Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I could see the US getting an Aussie Legacy(due to the one missile type it gets) but the rest are basically C&P as far as the game is concerned and a domestic US one would qualify more for prem/event due to being unique enough.

Due to this the only way, they’d be added is if they went to another tree as the US basically already has a 1-1 and so in this case, the UK.

As the F-14 IRIAF has unique missiles that put it apart and made it a good event, but bar the one Aussie one the rest of the Maple and Aussie Hornets don’t have anything to put them apart.

So, if devblog period start. when theoretically will be dev stream?

Possibly next Friday, but could be later. All depends on when the teaser drops which could be next Weds/Thurs or the week after (or even later).


Yeah, i’m expexting this too. Typically about a week after first vehicle devblog.

So you are saying next werk could be too?

Aaaaand new update aaaaand new bugs… as always… and while you repair it, my beard will grow long… sooooooo aaa… tanks cant see the fog… but in the heli or jet there is soooo heavy fog you cant see sht… but only few maps…

That i agree. For once it would be justice in that regard

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Not sub trees. We both know u aint getting then

Malaysia is as far as we know not part of the tech tree nations

so what did I miss while I was gone

A lot of F/A-18C discussion.

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ah so nothing new then lol also i did see all the leaks got revealed, sad to see no warspite but we are getting the superhind

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wait wait we’ve got no Warspite coming? what?

yeah apparently we arent getting either Warspite or QE instead its one of these three Barham (04), Malaya (01) or Valiant (02)

Oh? Where did that pop out from?


Yeah nothing new. It’s funny how this update is just destined to cause a shitstorm. Either US mains will complain that they don’t get the 18C, German mains will complain that they don’t get the 18C or some German mains will complain that it’s not a time exclusive for Germany (I assume that bundeswehr guy will be one of them).


yeah sounds like its gonna be a real fun time to watch the chaos unfold, ideally the F18C goes to both sides so it annoys the least amount of people, would also mean possible EFT in December or the first update of 2025

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Ah they changed stuff again, but still no boxer clarification damnit


I will complain when it comes without CAS, everything else i dont realy care about.
Sure nice to have time exclusive wise. But not a must have.

Still would make the most sense, and be a gajin move to force people trough the potential swiss tree to play the F/a 18c. Way less would go for it if thwy cam just straight get it in US or sweden

They really haven’t done this with any of the sub trees besides the KF41 for hungary, and even that is slightly different.

For me it’s simple. If it’s time exclusive it should come without A2G and only P-5 missiles. If all 3 come at the same time I’m fine with the swiss one getting A2G weaponry.