Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)



Badger…Britains first high tier IFV will be SA!
30mm with no missile…its going to be in a rough spot

Would be nice to see the F-14B get its 9Ms here soon. As well as an M829A3 round for the 120mm Abrams.


Honestly I don’t think the F-14B will get it’s 9M’s, I think we will most likely see the F-14D come with them instead.

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Desert Warrior?

ATGMs are on a different turret yes, but Denel did combine the two for a turret on the AV8 turkish chassis for malaysian service

Nice joke, until Gaijin fix Tow 2bs like they have with Spikes it’s 9.0 tops

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Maybe. I see the F-14D coming as a premium. But I do remember seeing that, at least with the US, anything that carried 9Ls could carry 9Ms. Even if the F-14D comes and it gets them, I still think the F-14B should get them considering the BR its at.

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@Smin1080p_WT Are we going to see the UK tree receive more of it’s lend lease tanks this year?
I would love to have the M22 and M24 in my low tier British lineups especially since the UK was the only user of the M22 and the only large scale user of the M24 in ww2 outside of the US.

It would be nice to at least see the suggestions passed:

It would also be nice to see the little john adapter as a modification for the tanks that could fit it.


Just tanks? What about aircraft? or Ships?

I am a tank main, but yes I want them all

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I hope some day gajin could add next USA fighter aircraft premium better F-20A and BR higher 12.7 in rank 8, but might not F-14D with AIM-54C+ & AIM-120C

AIM-9L replace with AIM-9M on F-14B if battle rating 13.0

The F-14D(R) might researchable vehicle after F-14B


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Tow 2A +25mm >30mm

Why not both?

Puma would disagree with you

The ship is one of the Richelieu class

So either Richelieu, Jean Bart or Clemenceau.

When next Br changes?

Usually around April, after next major update.

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A true brit, is a naval main
