Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Dont care i main Germany so im waiting to play with my alpha. Besides germany will get better leopards just gotta wait, (insert copium).

That’s why the most iconic, massively used and produced French prop of WW2 is an event, right x))))


The current Gripen A is on par with the Gripen C in every major aspect. As we have said, a Gripen C is also planned for Sweden when it will actually have meaningful differences over the current version.



Will there be only one alpha jet variant for france and germany or will both get more versions with different brs?

But this su-25 won’t be a meaningful upgrade to the existing T…

Thermal targeting

We don’t just add new variants of aircrafts only when their predecessors are “underperforming”. This has never been the case.


Someone over on bilibili pointed out this could be the A-6E SWIP, any thoughts? After all its a ka52 style two seater and gaijin is not willing to make it very clear.

Thermals are actually a upgrade, same as more modern air to ground missiles

They probably will have different A2A missiles, but otherwise be identical, unless they are gonna add proposed upgraded versions

oo good catch. I think it was on the leak list too.

I hope so US needs a good low-top-tier CAS in the TT

i mean Air to Air it’ll still have r-73

Are we getting any dev blogs tomorow? And if i may how many~

See you never state what meaningful functions those are, BVR just isn’t a good reason to make players grind 400k rp

Yeah I hope so that gaijin not only adds a variant with aim9Ls but a lower one aswell

Nah man I fucking remember this kind of buttons from playing ka 50 in DCs it’s defo ka 52

THANK YOU JESUS AND THE SNAIL! Please don’t let the loadout be trash!

They’re doing it so they can increase the BR of all aircraft receiving BVRAAMs without impacting other 11.7-12.0 aircraft

(Ik ik, copium overdose)