Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Do you like the new American Tank being tested

I wonder how long, until this is in War Thunder.

Also this weird issue where custom battles refuse to show any decals, decorators or camos to your squadmates

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Coming to a Italian tree near you



My guess would be when Japan, Great Britain, Israel, China and Sweden all have prototypes of next gen tanks that could compete with that

Edit: wording

Can’t wait for the KF51 “Panther” to come, looks awesome

its not this thing right?


That looks sick!

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probably needs a radar truck unless maddog?

If Germany doesn’t adopt it, it will end up being like the Lynx lol.
But hey that’s a good thing as then Italy has two unique variants of the Panther.

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The missiles can be launched at targets designated with the KCU device carried on board, same as the Type 81 (C) we have in game. Though there’s also likely going to be muti-vehicle systems this year too, which would allow for datalink and LOAL functions that do need the separate radar.

Also this is being Developed by France and Germany


EMBT-ADT 140 (France/Germany): Developed by KNDS, this tank features an unmanned turret system with a 140mm ASCALON gun. It represents a joint effort between French and German defense industries


You can mad dog it like how AMRAAMs usually worked, so again, it would be a good start for testing such systems.

Top tier ground gonna look interesting once all of these tanks are in service.

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I was also thinking that this seems better for the multi-vehicle spaa update

On top for Gernany:
Leopard 2 “Technologieträger”【Suggestion
Leopard 2 A-RC 3.0【Suggestion
Leopard 2 Revolution【Suggestion
Leopard 2 SkyRanger 35【Suggestion
Leopard 2 TVM【Suggestion
Leopard 2A1【Suggestion
Leopard 2A4 (1991)【Suggestion
Leopard 2A4 Evolution【Suggestion
Leopard 2A6A3【Suggestion
Leopard 2A6EX Demo 2【Suggestion
Leopard 2A7+【Suggestion
Leopard 2A8 Demonstrator【Suggestion
Leopard 2 TVM-MAX
Leopard 2 PSO-VT
Leopard 2AX
KF51 Panther (Hero 120)【Suggestion
EMBT (2022)【Suggestion
Did I forgot one?


Have they even begun work on the 2AX?

No KF 51 sadly, since they are more focused on exporting rather for the German army

this doesn’t use derby although I think there is some SPYDER spaa that does

Well we know its supposed to be getting an 130mm canon and resently they started the tests for 130mm guns/ammo

I’m more fascinated by the emerging technologies aimed at countering drones.

As current proof show that drones render traditional tanks obsolete on the modern battlefield.

Heres what ive found on current weapon platforms being developed.

Saniya System (Russia)

This electronic warfare system is designed to detect and suppress first-person view (FPV) drones. It can detect drones from a range of 1.5 kilometers and suppress them from 1 kilometer. The system includes passive detectors, vertical antennas, and a suppressor with multiple antennas.

Skyranger System (Germany/Ukraine)

Rheinmetall has developed the Skyranger turret, which can be mounted on older tank chassis like the Leopard 1. It features a 35mm automatic cannon and advanced radar capable of detecting and tracking drones from all directions. The system can also be equipped with anti-aircraft missile launchers.

Brave 1 System (Ukraine):

This non-kinetic counter-drone system interferes with the radio frequencies of drones, effectively disabling them without destroying them.

Triton System (Russia)

Another electronic defense system designed to protect tanks from drone attacks. It provides additional layers of defense against sophisticated airborne threats.

I will do more reaserch as i get home from work to find out more details about these and if any other country is developing there own.

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