Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

These multi racks arent a thing for F-22. Best u can get is additional 4 missiles on external mounts.


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Hopefully sooner rather than later, truly a beautiful beast.

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Ehh. I doubt it would beat the Rafale and it’s 8 Micas.

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can we get skins for german migs NON pay skins Germany when it comes to skins for vehicles is neglected and usally get rather ugly bare aluminum skin which is faded and not shiny so save effort and just paint the dam planes

Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23ML - Germany - Air Force | Aviation Photo ...

Bundeswehr Luftwaffe Mikojan-Gurewitsch MiG-21 - ...

Aircraft Photo of 391 | Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19PM | East Germany - Air ...
MIG 19


its only got an APG-65 (or APG-73 which would actually be pretty good)

10 amraams would make it even slower too so hes kind of full of it. I do love hornets though, hope they get added ASAP

if we want a serious threat to eurocanards, the upgraded F-15C with new radar and CTF double amraams is the way to go. or an F-15SA that can carry 12 standard.

further down the line, the RMP and EPAWSS F-15E and F-15QA would be equivalents to T3/upgraded T3 typhoons. the F-15EX would go toe to toe with upgraded T3’s and T4’s

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I would like to see complete rework for that newest map Attica right now its almost unplayable. To be honest proper map design would be nice change.


what do you mean by unplayable? i havent played attica once despite playing almost every day since the update so im not sure what youre talking about

F-15E already is superior to the Typhoon in BVR in game it has more missiles a far better Radar.

Attica is ok if you know how to flank. If not…Just try to cover your vehicles in between places with natural protection

dunno about that

even I get a bunch of F-15E kills with the Eurofighter

the majoriry of my deaths in the EFT is to Rafales and Other Typhoons

Typhoons Radar is a real handicap right now, If you put a custom BVR battle of 4 F-15E vs 4 Typhoons the F-15s would likely take it.
Rafales are death within 15km MICAS wipe the floor

As it stands, the F-15E is king of long range, Eurofighter is the king of mid range and the Rafale is the king of short range.

Most engagements are between medium and short range though so the F-15E doesn’t seem as good as the other two when it pretty much is, especially considering its role as a strike fighter compared to the Eurofighter and Rafale being air superiority fighters

Thats the thing through Typhoon should outclass the F-15E in BVR. Somehow in Gaijins eyes the F-15s 80s Radar is superior to the Typhoons Radar.

with adding strela to germany i hope they will add other east germany tanks to germany too, like bmp-2


f-22 is able to carry under wings weapon too but it will reduce stealth feature

i think they did italy a favour by adding leo 2a7 to italy, cuz its still the best german tank yet in the game

guys any news about next update? according to previous year, when will be the first major update of the 2025?

It should but with the Typhoon radar as unfinished as it is that’s the way things are, unless they decide to give the F-15E it’s upgraded radar that it, Typhoon should have the best mechanical radar ever built realistically, the only radars better are AESA

They’re developing stealth pods for the F-22 and F-35 I believe, but currently external weapons don’t just ruin the stealth while attached, because of how the pylon works even after those weapons are used the stealth is significantly diminished

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an stealth box would be a good choice, like stealth cruise missiles

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Israeli MiG-23 obtained from Syrian defectors
