M3A4 bradley

M3A4 Bradley
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
what Br you want to see this in?
  • 11.3
  • 11.5
  • I don’t want it
0 voters
What rank do you want to see this in?
  • Rank 7
  • Rank 8
  • I don’t want it
0 voters


|Country of origin|United States|

| — | — |

|Entered service|1981|

|Crew|3 men|

|Personnel|2 scouts|

|Dimensions and weight|

|Weight|29.9 t|

|Length|6.45 m|

|Width|3.2 m|

|Height|2.56 m|


|Main gun|25 mm chain gun|

|ATGW|Twin-tube TOW launcher|

|Machine guns|1 x 7.62 mm|

|Ammunition load|

|Main gun|1 500 rounds|

|ATGW|7 missiles|

|Machine guns|4 540 rounds|


|Engine|Cummins VTA-903T diesel|

|Engine power|500 hp|

|Maximum road speed|66 km/h|

|Amphibious speed on water|7 km/h|

|Range|480 km|



|Side slope|30%|

|Vertical step|0.9 m|

|Trench|2.5 m|

|Fording|~ 1.2 m|

|Fording (with preparation)|Amphibious|

(The 7 rounds of tow missiles stands for 1 round equals 2 tow missiles, 7 rounds rounds as on is load and the other six in hull)

The M3A4 brings several new features and improvements compared to earlier variants of the Bradley family of vehicles. Firstly, it is equipped with a new engine that develops 675 horsepower, significantly enhancing the vehicle’s mobility and performance on the battlefield. Alongside, upgraded electronic systems are integrated, likely encompassing improvements in communications, sensors, and networking capabilities to enhance situational awareness and battlefield effectiveness. Moreover, advancements in armor protection, including the integration of new-generation explosive reactive armor (ERA), contribute to the vehicle’s enhanced survivability against various threats. The modernized fire control system, which includes a laser rangefinder, GPS navigation system, and other advanced targeting technologies, improves accuracy and lethality in combat engagements. Additionally, enhancements to crew comfort, ergonomics, and protection measures further augment crew readiness and effectiveness during missions. Overall, the M3A4 signifies a significant advancement in the Bradley family, meeting the evolving requirements of the modern battlefield with its modern technologies and improvements.

The M3A4 Bradley introduces several significant improvements over its predecessors, enhancing its overall performance and effectiveness on the battlefield. Firstly, its mobility is greatly enhanced with a more powerful engine, providing increased horsepower. This improvement allows for greater speed, acceleration, and maneuverability, crucial for navigating diverse terrains and responding effectively to combat scenarios. Moreover, the integration of advanced electronic systems and sensors elevates the vehicle’s situational awareness capabilities. These enhancements facilitate better coordination with friendly forces and enhance the vehicle’s ability to detect and identify threats promptly. Additionally, the M3A4 incorporates advancements in armor protection, including new-generation explosive reactive armor (ERA), bolstering its survivability against various threats such as anti-tank weapons and improvised explosive devices (IEDs). Its armament remains formidable with the retention of the proven 25mm ATK Ammunition Systems M242 Bushmaster gun, ensuring potent firepower against a wide range of targets. Alongside, potential enhancements in crew comfort, ergonomics, and protection measures contribute to sustained crew effectiveness during extended missions. Overall, the M3A4 Bradley represents a significant leap forward in the Bradley family, equipped with modern technologies and enhancements to meet the evolving demands of the contemporary battlefield.

The M3A4 Bradley serves as a superior replacement for earlier variants due to several key advancements. Its upgraded engine enhances mobility, while advanced electronic systems improve situational awareness, allowing for better threat detection and coordination. Enhanced armor protection increases survivability against diverse threats. Additionally, the retention of the potent 25mm gun ensures formidable firepower. Improved crew amenities further sustain effectiveness during prolonged missions. Altogether, these upgrades position the M3A4 as a more capable and adaptable platform, better suited to meet the challenges of modern warfare compared to its predecessors.



Ammunition (basically the same as the m3a3):

M791 – Armor Piercing Discarding Sabot Trace (APDS-T)

Round Length

223 mm

Round Weight

454 gm

Projectile Weight

134 gm

Penetrator Weight

102 gm

Muzzle Velocity

1345 m/sec.

Time of Flight

3 sec-3 km


M792 – High Explosive Incendiary Trace (HEI-T)

Round Length

219.1 mm

Round Weight

502 gm

Projectile Weight

184 gm

Penetrator Weight

Muzzle Velocity

1100 m/sec.

Time of Flight

3.3 sec-2 km



M793 – Target Practice (TP-T)

Round Length

219.1 mm

Round Weight

502 gm

Projectile Weight

184 gm

Penetrator Weight

Muzzle Velocity

1100 m/sec.

Time of Flight

3.3 sec-2 km


M910 – Target Practice Discarding Sabot-Trace (TPDS-T)

Round Length

223 mm

Round Weight

426 gm

Projectile Weight

95 gm

Penetrator Weight

Muzzle Velocity

1515 m/sec.

Time of Flight




what vehicle next? Also Fun fact that our light vehicle tech hasn’t see a top tier vehicle in THREE YEARS.


Good suggestion!

However, I have one question.

Why do you list the speed on water? AFAIK this capability was exclusive to earlier Bradley models and only then with the help of a flotation screen. Not to mention add-on armor packages, which would definitely preclude the ability to swim.

For example the M3 Bradley in game would be amphibious, whereas the M3A3 wouldn’t.


idk I just wanted too I found it and thought why not

Mate you might want to edit this suggestion, the formating in the tables are all broken and why are the BR options 11.3 or 11.5?


should i add 12.0 i cant change polls right now i need to wait 5 min

Where is Scorpion XD

Which features makes this M3A4 1.3, 1.7, or 2.0 BRs better than the M3A3?

Because to me they look functionally identical, but with a bit more horsepower.


you guys have top tier high vehicle ?
-me a French main

  1. Enhanced Mobility:
  • Upgraded engine with higher horsepower for improved speed and acceleration.
  • Enhanced maneuverability for navigating diverse terrains.
  1. Superior Firepower:
  • Retention of the potent 25mm ATK Ammunition Systems M242 Bushmaster gun.
  • Improved ammunition capacity and reload times for sustained engagement capabilities.
  • Potential enhancements in weapon performance for increased lethality.
  1. Improved Protection:
  • Integration of new-generation explosive reactive armor (ERA) for enhanced survivability against various threats.
  • Potential incorporation of other survivability features to increase crew protection.
  1. Advanced Situational Awareness:
  • Integration of advanced electronic systems and sensors for heightened situational awareness.
  • Upgraded communication systems for better coordination with friendly forces.
  1. Upgraded Crew Amenities:
  • Potential enhancements in crew comfort, ergonomics, and protection measures for sustained effectiveness during prolonged missions.
  1. Munitions Advancements:
  • Incorporation of advanced munitions technology for increased effectiveness against a wider range of targets.
  • Potential introduction of new types of ammunition with improved performance and capabilities.

and the time it came out to make it reasonable, the time it came out is the biggest thing cause gajin wont put a modern day infantry vehicle in 10.3

“Enhanced”, yes. But by how much? The language used here is very ambiguous, almost marketing speech. The difference isn’t that much… M3A3 engine is 600hp, M3A4 is 675hp, that’s a 75hp (12.5%) increase. The Bradley is fairly sluggish to begin with, I doubt this modest power increase does anything but compensate for the added weight from other changes.

Same as before, very vague statements. It says improved, but by how much? There’s a physical limit to how capable a 25mm projectile can get.

Are there any figures or specifications for this ERA? Would it protect the Bradley from threats it sees in War Thunder, like 30mm APFSDS, Tandem HEAT ATGMs, and MBT main cannons? I doubt it. Again, there are limits to how much protection a IFV can have without becoming too heavy. I suspect this ERA is mainly intended to stop RPGs and man portable weapons, but I don’t know for certain.

AFAIK this isn’t modeled in War Thunder. The only situational awareness tools we get are gunner sights, commander sights, driver port (who uses this?), and binoculars. Higher resolution thermal sight is the only improvement I could see being relevant (if it is upgraded at all)

Not modeled in War Thunder (sadly), and if the “protection measures” are spall liners then it’s classified.

Specifics? How much of this is relevant to the tank-on-tank focused gameplay in War Thunder?

The era or introduction date of a vehicle is not relevant to BR or tier, only it’s performance. The 2S38 is a prototype vehicle that hasn’t been accepted into service yet, and it’s at 10.0. Likewise the German PUMA is the Bundeswehr’s newest IFV and also is at 10.0. The KF41 Lynx is a 2015 design, and it is at 10.7 in Italy.

Don’t mistake my tone here, I want USA and other nations to have more high/top tier IFVs and Light tanks, but placing vehicles at higher BRs than they belong to is not the way IMHO.

Better candidates for top tier IFV/Light tank would be M10 Booker, BAE’s MPF prototype, or General Dynamics Griffin III

Edit: To be clear, I’m not saying “no” to this vehicle, I just think you overestimate it’s BR. Add poll options for 10.0, 10.3, 10.7 maybe and I’ll be happy to vote.


Change it to 11.7, we dont have 11.5 BR

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Sorry i am unable to change it after its been a whole day. But more people want it to still be mid top tier majority of people vote 11.3.

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More FIVs+1

Did you forget about the 2S38?


11.0 or 10.7 would have been more appropriate for this

Why would this even be BR 10.7?
It’s functionally the same as the M2A3.


okay yes but i’m also going in a more realistic wise as the M3A4 bradley today is the most modern of the bradley which the M4 bradley would be going against the most modern tanks, but i see what yall are saying so i will try and make another suggestion cause im and unable to edit the polls now.

M3A4 Bradley
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
what Br you want to see this in?
  • 10.8
  • 10.5
  • 11.3
0 voters
What rank do you want to see this in?
  • Rank 7
  • Rank 8
0 voters