Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

OK, part 3

I might want another IR SRAAM PL-5E & PL-8B for JH-7A, J-7E & J-8F this quarter. and AIM-9M-8 (USN & USMC) & AIM-9M-9 (USAF) on F-15C MSIP II & F-16C Block 50

Continuing the discussion from Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2):

Today drop single devblog only

I waiting devblog aircraft in tuesday or wednesday

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Is there new SPAA planned for Japan?
preferably around the 3.3, 4.7, 6.3, 6.7, 7.3 and 7.7, 9.0 and 11.0 area, because they have none.


The only lineups in Japan have no SPAA.

The bad tops of the last update for Germany and Israel will not be compensated by normal ones?

Eurofighter Typhoon da1 for Germany?
Any plane for Israel?

Wonder why lower tiers dont get that bias aswell


How is Israel affected by this?

I dont play i play low br sweden i have that low br german bias lol, panzer II. C and my NB. Fz are the bias lmao. Best chill ground lineup ever


Eurofighter typhoon da1 for Germany.


@gromvoiny @Smin1080p_WT guys, are there any plans to add a premium vehicle yo Israel in the ground tree at 10/10.3 BR? or is there a possibility that the Merkava 2D will return for sale?

Part 3? I’m ready for my F 18C!

The model of the skirts is way better; more accurate and detailed… but the turret wedges are significantly worse, in modelling quality (less detailed and not matching geometries) and worse performance too.

Appearently the Meteor F.8 and P-47D-28 just got some Brazilian Air Force liveries added to the files, serial numbers corresponding to “4453” and “C5 419660” respectively.

Probably for another Moments of Valour ?

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Didnt say its all worse. I’m just saying that armor consistency with other similar vehicles isnt there which mainly affects turret and hull armor, with turret being spotted with easy pen areas and hull being simply underarmored.


probably, or for Italy

The numbers from the trials aren’t even based on the TVM max, because it had the same armour as the 122s. No, they are based on the SVT aka the ballistic target. Isn’t that funny

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Oh no, who is going to tell them?


updoot cancelled go home


Your F18 has gone to live on a farm a few hours away from here



looks good!!