JAS39C not in Sweden?!

exactly, they said adding it won’t make a difference. Yet it did make a difference, be cause of not adding it sweden cannot particpate in the event.


Because current A is same as C, they gave it all the features of C. You will have two exact same planes on same BR. They will add C with AMRAAMs that A wont have.

I’m mostly mad about having to grind over 400k RP just for a missile when fox 3’s release… That’s not even considering having to stock grind again.

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Germany had to do the same to get exact same MiG-29 as previous one but with R-73s so ik that feeling.

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They could (And absolutely should) do a repeat of the American F-16s. Remember back when the F16 was first teased, it was revealed America was getting a super early version without Sparrow support, which cause the community to flip out. So they just added the ADF variant at the same time and foldered it.

They have even less reason not to folder the C Gripen behind the A, since the singular feature the C will have over the A is AMRAAM support, whereas the ADF trades Sparrows for all ground attack ordinance, which is a much more significant difference.

If Gaijin currently can’t justify giving Sweden a Gripen C because it’d be too similiar to the Gripen A, how about this:
Remove the ahistorical features associated with the C variant from the Gripen A and give Sweden a Gripen C with these features in this major update.

  • 9M
  • HMD
  • GBU/targeting pod
    Disclaimer: I will say that I’m not 100% sure about the features I listed and maybe there’s a super late version of Gripen A that carried/could carry all the mentioned features and if that’s true, my entire post is pointless. But I don’t think that’s the case.

Maybe you think it’s not an optimal solution but if you don’t do something like this, there’s a chance that the Gripen A will be stuck with and forever have several “fake” features for no good reason at all.

An added bonus with this is that when the BVR update does come around you won’t have a situation where Sweden players have to grind an entire plane(Gripen C) and it’s stock grind unlike everyone else(maybe Germany will also suffer from the same situation) who already have their carrier platforms grinded and only have to research a single modification for their fancy new BVR missile.

Take it while SWE get other Never-in-service OP something
In my opinion

Well you could make the case that the Gripen A had HMD IRL, I looked into it (HMD on Gripen was first used/flown 2001-02-07), over a year before Gripen C arrived iirc. But there’s enough reason for Gaijin to both have HMD and not have it for Gripen A, so I think they should’ve just dropped Gripen A without it earlier in the year 2023, and then released Gripen C now or during air superiority with HMD… But what’s done is done. Also some Gripens used 9M, but not Swedish/South African ones afaik. I think it’s just placeholder since the IR missiles that would be most relevant to Gripen (iris-t/python4/5) is too powerful right now and Gaijin doesn’t want to add the upgraded Aim9Li to the game which it would have instead of normal 9L.


HMD on gripen A

Interesting! I looked it up and it seems to me like it was a set of tests done on behalf of the South African Gripen program and wasn’t actually fully integrated on the Gripen A but maybe I’m misinterpreting. Given the dates, it was definitely towards the tail end of the Gripen A’s service and I feel like it’s not really representative of the variant’s capabilities, but, fair enough, it is plausible and I suppose Gaijin have had worse/weaker reasons in the past for adding things, and I stand corrected.

I think they should’ve just dropped Gripen A without it earlier in the year 2023

Agreed! What a shame. A lot of these problems were caused by the late addition of the Gripen A or perhaps the early addition of the Gripen C, thinking of the “Gripen C for Britain but not for Sweden” incident.


Question, that’s the aim-9L with the M’s seeker, right? so basically an aim-9M with smoke trails? I’m no programmer but it sounds to me like it wouldn’t be that much work to copy the 9M and make a “new” missile for it but with smoke trails…

At the end of the day I’m happy the Gripen has finally arrived in the game but I wish it would have been implemented a bit differently.

Thanks for your reply!

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I believe it was functional on Gripen A, and ‘used’ on both A and C. I remember reading about it in some old Swedish air force magazines and books, it was being tested in Gripens in the late 90’s as well. But nonetheless it’s late enough in Gripen A’s lifecycle that it might as well be a Gripen C exclusive in the game, I think this would probably feel more historically accurate. It just means it’s not historically inaccurate enough to bug report its removal, not a big deal anyways - it just makes the Gripen C upgrade grind slightly less fun for Swedish mains. The Gripen C (Gripen series 3) upgrade was ‘advertised’ with HMD integration though, I think that’s where part of the misconception comes from.

Also worth noting that the Gripen A was still around a while after Gripen C entered service, with the last flight being in 2012. So HMD was possibly even flown for a decade in the Gripen A.

lol I’m convinced they never intended on adding Gripen C for Sweden this patch, they just ‘confirmed’ It to shut those threads up.

I’m not very well read on missiles, mostly just Swedish fighter jets (Viggen, Gripen). So I don’t know, I tried looking it up at one point but couldn’t find anything about it.

Yep. They missed out on a good opportunity to make Gripen A/C more different from another. At least it seems like they’re not going to add Amraam to Gripen A (Although Gripen A used It IRL) so that’s good at least.

AIM120B mounted on Gripen A in 1994

Also in 1995
I think they should’ve just added Gripen A early 2023, maybe even call it ‘Gripen A early’, make it IR only with AIM9M’s (Smin has denied them adding Aim9Li), possibly switched to Iris-T’s (Iris-T started being test flown in 1999 on Gripen A) later on and exclude the HMD.

Iris-T test flight 1999

Then add the Gripen C with Amraam, some new IR missiles, modern A2G loadout, better radar (like IRL) and HMD

Unfortunately Swedish Air Force has always been very secretive about development, and it’s hard to find specialised information, they mostly provide very generalised statements

(For context, Gripen C entered service late 2002 IIRC, and Gripen A was in service until 2012)

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love how they didnt add the C even though they said it would come this update, good job lying again gaijin.

They said they’d add it when they added AMRAAMs, which were supposed to be in this update but were pushed back. Accordingly, the Gripen C was pushed back too.

Doesn’t matter regardless, since it also got HMD the A performs identically to the C for all intents and purposes.

They announced a while ago that it being delayed to the second major of the year so they could add Aim-120’s to it. Otherwise it would be exactly the same as the A currently in game.

@Aegis270 @jd_hog77 They never claimed it was going to be added ‘with amraams’. They only announced it was going to be added in the first major update of 2024, regardless of amraam or not

Meaningful differences, really they want you to grind 400k rp for the same plane with one new missile yay

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As a swede id rather have no heli tree at all than having a ru heli in there. Remove the t80u too please

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Also grind ace crew, while everyone else will only need to grind the missile

Thats honestly so insane… 400k rp, 2m sl for crew and expert + grinding ace. All that for a new skin and r73

Just tell gaijin too add the Gripen E instead 😗