Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

This list seems fake because it says Vickers MBT mk2. the Mk2 didnt happen IIRC, its concept designs were rolled into the mk3 (apart from the mk1 with swingfires strapped to it, still a mk1 though).

Mk2 was just paper idea spitballing AFAIK.

Maybe they mean the Mk1(i) but thats not the mk2.

Can you give us any sort of hint?

no we already went trough it, the block2 literaly brings nothing to the game it has 0 useable things only a slightly better engine, the 16km spike f&f missles i highly doubt will be released into the game

Besides that is no eurocopter

I think that is not possible due to the MK I and II not having the same engine.
Then again all that might be fake, so maybe no MK II at all

“i highly doubt the game is ready for 16km f&f missles.”


“the game can’t get a massive new meta/interesting tech if it’s not coming first for US/RU”

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I’m not here to spam but to give ideas

Mig -29K

And other Commonwealth goodies

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@Smin1080p I’m not here to complain, it’s reasonable that nations with more applicable options receive them.

But are you ruling out all air British tree additions this update or just those at top tier?

It strikes again!


more a case of name the nations whose spaa can reach 16km

XD why they should get mig-29k?

British light tanks was probably the most requested thing to be introduced by ground players. As we have already said, we are working on many more, but they don’t happen overnight. The Vickers Mk 11 is a solid vehicle to come.


There are plenty of marginal upgrades for vehicles in game to flesh out trees. Adding another one as filler is completely likely for Gaijin

except there are dozens of lower tier aircraft that have yet to be added. A late Jag model? Another buc? Vulcan? So many great aircraft, never added. and the ones we do have could at least be finished.

Any chance of the Gr1 gettings its misisng loadout opitons, its radar, its 1200 chaff, ecm? Anything?


Britain got the T-90S so why not at this point lol

And the Mig 27K too lmao

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like i said that in the video is no eurocopter, and that is to small for even gajin

Ok, so France should get MiG-29SMT, right?

Spike ER is 8 km I think ? not 16
Not sure though, correct me if i’m wrong

I would also add we already mentioned that the South African vehicles already covered many of the capabilities British light tanks would offer. Many players however stated a general desire to see more domestic British light tanks regardless.

As mentioned above, the Vickers Mk 11 is simply the first new one to come. More are planned.


Ok guys. Unfortunately the same candidates chose to ignore the previous warnings and carry on.

Topic will be closed for a short cool off.

Once again, there are plenty of places to discuss vehicles of all kinds and types as well as Wishlist’s.

This topic is specifically for the next major update. There is a limit to how much off topic is reasonable to the point where its intrusive for others trying to use the topic. Please respect that.