New BR changes are super dumb

Theses changes are absolutely hysterical, they make no sense whatsoever.

Why decompress BRs just to compress them again? We’re back to the same situation where WW2 faces post war tanks negating any armor! Specially Germany, Tiger 1 at 5.7 and E at 6.0 going against 6.7 and 7.0 tanks. Are they out of their mind?

People should stop whining about Germany being overpowering and learn shot placement.


Then say that and end your opinion with that as well, no need to emphasize a couple of vehicles when all you want is total decompression.

As I said, had no issues using 76mm HEATFS on my T92. It surely is quite worse than APHE, but it’s more than workable in my opinion.
Learn where their gunner and/or commander is and you shouldn’t have problems dealing with enemies that way.

Not quite sure what the main point being discussed is…
The BR updates are explained somewhere as being the consequence of game results…vehicles with above average results climb in BR…and the reverse also happens.
Funny thing…some vehicles, like Tiger…sometimes drop in BR, start getting too good results…and then go back up…where results are worse.
Not perfect system…but pretty simple to understand…of course players can affect the system…using the Tiger example, players that play the Tiger wrong due to misconception of its usage or game performance will make its results worse on average than vehicles where no such “skewing” exists…
Tiger was perceived as having a TOO LOW BR due to players that used it as the invulnerable machine you see in movies, which would make its average effectiveness lower…BUT making it too effective in the hands of a good player…

The consequences of game results is what makes this game stupid,…

They’re not taking ODL issue in account,…
They’re not taking many other issues in gameplay,…

I want to point out that I’m not against the changes. They only bring other problems and it seems that there are tanks that got problems with their BR staying untouched. It feels like it is some random kind of decision.
Complete lineups getting ripped apart and I can’t figure out why.
And I think we can not deny that there are some BR issues that aren’t solved.

I recall an answer by a dev on the old forum that it was no longer “feasible” to take all issues into account using a “manual” method, and that also it caused a subjectivity problem.
So i guess they have some tool that takes vehicles results and suggests BR changes…or so i believe. Then they run those by forums…and make some adjustments based on feedback…sometimes.
The number of vehicles, the many issues and iterations and the subjectivity seem to indicate that a “cold blooded” algorithm is a better solution…

There are several vehicles that i see players complain that they are too high BR and too low BR at the same time…so no way to please all. More frequent…vehicles that are too strong at one BR and too weak at the BR immediately above.

Personally…the BR change in Tiger i can understand…but not so much the M18 climbing two ratings in Arcade out of the blue…i guess something changed in ammo effectiveness or more probably the reduced effect of aircraft…suddenly making M18s much more survivable (and deadly) perhaps…

I also get my lineups ruined by BR changes…sometimes i choose the crews carefully so i have a very stable lineup…and have it ruined on next update :) BUT in general the BR updates make sense ON AVERAGE.
There are always GOOD PLAYERS that can take advantage of some vehicle feature…or players that will play so badly that will make some vehicle appear worse than it is…

Meanwhile the most broken 5.7 vehicle gets to stay at its BR. KV-220 i am looking at you.


I understand the mechanism but, apart from what you said with stats being unreliable because of player skill, isn’t there someone applying some sort of common sense after those changes are imagined ?

Tiger vs IS-3 is something that will happen very often now and it is incredibly weird that someone with a minimum of common sense thought that this could be a good idea …

Some tanks like the KV 220 aren’t being touched while being obviously too strong for the ennemy they’re facing and I don’t believe that i’m being subjective here.

Also what’s the point of putting obvioulsy worse vehicles at the same BR ? Tiger II P and H or the Pershing and the Super Pershing ? (This one’s relatively obvious).

Once again I understand that stats affect the BR, but common sense should also be applied. Because right now, these changes seem more like a buff to soviet cold war heavies than a stat related change.


If this is actually the case then Gaijin has failed their playerbase. This game is not an FPS where random tweaking of stats week to week is something that should be occuring. Battle rating should be manually curated to offer historical combat alongside relatively functional balance and keeping vehicles in lineups to offer and encourage more dynamic play during a battle.

If Gaijin has abandoned their players to run the game on auto pilot then they shouldn’t be charging a monthly subscription for premium.

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Just to get rid of my feelings about this …
I think changes should be done a bit more cautious. This one seems to be a little bit too much troublemaking.
I will get used to it and I’m willing to adapt. But it is again a hard way. And oh boy wait for those guys who do not read and wake up on patch day to see their tanks changed in BR …

Great, can we also get pre-2016 enemies then? They decreased in BR for a reason.

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We had a large event, then a major update with new vehicles, followed by another large event and now we get BR changes based on that shortly after, it’s completely non-sensical, there is no representative information to be found at all.

Just as non-sensical as thinking a Tiger should be a 6.0 facing an IS-3 or how that is an improvement somehow.

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Players suggestions are even worse.

Su-122 is russian, all the IS-2’s are Russian, what are you talking about

The spam of player suggestion threads is immense on here currently, it’s no wonder the forum mods are having trouble with the workload lol. Who’d think that everyone would want to be putting forth anything in a panic to fix thier problems.

Their and theirs only, people dont put other shoes on.


RCV is at least quite decent, but i cant understand why it has 8.7 (and in future will have 9.0). Same BR as Italian VBC, but without stab, thermals, LWS and armor that protects from simple MGs


9.0 is insane for what it is though, getting 90mm of pen with nothing else going on except decent mobility.
An R3 is a superior vehicle aside from having 60mm of pen.

There needs to be a 13.0 BR already ffs

Good changes… Everything viable moved up, but russia. Bias is a lie.