Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

More likely in the next 4-5 weeks. Was one last year end of Jan


Right. that too.

I would love to get British top tier (the Hood is such a beauty), bt after getting Scharnhorst, I dont really want the pain and suffering all over again…

Yeah, I wont be grinding another naval tree, even though I quite enjoy naval and would be fun to have. Also, until they fix some of Britains glaring issues, Stick with the Scharnhorst, its downright OP compared to anything Britain has at the moment

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I’d like a welded hull, (75mm) Sherman, please.

The main thing, is that the reward is currently lower, given Scharnhorst is disgustingly OP, and overall British ships are well balanced.


Hood does call to us all, such a damn fine ship.

I hope the UK never makes another ship with the name Hood.

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I couldn’t agree more

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Maybe one day…

IDK if there are still ships named after people but HMS Ralph Kerr is a very possible candidate. Kind of a hood as well. Similar to the USS Chung Hoon.

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Similar to the USS Chung Hoon? As in the Arleigh Burke class destroyer Chung Hoon?

USS Gerald R Ford? Zumwalt?

Named after a commander in the war, quite a few ships has such namesakes


Oh I get you now.

Does he mean just notable citizens? Like scientists or something?

No he was talking about how ships are named.

You had me confused there for a second lol. I thought you were comparing the HMS hood to an AB destroyer.

I know, but when he said people did he mean anyone in general or except for generals/presidents



Lord help us all when this gets added 0_0 amazing modeling by this guy by the way!