloads should be which is several reload animation types depending on situation, circumstance, etc. But instead of dead you just have the crew giving thumps up scratching their heads stuff of this sort to be a bit humorous about it as it would keep it within the PG-13 or whatever range it’s meant to be. Though personally don’t agree with it being focused on that young of an age grouping.
Suggestion passed to the developers for consideration.