Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I could for Britain, but I dont pay enough attention to the US stuff to do it.

tbf Iconic is also pretty subjective

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Fair enough

My best guess would be a more modern variant of Bradley, with BRAT era protection, APS, and other bells and whistles.

Again, not sure if this is cut out for end of line

It really is

under “iconic” i would think of more well know vehicles and the SLAMRAAMM Humvee would not fit the criterya for me (i only learned about it here in the forums)
Iconic newer US ground vehicles for me would be Bradleys, Abrahams,Humvees, Patriot etc


I wonder something like

No idea if it would be end of line worthy, depends on the Javelins I suppose, but no Humvees in game yet and its pretty iconic

Its more the HUMVEE part that I was thinking off, End-of-line is the fact it has AMRAAMs

The Javelin has a legendary reputation IRL, but seeing as how they butchered the SPIKE and the SPIKE is essentially just a bigger javelin, I don’t have high hopes :(

maybe an M3A3 Busk3?



Top-attack missiles work terribly rn. I remember when QN506 was going to be released and everyone thought it would be OP.

It’s very cool, but the big hurdle here is “end-of-line” which means this thing has to be better than HSTV-L, and a BR higher than 11.3

As cool as the Bradley BUSK is, I don’t see it going from 10.0 to 11.7 with only some ERA attached to it

Bradley would also be a good guess like:

tbh surprised the busk package wasnt just an upgrade for the M3A3 in game

Good idea, but not sure how it’d be end of line.

I was already active in this thread, here’s a comment of mine breaking it down:

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I would say this Humvee would be end of line worthy if the javelin works good.
it could be placed at 10.3-10.7 behind the M1128 and its main strength would be speed and “low profile” with a “powerfull FNF”

No it shows a Phimat Chaff pod.

Better than the HSTV-L or better than the Stryker MGS or better than the ADATS.

If it’s a ground vehicle, those are the options that this mystery vehicle would be placed after.

Maybe its something like:

Unarmored Humvee would just be too vulnerable to fit into “end of line” higher than 11.3, no matter how well the Javelin is modeled

If it was gonna be a car of some sort, maybe the humvee successor JLTV is closer to the mark

Aye, that’s what I was focusing on

Yes, good point. I completely forgot that Stryker is 10.0 and has no vehicles beyond it. I think there’s so many options that could go here since being better than 10.0 is a relatively low bar. It just has to be a tank destroyer of some sort.

Not likely IMO, or basically impossible. When there was drama about no US SPAA last update we got a statement promising Skink and another domestic SPAA to USA. We have now seen the devblog for these. I doubt USA is getting a third SPAA in the same update.