Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion



You have the TT called “China” there is a dedicated line for vehicles belonging to a seperate country called “Taiwan”

what else would it be?

Mhm, if we go by this logic then East Germany is a sub of Germany : D

Both are the same country. ROC is Republic of



Google for me the full and/or former name of Taiwan, thanks


You have zero knowledge of their civil war have you.


so both Taiwan and China think they are the same country ran by the same government? or is it 2 governemnt bodies who are threating war against eachother?

Really sounds like 1 country…

You clearly not heard the term Republic of China.


I mean, technically you have a tree called China that has multiple lines that incorporate vehicles of two different independent countries that are both called China:

  • Republic of China
  • Peoples Republic of China

It’s similar to the way you have a tree called Germany, that has four different countries called Germany right now:

  • Federal Republic of Germany
  • German Democratic Republic
  • Nazi Germany
  • German Empire
    (Some might be wrong, their English names confuse me, but they are still all within a tree called “Germany”, that interestingly enough bears the flag of neither of them)

The way Woe views it Germany might have already got like 2 sub trees lol

The Commie east and the West of Germany.


For air,
there 's still some later gen 4 's to go, then it 's gen 4.5 and up to finish toptier expansion. Weapons-wise the thing to watch for now are the imaging infrared AAM 's and the antiradiation AGM 's, we’ve seen visual models for examples of both in the files so the indicators to wait for now are the " shell " files to use them, or aircraft that can’t use anything less than them

Though for the latter, the recent appearance of the visual models for static SAM complexes is a significant indicator that they’ll be appearing soon. Especially when combined w/ the Q&A answers for the developers thoughts on how ARM 's could be introduced.

Beyond high/toptier, some other Air additions we’re likely to see are more maps( as always ) and a greater number of mission scenarios. They’ve ✅’d off the addition of the new mission type for Arcade from the Roadmap, and begun the introduction of the new kinds of ground target for RB. The latter will likely be expanded on, and the static SAM complexes will probably be introduced as part of new or updated mission scenarios too.

There 's also the promised expansion of the Hungarian air line into the lower Rank 's to consider. It might come as a full addition block as the mid-to-high Rank line did, or be metered out over several updates. Additional Thai aircraft such as the leaked AV-8S will likely appear in the JPN techtree, it 's possible that their addition will be combined w/ the removal of the R2Y2 's once that and other CAS gaps are closed by them.

For ground,
upward expansion is essentially done. Given the restrictions gjn have placed on ammunition available to a number of top MBT 's in order to hold them at the existing BR 's( e.g. Leclerc and Abrams ), it doesn’t appear likely that the few future ones which might appear would be at BR 's where they wouldn’t face the top tanks already ingame. Not to mention all the techtree 's which just don’t have any options to get tanks better than the ones they’ve got now. There 's some support vehicles still yet to appear, like the SPYDER spaa that was stated to be in development for a later time back in the devstream for update " Fire and Ice ", but they don’t change the overall picture much.

Sideways expansion is much more likely to be the new focus in Ground Forces vehicle additions, the frontrunner for the one we’ll see soonest seems to be the Benelux ground component. The leaked CV9035NL, Leo 1 Cockerill 3105, 2A4NL and 2A6NL are very likely for the next major update, and will probably appear alongside other tanks of the Netherlands and Belgium. Thai ground vehicles for JPN are also a probable near-future addition, tandem to their aircraft.

For helicopters,
toptier is done. They’ve finally got the Spike 's implemented, the way that they decided had the most overlap between " mechanically doable " and " possible to avoid from the receiving end ". There 's plans not to do the millimeter-wave homing Hellfire, since it doesn’t meet that second criterion. So it 's most likely going to be filling in of the lower/middle areas that would be the next immediate focus - more armed utility helis, Cobra variants, that kind of thing.

For naval,
there 's a huge amount of just vehicles left to get into. W/ IJN Mutsu in, we’ve got our foot in the door to leave super-dreads and get into the last-ever battleships, to expand toptier. There 's also been a steady push from " Raining Fire " onwards to have atleast two ASW frigates at the end of the Coastal techtree for each nation, something that 's likely to continue.

Especially since the French Coastal CBT pack has come, w/ the techtree soon to follow. There 's been evidence before that the NF techtree 's for China and Sweden are in development too; the medium-term priority for each Nation seems to have been developing TT 's for each vehicle type. The closer priority at one point appears to have been Helicopters, now that everyone has them we’ll be moving to Naval.

There 's still yet more naval vehicle classes to appear also, primarily ships armed w/ ARH-AShM 's, submarines, and aircraft carriers. There 's been significant evidence that each of these will be introduced to the game, so the main thing to wait on regarding them is the specific timeframe where that might occur.

Also, there 's that huge project called " World War Mode " to think abt. According to the Roadmap, we’re now in the season for a new feature in it to be introduced, the improved aircraft " gateway " mechanics. It’ll likely not be the only new feature of the upcoming season. And it 's presence on the current Roadmap implies the upcoming season is planned to be coming before the " Autumn to Winter 2024 " roadmap is published - relatively soon.


Geopolitics can be quite difficult to understand. Nonetheless they are one country but with two different sovereign governments.


May I point out that “Taiwan” was the primary China during WW2.

Our have you forgotten that a large part of War Thunder is WW2. And when China was added that was what War Thunder primarily was from what I found.


It’s just Woe being Woe again

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I agree, but given the circumstances there are not many options and as I always said, Israel’s option is as valid as the German option for Argentina.

Cooperation with Germany lasted until the 70’s (Pampa was the last joint project). From the 1970s until today, Israel is Argentina’s main supplier, from helmets, uniforms and ammunition to vehicle and military vehicle upgrades. For example, Israel recently vetoed the sale of Pampa III to Bolivia, due to Bolivia’s relationship with Iran. All of the Pampa’s avionics, along with the landing gear, are Israeli.

On the other hand, I think the argument for Israel not getting rank 1-3 is becoming less and less valid. We already have many vehicles from the Cold War fighting with vehicles from the Second World War (not to mention naval). Israel will probably receive ranks 1-3 in some major update.

And lastly, Israel should not receive a subtree from a single nation, it sounds unfair. Both Chile and Argentina operate mainly French, North American and German vehicles, all of them updated by Israel, since Israel operates mainly North American and French vehicles. So the subtree proposal is totally consistent with Israel and they complement each other perfectly (Israel has many heavy vehicles and Argentina and Chile have light ones).
In the case of Brazil, it also has cooperation from what I was told. Elbit currently has a subsidiary in Brazil called Ares and I have seen some interesting developments at the latest LAAD 2023 fair.

The FIM-92 (and assorted MANPADS) may get a large overhaul at some point in the future.

Implementing accurate limits for FIM-92 maneuverability;

(Photo)Contrast range extension for POST seeker FIM-92 var.;


OH GOD LORD you finaly did it? did you prove gajin western stingers are more capable?

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Based upon the average time it takes for NATO bug reports to get actioned. Maybe sometime 2026/2027 if we are lucky

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Yeah, tier 1 to 3 is ROC only.


you assume gaijin wont say one of those sources doesn’t count for some reason