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Honestly, Israel should’ve been tied to the US as like a giga subtree if you catch my drift, should’ve needed US rank 4, and maybe been able to use your old US crew slots to give a boost to crew progression.

Benelux is 3 nations contained in 1 line
South Africa is 1 line and India is being used to fill gaps and as premiums. It doesn’t (and my guess is it won’t have a dedicated line)
Hungary is a solo line with Romania as filler, the same as India for UK
and Finland is 1 line with Norway as filler

China already has a sub tree that is 1 line. If Gaijin adds another sub nation it will most likely follow the pattern of the other TTs.
Which is 1 sub-tree(1 line in the TT) and then 1 other nation as filler. So China might get NK as a filler nation but I doubt they will get SK+NK as another dedicated sub-tree

2 seriously dont count luxembourg, they are just courtesy named

norway is premium/event exclusive currently as well

But all that doesnt matter if they are in the line or not they are considered full sub trees

adding 1 or 2 vehicles from a nation doesn’t constitute a “full sub tree” in my opinion

What did you think I said xd
You just repeated me…

You mean like how the sub-tree rework suggests?

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Sorry, United Korea won’t sub tree for china

Now france tech tree lack bomber aircraft from dutch

And another belgium & dutch aircraft rank I ~ VII

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Haven’t seen that before, can u explain or send a link?

My idea is that it should act as an alternative path for US, tied to it in MM but on the nation selector it’s still distinct because it’s too big to put in US tree

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China doesn’t have a sub-tree tho
ROC and PRC were both there from the start. ROC is focused more on lower tiers and PRC on higher ones.

Sounds fairly similar to this


But they have an OP military line-up :P

gajins definition not mine

Fokker T.V when?


Sorry, it’s just in my opinion only.

Are you sure Alpine (Austria & Switzerland) would be sub tree for germany like Benelux sub tree for france ? 🤔

Point is, vehicles from those nations are officially announced to always go to that tree to the point where they might as well be mentioned in the tree name, prompting “subtree”.

I agree that nations spread throughout multiple trees, or just generally not known to be bound to one don’t count, but when you know that Norwegian vehicles for example always go to the Swedish tree when added and no other, the basis is there to call it subtree.

And even then arguing over a word that Gaijin has never defined even close to as precisely as people on the forum seem to think is weird. As long as you still know what another person means when saying subtree, why bother arguing that “it should be subnation” or similar in the first place?

You completely lost me

well its the most likely one, sure as hell wont end up in italy anymore
and no other nations fits
Its that or they wont be added at all
another hint is the original SK105, they wanted to give the germans the austrian one but the backlash of the french made them give france the austrian one and germany the argentinian one

Idk about that. but no comment lol

50 : 50

Taiwan isn’t a sub tree.


Taiwan views it self as the real China.
But the CCP also views it self as the real China.

It’s the consequence of the civil war they had hence gaijin put Taiwan and CCP china together.