Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

They would be if there turret ring was accurate.

If you are talking about the hstvl you are delusional. Sorry The hstvl is very inaccurate and needs to be corrected or lowered in br.


Wow, gaslighting and hatred against HSTVL.
HSTVL is already corrected and its BR is already lowered from 11.7.

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I wouldn’t even mind so much the fact that even SEPv2 has 10.3-1979 hull armor if at least the fuel tank bulkheads and turret ring were fixed, honestly.

How am I gaslighting?


Are you nuts? Again, and as always- HOW is someone correctly stating that HSTVL is underperforming and that it needs to be fixed “hating HSTVL”?

You know what hating HSTVL is? Pretending that it’s OP when it is not; pretending that it has no issues when it does, and pretending that there’s nothing to correct when there is. That’s wanting to keep it nerfed and THAT’s hating it, not asking to fix it.


Ah I’m sorry… I didn’t see the message you were answering to, pretty much the ZTZ99A has a lot of issues, no armor or missing stuff in certain parts of the tank, a lower LFP and plenty of other stuff. There is a thread on this, I’ll link it here for you:


Thank you.


I mean, a united Korea (about as cursed as the united China) could also work:

or as a subtree form:
These would just be skins in the US tech tree. With only some planes actually deserving a separate addition in the USA TT.

South Korea is just incredibly small historically speaking regarding the armoured vehicle defense industry. It could work as a US sub tree…


I definitely would grind a full Korean TT, would be fun.


That would also be super cool! I just want to see all things represented in game if you know what i mean so i’m excited for anything lol.

HSTVL’s reload is correct, its allegedly misnamed round is correct, its autoloader is correct, its thermals and optics are correct, its speed is mostly correct [all tanks are potentially over-performing and under-performing in speed].

And no one’s claiming it’s OP, and right now HSTVL isn’t nerfed. You’re acting like it’s 12.0 currently when it’s 11.3.
If HSTVL was so bad as haters claim then my KDR in it would be lower than Begleit, 2S38, and so forth.

Oh, and your post contains gaslighting too.
Accusing people of being crazy is the textbook definition of gaslighting; something most War Thunder players seem to not know…


Let’s see how much better your stats are. Can someone look him up on thunderskill?

Their monthlys are both mid af

No he is claiming the HSTVL is soooo good becuase he does soooo good with it. I want to see his HSTVL stats


Thunderskill is incredibly inaccurate if you want to compare stats tbh. Even for a single player.


Eh. The general stats mean enuf to me but sure, I understand where ur coming from



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I’m definitely more in favour of a joint tree but do to it’s nature as a half tree if a very much a later thing for me. I’d rather the some many nations with low tier/start at rank 1/WW2 come first.

But as I said if I had to give the US a sub-tree it would be SK.

“Are you nuts?” is an English colloquial expression, not “accusing you of being crazy”.

“You are delusional and belong in an asylum” IS accusing people of being crazy. See the difference?

Top Ground BR is 11.7.

XM885, also known as Delta-3, is missing the reported penetration and post-penetration effects akin to those of the M774 105mm round.

HSTVL is also missing the HE-VT XM884 round and Air Tracking mechanic.

It should also have a 0.6 second reload. You can read about these issues on these reports:


Begleit’s is being “fixed” since it was my first auto-light I used and didn’t know its playstyle.

Air tracking and HE-VT will not make it better against tanks, thus wouldn’t be used ever by me and other light tank users cause anti-air is the job of anti-air vehicles.