Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Sweden 4.0 - 7.7 SPAAs be like:

Seriously i cant use the Lvkv 42 at 6.0 - 7.0 with ammunition that has a velocity of under 950 m/s



Ohhh, R77 it is

Me using the Skink and Bosvark in 7.7 matches

Hope Gaijin worked on a “Patrouille de France” skin for the French Alpha jet !


As an air player mainly sweden air has nothing to offer. If i want good deltas ill play france, if i want the gripen ill play britain or italy, literally an L air nation, ground is cool but i dont care tbh.

no thermals

It’s not a pod and the platform is bad compared to other top tier cas aircraft

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You know they didnt

I know, but you know…

Sweden mains complaining about the gripen in italy and britain while having for a long time the best leopard and getting this update a questionable tiger2. Ironic

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Was about to say that. Gaijin pls.

if not then WT Live will

Its an integrated system (close enough) and while that’s true, Russia also has better SPAA than other top SPAA vehicles. Asymmetric balancing.

Well those things have fire rate and oh haha Ammunition to fire for more that 6 clips

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We have never had 3 added at once. One was an event vehicle added between majors that also wont be obtainable for many people. Which is why it was a unique sub variant for those who are true enthusiasts of the Su-25 family.

Su-25 is one of the most popular aircraft series for many people. Its an iconic aircraft in many aspects. The German tree has 14+ Bf 109s, the British tree has 19 Spitfires. Its not uncommon for trees to get multiple variants of some of their most iconic and in demand aircraft families.

We were also quite upfront last time that a more modern version would come. So this should not be a surprise at all that is has actually come.


Yeah but sad other don’t see it.

Would be 100% cool for private game air training

uhuh sure - because the su-25T is clearly underperforming

does anyone know what mav this is?

a TV one I suppose

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