Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

well no we arent sure, those could be the ones in the very start of the trailer

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I stopped doing that after my whole BAE EAP deep-dive scenario thing.

Still I’m glad to see the F-111 its a much requested swing-wing jet.

Clearly not.

Vickers Mk11 basically worse version of Rooikat 105, basically going to be pointless

Iron Duke, Marlborough C&P and the most obvious addition in the history of WT

The PT boat thingy, is so badly modeled that that they;ll need to delete it and start again to get it even close.

So basically another update, with nothing for Britian. Just like last update where we just got a C&P of a SQV we got a year before.

Edit: these are all vehicles coming in next major and therefore are on topic…

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well tell me what difference would there be to the ones in the game already? because armament is a balancing thing and agm 114K is the only ones in game currently, and i doubt they gonna add some of the others


is there actually anything we can get?

Hmmm true. Do we have any info on what they are? I’m on my phone so I couldn’t soom in or anything.

Are we getting new top tier ships? You cant just add rank V premium battleships and get away with it by moving some BBs to rank VI.

yeah super 530F/D are causing me headache

wayyy to blurry sadly, same with the heli that flew together with those tanks and normaly would mean we would get as well

Jaguar Gr3A, Harrier Gr9A, Vulcan, Buc S2B.

Heck I’d even settle for them actually finishing the Tornado F3 and Tornado Gr1, both have mutliple misisng features. Gr1 is barely 1/3 finished.

Edit. Totally valid topics

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Probably why so many mistake from Gaijin when they give us stuff.

Interesting fact, French military doc use sometimes a “strange French”, hard to explain, but even for French people it’s strange/funny to read them. It’s made for in case other country that France found these docs, and make the reading/translation harder :D

u forgot a fact lol, the gay archer is a battle pass vehicle, it isnt even part of the update


At this point, dare i say, even world of warplanes looks appealing

Yeah, still close enough though to be counted as a “new addition for Britain at the moment”

Probably. I played a few games and just steam rolled in a spitfire.

wait , that thing still exists?

Unfortunately yes

It has a smaller playerbase than all 5 britain mains here tho

I firmly prefer war thunder, it’s just unfortunate Britain’s doctrine and build habits do not favour war thunder.

Its unfortunate, but it is what it is.

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A bit more engine power and laser guided rockets.

Now I agree that difference is very small, and I can’t myself explain why they would add it.

One reason could be that it’s a somewhat easy copy paste. The other is that it may be introduced with spike to help the french helis.

Not going to say the list is real or fake, truth be told I don’t know. But its composition suggest that its at least high quality bait, if not true.

Apex Predators - Britain gets Tornado GR.1 while everyone gets F-16s and MiG-29s. It is so badly modelled, a 104 can dogfight and win
Sky Guardians - Britain gets the F.3, which is so broken it has to be buffed and lowered from its planned place as the top tier british jet. It sits at 11.3 being clowned on.
La Royale - Britian gets Sea Harrier. Everyone is appauled that it’s a squadron vehicle.
Sons of Attila - Britain gets Sea Harrier. Everyone is appauled that it’s the same model, just with 2 less AIM-9Ls. We also get a tank noone asked for or wanted. Indian playerbase is insulted at being looked at as a colony of Britian and not their own identity
Kings of Battle - Britain gets no top tier jet, despite the last fighter being added in 2019. Hope beings to completely fade as it becomes obvious the developers just have it out for Britain