Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Sorry Smin, time to talk about rumors again

So what do we think britain is getting this upda-

DAMMIT i done it again


Considering US has gotten a new and exciting addition literally every single update in the past 12 months, and Britain has scraped by with almost nothing, literally 1 aircraft this entire year so far of note. Its not too much to ask for something, literally anything.


best guess yeah

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No I mean FRS1 (SQV) came in Dec with the Gr1

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well, time will tell
i can’t manage to make an opinion on it yet

3/4 blogs so far have had British content.

Understandably many are waiting for a new top tier jet for the British tree and as we have already said, one is coming this year.

So we don’t need to continue spamming the topic about things discussed to death at this stage and have no relevance to this major update. There are plenty of topics of relevance for that on the forum.


nope. It’s not I chased down the rabbit hole well I looking for things for the Canadian air tree I’m helping with. the only Mig’s Canada had were the ones Germany gave and they went straight to the museums.

However, the page for historical RCAF aircraft on the Government of Canada website has both a
Focke Wulf Fw-190F-8

Both were most likely captured. If not things that were gotten after the war.

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Could be a model updated of the existing HAD with new ordinance, like they did with the Z-9WA (AKD-9).

Bf109 for uk then anyone?

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Confirmed the EC665 right? I doubt someone generated that list and knew exactly which block of EC it was that quickly.

So the leak list is probably reasonably accurate.

High doubts for the A4M and SWIP though. Those have been leaking for so many updates that Gaijin’s plumber should be fired.

The Battle pass boat which is incorrectly modelled
2 boats you have to pay with, using your kidneys
1 Rooikat but different™

Not exactly christmas or game changing for the most neglected tree in the game.

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The US has a multitude of jets to add in the same timespan where Britain has very few. Unfortunately not every nation is equal in that department. They simply didn’t make or have them in the same way others did. Other nations have had similar gaps.

Once again, something is on the way for the British tree. But its not in this update. So there is no need to keep going round and round here.


This list seems fake because it says Vickers MBT mk2. the Mk2 didnt happen IIRC, its concept designs were rolled into the mk3 (apart from the mk1 with swingfires strapped to it, still a mk1 though).

Mk2 was just paper idea spitballing AFAIK.

Maybe they mean the Mk1(i) but thats not the mk2.

Can you give us any sort of hint?

no we already went trough it, the block2 literaly brings nothing to the game it has 0 useable things only a slightly better engine, the 16km spike f&f missles i highly doubt will be released into the game

Besides that is no eurocopter

I think that is not possible due to the MK I and II not having the same engine.
Then again all that might be fake, so maybe no MK II at all

“i highly doubt the game is ready for 16km f&f missles.”


“the game can’t get a massive new meta/interesting tech if it’s not coming first for US/RU”

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I’m not here to spam but to give ideas

Mig -29K

And other Commonwealth goodies

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@Smin1080p I’m not here to complain, it’s reasonable that nations with more applicable options receive them.

But are you ruling out all air British tree additions this update or just those at top tier?

It strikes again!