Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

The state of the RN in war thunder is a travesty upon itself, and then we have waited years for another top tier battleship. Something that has a hope, or at least a hope of a hope, to go toe to toe with the Scharnhorst and if it gets locked behind an event AGAIN. It will be infruiating


Honestly I’ve been waiting for a QE since Bayern dropped, In fact I planned to buy a talisman for Hood today in preparation and then I saw the leak list say event and stopped.

I really hoped it would be warspite as I mention in my comment she is very unique and special.

They could make any other QE the event too, at least if its QE herself the others have the same AA refits, but who wants two C&P ships for tech tree.

They were clearly suffering in the AA department

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I do hope you didn’t read all of them

Unless you enjoy watching the world burn that is, in which case it is perfectly justified X)

I found some sekrit dokuments, fully built prototype.
Suitable for USSR 5.0 battlerating, medium tank.

Warspite herself is not currently planned to be an Event vehicle.


An SPAA gap of more than 1.0 BR in the Russian tech tree, oh no! Add another SPAA!

The USA, Great Britain, and Israel meanwhile: dying

Lord and saviour Brit mains rejoice for the gospel leak list has been disproven…


But Britain is due another BB Event vehicle? or that warspite is due at some point soon™ but not as the event?

@Rileyy3437 #entitledbritgetupdatenewsearlybecauseofbegging /j

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what is that? Laus?

Apparantly the ZSU-23-4M2 aka the afghanski is basically a radarless shilka. Considering how bad its radar is, its BR may be anywhere between 7.0 to 7.7 on its own.

Wait till we learn Swiss is not planned xD

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Would be kind of a crazy tank if it were added (pls no) swed tank trials

Now gib norwegian leo skin pls gigoob

can you comment on questions regarding the “allegedly” coming vehicles or do we need to wait until a devblog for them?

Oh goody, more mid tier SPAA (TDs)

If you understood how heavy its been for British naval and how special Warspite is…

Genuinely this is the best news since the UK got Gripen for me.

Better Warspite is not added than added as an event.

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nah you have 45 000+ Tons BB

And bigger clearly is better, isn’t it ? no ? oh ok then

On a more serious note, the state of the RN is indeed quite sad, especially for a tree that was implemented some time ago now

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Falcons still the best i deny any counterarguments

Other than offical announcements, there’s nothing to comment on.