Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

I love how the 1990s armor trials involving two pre-production prototypes (Leclerc prototype, Leopard TVM (2A5 prototype)) and a downgraded export package of an early iteration of a baseline model (export M1A2) are taken like some kind of Armor Bible for 2010s-2020s tanks lmao


Clearly the swedish are to blame for it so blame them and not gaijin for their poor implementation

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Welcome to round three of the infighting about an update we know nothing about other than a leaklist that was right a couple times

Well i’m stupid, lol…
for some reason my brain went:

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Smins, here quick i gotta mention KV-1B

What counts as a “Top” vehicle?

  1. A vehicle where the maximum Battle Rating of the vehicle among all modes is no more than 2 steps lower than the maximum Battle Rating of the vehicle in this research tree (in the tree type in a nation).

its 13.0 in arcade


Not mentioning how 2a7v somehow received worse armor then the tvm that was tested in sweden

Im still more curious as to how they could justify it having more armor and less weight

Sweden being favourites

I think the problem came from 2A7V having a completely new model so damage model and armor consistency werent transferred from Leopard 2A6 or Strv 122.

And worse than the 122s.

I am still waiting for a single source stating that the 122s use a newly developed package exclusive to Sweden that somehow outperforms armor 20 years more advanced.


Wonder why their air tree doesnt get that bias

People will still ignore this and take it face value of muh gripen


OK, part 3

I might want another IR SRAAM PL-5E & PL-8B for JH-7A, J-7E & J-8F this quarter. and AIM-9M-8 (USN & USMC) & AIM-9M-9 (USAF) on F-15C MSIP II & F-16C Block 50

Continuing the discussion from Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2):

Today drop single devblog only

I waiting devblog aircraft in tuesday or wednesday

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Is there new SPAA planned for Japan?
preferably around the 3.3, 4.7, 6.3, 6.7, 7.3 and 7.7, 9.0 and 11.0 area, because they have none.


The only lineups in Japan have no SPAA.

The bad tops of the last update for Germany and Israel will not be compensated by normal ones?

Eurofighter Typhoon da1 for Germany?
Any plane for Israel?

Wonder why lower tiers dont get that bias aswell


How is Israel affected by this?

I dont play i play low br sweden i have that low br german bias lol, panzer II. C and my NB. Fz are the bias lmao. Best chill ground lineup ever


Eurofighter typhoon da1 for Germany.